"What Comes After" (closed)

Lily got out of the truck. She nodded to Becky and started to follow but found herself grabbed and kissed. Her face warmed and she smiled shyly.

She raised the rifle and began moving into the building. The basics were gone...the things that most figured they had needed to survive but there was lots of other things still. She eyed the cleaners. It wouldn't be a terrible idea to have some on hand for the truck or the cabin they were going to. Broom and mops too. She chuckled, she really was buying into the idea of going there with Becky.

The sound of Becky shooting drew Lily's full attention. She ran down the aisle she had wandered to and to Becky's side. She lowered the rifle and crouched down. She knew nothing about animals. "Becky, it's okay-"

It didn't matter. Gone. Lily followed her. Becky was saying something about nursing and then showed her the puppies.

"Oh, look a them!" Lily crouched down and tried to call the puppies to her. "We have to take them. We can't leave them here."

She looked up. "How did you know she had puppies?" Lily went back to trying to call the puppies to her.
"Oh, look a them!" Lily said about the puppies, sounding more like a little girl that a woman with whom Becky was wanting to do very adult things. "We have to take them. We can't leave them here."

"Oh, no ... no, no, no" Becky said, standing and backing away. It wasn't that she didn't like dogs; actually, she'd helped train the dogs at the Idaho compound, for hunting, guard duty, and more. It was more a question of logistics as she asked, "What're we gonna do with four puppies? They'll piss and shit all over everything in the truck for days before we ever get to Horsfall."

But she could see by Lily's reaction to the pups that the pair of them had just adopted the now-orphaned mutts. Lily asked, "How did you know she had puppies?"

Despite essentially being feral animals, the four puppies one by one began moving closer to Lily. Becky answered, "The mother, she was swollen with milk … her teats … aka titties."

She giggled, and when Lily looked up at her, Becky playfully reached up to cup her own breasts, saying, "Teats get big when you've got hungry little ones. We're gonna need a pet carrier."

They each grabbed up a puppy in each arm and went on a search for the pet section of the store. Not surprising to Becky, this section had been pillaged by locals who -- scattering into the winds from Morris -- had needed carriers for their own animals. They found one clear up on top of the 20 foot tall shelves and used a rope to lower it down.

While Becky was up high, she caught sight of a reflection beyond the nearest window of the home improvement store. She pulled out the little monoscope she carried in a holder on her belt and sighted it … finding someone opening and closing doors of a car in front of a house on the far side of the parking lot.

"We've got company!" she called down to Lily, telling her to get the puppies into the cage and lock it. She hurried down the shelves to the pavement, and between them they hauled ass back to the Ford out front. Becky found the person out yonder again and with a concerned voice said, "Coming this way. Fuck."
"What do you mean no?" She was cooing at the puppies as they came towards her. "We just have to stop more, let them out to go to the bathroom..."

Lily scooped up two, Becky did the same. She smiled knowing they were in fact, taking the puppies.

The carrier was located and then all things changed when Becky said they had company. Lily groaned as she ran with Becky to the truck. She put the carrier in the back, the puppies whining softly. She drew her rifle and use the back of the truck to stablize it. Her eyes tracked the movement.

"Getting closer."

Movement to the left of the truck drew her attention. "Two more. Three total. Two men, correction one man and two women."

Lily glanced quickly at Becky. "Call out to them to stop where they are. Don't let them know there are two of us. If they keep coming then they think they can overtake you and they sure as hell ain't friendly."
(OOC: For anyone following our story, my previous post was deleted and this one was put in its place as we decided on a different direction.)

"Two more," Lily reported, causing Becky to begin panicking. "Three total. Two men, correction one man and two women."

Becky searched the massive parking lot, eventually seeing the other two as they neared, using the two cars in the lot as well as an abandoned cargo trailer as cover. The way they were approaching, Becky had no doubt whatsoever that the trio had seen them arrive; this was no coincidence.

"Call out to them to stop where they are," Lily suggested. "Don't let them know there are two of us. If they keep coming then they think they can overtake you and they sure as hell ain't friendly."

"Stop where you are!" Becky called out, taking her traveling mate's suggestion without hesitation. "Don't come any closer! I have a big fuckin' automatic rifle with lots of rounds."

Peeking out around the front end of the Ford, Becky saw -- one after another -- all three of the intruders run for cover. They didn't show any signs of violence; they just hunkered down and began calling back and forth between one another.

