What’s Crossing Your Mind II

I'm ready to join my ancestors and bestie/bro in a peaceful and safe way.🕯
I have failed, yet again, to go to bed early enough and it is becoming a serious problem.
Fuck these stupid foreign language lessons.
Just making me frustrated to learn a language I have no use for and most likely never will.
So very annoying to think I finally am starting to understand bits only to completely fail a lesson in ways that makes me feel like they changed the language on me.
That was the correct way to do things yesterday? Too bad, now it works different again and everything you thought you knew is wrong!
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Her last word, was deeper.

Her breathing, was highly elevated.

Her facial expression, was the one she hates me to see. But is also the one she wears when feeling the most bliss.

What are we doing?

We are fucking. To the extent that these bodies can give.

And take. 🌹