What are you craving at this moment?

not a baiting reply honestly but I'm really craving it hard and fast, him pounding into me so strongly that each thrust is moving me up the bed, him losing control so he's almost animalistic, holding my hands down and feeling him fill me up as he rams into me. The kicker though? the kicker is right now I can't get that but yes that's what I crave right now.
A proper high. One that opens up the mind in such profound ways that my utter conscience is shook.
A real conversation

A real conversation.

I don't want to talk about work. I don't want to discuss how to find a plumber or getting the house ready for winter.

I sure as hell don't want to discuss #45, the surpreme court hearings nor the mid-term elections.

Other than the above, I'm open to nearly anything the requires some thought and articulate conversation that requires more that a few sentences.