Becky looked to Lily, who looked back; they shared an expression of uncertainty as the trio wasn't showing any interest in coming closer. Becky said, "Guess they don't want to get shot. Or … their buddies are surrounding us from--"

"We don't want any trouble!" one of the woman called out, interrupting Becky's thoughts of how badly this could get in short order. "We just came to see if you had trade!"

Again, Becky looked to Lily. She shrugged her shoulders. Looking to the rifle, Becky asked, "If I went out there to talk to them … and one of them got stupid … do you think you could … you know..."

She looked to the gun again. She was putting her life on the line doing this. She didn't want to risk Lily's life either, which was why she didn't suggest that Lily be the one to go out there. But just in case Lily didn't have it in her to kill another human being, she told her firmly, "I would have no problem putting one or all of them down … if you want to go out there instead."
Lily watched them. She saw them hunker down when Becky had called out.

She turned her attention to Becky. She knew what the woman was implying. "Yes, if they do something stupid I have your back. I am a good shot. If you don't want to talk to them, I will. I think though, you called out to them you should go. If they try something because they think you are alone then we have the jump on them."

"What do you say?" The woman's voice called out to Becky.

Lily looked at her. She nodded. "Go. I got you." Lily aimed the rifle and readied herself.
"You're sure?" Becky asked, regarding whether or not Lily could pull the trigger. The confident nod she received steeled her, and -- after looking out at the three again -- Becky stood slowly and called, "I'm coming out! It would be nice to see you with those big guns pointed at me!"

Becky was quite surprised when, one after another, the other three rose from their positions and lowered their weapons, too. She stepped out from behind the pickup truck, mirrored by the woman she believed had called out earlier. Without turning her head to Lily, Becky said playfully, "If they kill me … bury me in those hot ass pants you liked so much."

She headed out slowly away from the pick up, and the three people out before her did the same. The older woman dangled a pistol at her side, as did Becky, but the other two -- directed by their leader -- slung their rifles over their shoulders. Soon enough, the four were standing just twenty feet apart just where the sidewalk became the driveway passing in front of the building.

"I'm Becky," the brunette from Idaho said, breaking the moment of silence that followed them coming together. Then, remembering that a weapon of deterrence only worked if your potential adversary knew it existed, she said, "I don't want to alarm you or anything … this isn't a threat … but I'm not alone."

Becky slowly turned to look back to Lily, unsure of whether or not the trio had noticed her, then looked back to the elder of the two women, saying with a bit of a smirk, "She's shy … but she knows how to use a rifle, so..."
Lily smirked. "I would rather just see you in them. I don't plan to bury you anytime soon." She levelled the rifle and aimed.

Jenna stepped out, holding her gun down. "Jenna. Pleasure to meet you and your friend." She nodded towards the truck. The woman was in her mid thirties but a hard life had aged her and she looked closer to fifty. Dirty blonde hair was pulled back into a severe ponytail. She wore jeans and a t-shirt. "We are just on the look out for supplies. Came in and saw you. Thought maybe you had stuff to trade. I have a farm.." She pointed to her right. "About fifteen kilometres that way. Barn, managed to keep a cow alive. Some food. Warmth too. We have been fixing it up." Jenna pointed to the other two.

"Anna and Bryan. You two are welcome and if you have stuff to trade, well even more welcome."

Jenna had a hard but motherly way about her. She was like that mom who had hard but fair rules and expected you to do your share of the work.
"Jenna," the woman said. "Pleasure to meet you and your friend."

Becky looked back to the Ford as well, and after a moment called, "You can show yourself, Lily!"

After her traveling partner's head poked up, Anna looked back to the newcomers. Jenna talked about looking for supplies and having a farm, then suggested trade.

Becky wanted to trust this woman and her traveling partners; just look at how well things had gone with Lily. But that presented a problem in and of itself: how did she trust these people so easily without possibly endangering her new traveling partner ... the young woman with whom Becky was now feeling so much lust?

"I could show you what we have in the pickup," Becky said. She looked to Anna and Bryan -- or more specifically to the rifles they were carrying -- and suggested, "Maybe you could come take a look … alone?"

Jenna obviously understood the younger brunette's thinking as she almost immediately said, "You two wait here."

She carefully started toward the pickup, waiting for Becky to join the walk, and a moment later they were coming around the back side of the Ford. Becky gestured toward her friend, "This is Lily. Lily, Jenna."
Jenna nodded again to where Lily lifted her head. She chuckled a little and looked Becky over. "Let's see what you have and see what we can do?"

They approached the pick up. Bryan looked at Anna. "They are cute." He chuckled. "Think Jenna will let them come to the farm?"

Lily came out from the side of the truck, lowering the rifle. "Nice to meet you."

Jenna eyed her for a moment. "You are most certainly not from this area. Never knew a red head in our little town or the next one over. You sound Canadian."


Jenna smiled. "You survived that long to get here? I am impressed with you two. Though.." She looked at Becky. "You don't sound Canadian."

Lily pulled the carrier out of the truck and Jenna was distracted. "Where'd you find these? Oh...young ones...they aren't quite weaned yet.." She looked up at the women. "You been feeding them?"

Lily grimaced. "We just found them. In there."

Jenna nodded. "I can take them to the farm if you want." She eyed the back of the truck. "Tell you what. You let me load you up with as much as I can from this place and I can feed you a real meal."

She looked at Becky. "What do you say?"
Bryan, who'd turned 27 just days ago, was overly joyed by the two new women in his life. Okay, he hadn't spoken to either of them yet and had only known one for a minute and the other for seconds ... but still, wow!

He'd been with Jenna and Anna now for about three months after literally stumbling across them; he had been running through the forest, pursued by a pack of feral dogs, when he tripped over the hiding Anna, rolled, and ended up in Jenna's arms and lap. And his response, once the dogs realized they were no longer dealing with one prey and left -- was a simple but joyous, "Hi!"

They'd taken him in and fattened him up, which had been a surprise after how his life had been going up to that point. He'd been with four different groups of people over the past several years, each one of which had proved to be disastrous for him, leading to him slipping away in the night with whatever supplies how could gather and carry.

As with just about any man who suddenly found himself living alone with two good looking farm girls who were not his relatives, Bryan had assumed that he'd soon be finding some sexual delight out in the hay loft or down by yonder creek. And yet, the only fun his cock had had in those three months had come from his old friend Rosy Palm.

Now, maybe … just maybe … one of these two young beauties might be in need for some alone time with a big cock. After all, c'm'on … he was one man amongst a quartet of single women!


"You don't sound Canadian," Jenna said to Becky."

"Idaho," the brunette responded, adding with a questioning tone, "Idahoan? My folks came from Oregon, but I was raised in the Rockies, east of Coeur d'Alene."

They talked about the puppies, the farm, and the possibility of heading there together. Lily asked Becky, "What do you say?"

Becky was still a bit cautious, but Jenna hadn't shown any signs of being duplicitous and the other pair were still standing out in the parking lot exactly where they'd been left by the farm owner. Becky shrugged, saying only, "Sure."

The five of them went into the home supply building again and spent almost an hour walking around shopping. Becky kept a close eye on the others -- one at a time, sometimes two or all three when they were again together -- but after a while she began to truly believe there was no harm here.

"Let's load up," she told the four after they'd filled four large rolling carts with goods. Bryan had already run across the drive, lot, and highway to retrieve the truck the trio had arrived in, and together they all loaded up their treasure. Becky looked to Jenna and said with a smile, "Lead the way."

Once they were again on their way, Becky asked Lily, "Trust them?"
Anna rolled her eyes at Bryan. "You assume because they are women they want to sleep with you? Has that worked out for you so far?" She smirked. She didn't lean towards men and if she did, Bryan wasn't her type.

Her eyes fell on Lily and Becky. They lingered on Becky. "Yeah, I think she will let them come to the farm."

When they started to load things up Anna made sure to work with Becky as much as she could. The young woman was beautiful. They didn't talk much there was work to do but once they got to the farm Anna was going to try and get to know her. Sure, Lily was cute but Anna was drawn to the darker of the two. Something about her just screamed sensual.

The trucks were loaded down with every piece of useful material, item, etc they could think of. Lily made sure to grab cleaning supplies and buckets for them to take on to Becky's cabin.

Jenna nodded and called for Anna and Bryan to get in the truck. She turned it on and drove off.

Lily shrugged. "Yeah, I guess. Let's see once we get to this place. They made have just wanted the extra hands."

The farm was surprisingly well cared for. Big, classic farm house, lots of land and a big barn. Big farming equipment was visible on the grounds. Some looked like it hadn't been used in years. This was due to no horse and not a ton of fuel.

A decent sized garden was visible to the right and rear of the house. Jenna pulled her truck up near the barn and got out. "We can unload into here. It will keep things dry until we need them. After that is done, let's wash up and I will get dinner going. I got vegetables and a chicken. Hope that works." Jenna had made the far self sufficient way back when her and her husband had first bought it. She was a farm girl growing up and knew how to live off the farm and land.

They began unloading and soon both trucks were emptied. The pups were put in a stall that seemed to have once been used for a horse. "I will take care of them in a bit. They are fine for the moment and the hay will keep them warm."

Anna stepped up to the pair.

"Anna, nice to meet you both." She smiled at Becky. She had brown hair, brown eyes and an easy smile. She stood shorter than Becky and a bit rounder in the hip and breasts. "Come on, I can show you the pump and tub. You can wash up there. Got soap and stuff there too. Takes two to bathe so if you aren't shy I can pump for your bath Becky, then you will know how to do it for Lily."

She didn't mention it would give them time alone and well, with Becky undressed.
Bryan had no idea of Anna's preferences and had simply assumed she just wasn't into him, which seemed like such a poor decision to him as he was literally the last man on Earth ... or, at least, in Morris. If he had known Anna preferred other girls, he would have been both relieved and disappointed. It would have sounded like some bad joke from a post-apocalypse movie: two people left on the planet, one man and one woman, and she only puts her mouth on pussy, not cock. And the human race ends … roll credits.

Becky got what Pop Pop would have called a vibe off the younger of the two women almost from the start. She didn't recognize it immediately, but by the time she was talking about bathing and being helped in doing so, she recognized it for what it was: attraction … sexual attraction, like that which Becky felt for Lily.

"Come with us," Becky said to Lily, a bit of desperation in her tone as she snatched her traveling partner's arm. "You can watch and see how the pump works."

If Lyla agreed -- and Anna didn't stop it -- Becky would try to bring her kissing friend with her. Becky didn't know how to feel about this. Everyone she'd ever known while growing up had had one and only one lover ever! Pop Pop didn't believe in divorce or playing the field or any of that switching lovers stuff, so if had never occurred to Becky that someone -- male or female -- might have a romantic interest in more than one person.

What was she to do if this new girl did to Becky what she'd done to Lily … kiss her … then touch her in an erotic manner? Was she supposed to stop it? Or … was it allowed? Becky didn't know. All she really knew was that after having met and gotten intimate with Lily, Becky had come to realize that she liked being touched. Was it okay to be touched in that manner by someone other than Lily?
Anna saw the fear and heard it in Becky's voice. "Yeah, come along if you want but well, then it is just watching isn't it?"

The twenty five year old woman didn't want the red head to come along. She wouldn't say no to her or kick her out of bed but she really wanted to get to know Becky more.

"Up to you." She shrugged.

Lily frowned. "You afraid of her?" She whispered to Becky. "I can come and see the pump and make sure you are okay if you want."

To Anna's disappointment she heard the red head agree. "This way." She gestured for them to follow. "Hey Bryan, just let me or Lily know if you need help eh? The eggs need collecting before you bathe."

She hoped he would call the woman away, leaving her alone with Becky.

She led them out to a small shed where inside a pump and a big metal tub sat. "There is another pump way out back with the well for water to cook with. There is an outhouse too. If you need to relieve yourselves."

Anna began to pump the pump. "Just up and down, big, even strokes and soon..."

Water began to flow into the tub. "I will keep pumping, you undress Becky. Lily, it is that easy. You gotta keep going though. Stop a bit before you want to because the force pulls the water up for a time after you stop."

She pumped the water up and watched, waiting for Becky to undress.
"You afraid of her?" Lily whispered to Becky.

"No...!" Becky growled back in a soft voice, "Don't be stupid."

"I can come and see the pump and make sure you are okay if you want."

Becky chuckled nervously, unsure of whether her traveling partner was teasing or serious. Anna lead them away toward the bathhouse, calling to Bryan to ask for help if he needed it, an invitation that Becky noted hadn't been for both of them but had only been for Lily.

No sooner did Anna show the pump's operation then Bryan called, "Lily! Wanna help?"

Becky glanced to her friend instinctively, wondering whether or not she was going to stay ... but Lily had already turned and headed out of the shed, obviously not sending the same as she was about Anna's eagerness to see her in a state of undress.

"It's actually warmer than you would think," Anna said.

Becky smiled politely, nervous. She reached into the tub and waved her fingers through the inch or so of water; windows all along the south side of the shed allowed sunlight to fall upon the malden tub, and the heat of the metal surface warmed the water instantly.

"It's nice, I guess," Becky agreed. She contemplated the situation a moment, smiling nervously to the older woman. Playfully, she lifted an arm and sniffed at her pits. "I could clean up, I guess."

Casually turning her back to Anna, Becky unbuttoned and shed her top, seeing out over the back of an old, folding metal chair. She contemplated stopping her undressing there ... feared she would look childish before the older female, screwed up her courage, and unbuckled, unbuttoned, and unzipped her pants. Pushing them off her hips to her knees, Becky sat on the chair.

"Jesus, that's cold!" she said about the cold surface.

She took a moment to reconsider what she was doing ... and yet continued, kicking off her shoes and shedding the pants. She stood again and looked to the tub; Becky could stop stripping here and just wash her pits with a wet rag. But again dipping her hand in the water -- which despite being three inches now was still routinely warm -- Becky thought What the fuck, why not?

She popped her bra loose, pushed her panties off, and stepped into the tub.
Bryan was excited to see Lily emerging from the bathhouse shed … alone. He smiled, then waved her over to toward the chicken coop. It wasn't much, since they only had one chicken and -- since it had stopped laying recently -- was slated to be their dinner for tonight.

"You ever slaughtered a chicken before?" he asked when the newcomer got near. He picked up the old hen, turned his back to Lily so she couldn't see, gave the bird's neck a jerk -- which caused a sharp cracking sound -- and then turned back, holding the chicken inverted by its feet; it was still twitching, the nervous after effect despite it being very dead. "C'mon, I'll show you this contraction the previous farmer had. You drop a chicken into it, turn on the water, sit on the bicycle attached to the drum, and pedal your little heart out. When you're done, the bird's feathers are gone! One plucked chicken, comin' up."
"Pump, up and down. Got it."

Lily! Want to come help?

Bless Bryan's horny little heart. Anna was overjoyed when he called for the red head to come and help and even happier as Lily headed out of the shed.

She subtly watched Beck undress, her back turned to Anna. Her hand kept pumping and the tub filled. She stopped as it got close to the top and let the water finish by itself. She wiped her palms on her thighs. Anna realized she was quite nervous. What if Becky wasn't into women? Worst case Anna would get to see her naked and it would give her some nice images to have in her memory while she got herself off at night.

Becky's pants came off and Anna took in the sight of her ass under her underwear. She wanted to nibble those cheeks.

The cold chair had caused Becky's nipples to hardened which Anna got a full look at as Anna removed her bra and then, once nude got into the tub.

"Here." Anna picked up the soap and came to the tub. She held it out to Becky, making a point of touching her hand and fingers as she passed the bar to her. Anna moved behind Becky and ran her fingers over the braid. "Can I take it out?"

Anna leaned down and whispered the question into Becky's ear. She desperately wanted to kiss her neck, her ear. Her eyes glanced over Becky's shoulder to the wonderful pair of breasts that sat in the water.

Slow...slow down...don't freak her out...
Lily made her way to where Bryan was waving.

"I thought Anna said egg collecting?" She frowned and looked around. "I haven't, not a chicken. Other game fowl yeah..."

The sound of the snapping neck made her wince a little.

"A strange way to clean a bird but beats the hell out of plucking feathers. I have done that a lot. It takes forever and they are surprisingly tough to pull." She followed him once more, removing her denim jacket and draping it over her arm. The thin straps of the sundress showed off her pale shoulders. It was surprisingly nice day.

"So is Jenna related to you two? Are you and Anna a couple? What's everyone's deal here?" Lily looked around the farm. "It's a nice set up."
A chill ran up Becky's spine as she lowered herself down into the water ... but she honestly didn't think it was because of the cool water; she'd bathed in colder water than this, in ponds and rivers and streams after leaving the Idaho compound and even before leaving, whey they'd run out of fuel for the boiler and the solar and wind wasn't powering the battery pack enough for something as unimportant as cleaning one's pits.

No, it was because of Anna, Becky knew; she was suffering the same sexual anxiety she'd experienced when seeing Lily undress that first time, only, Becky herself was undressing and this new sexy girl was watching her with hungry eyes.

Becky felt Ann'a fingers on the braid as the older woman asked, "Can I take it out?"

"Sure," Becky responded tentatively, "I guess."

She felt the tight braid slowly coming apart … and Anna's fingers gently caressing against her skull and neck. It felt great … which was causing Becky all sorts of mixed feelings. I'm with Lily … aren't I? Lily's my girlfriend … I shouldn't be enjoying this … but … is she? My girlfriend? We kissed, yeah … but … when I tried to touch her, she pulled away, so … maybe she doesn't want to be my girlfriend, too?

Becky leaned her head forward, trying to casually see just how much of her was hidden by the water. Not enough, she thought to herself, imagining Lily walking in and finding her like this. I was just supposed to wash my pits, she thought, not get naked

And yet … Becky wasn't sorry she was naked with this beautiful, older woman. She had been burning up inside for some intimate contact ever since meeting Lily, and although the redhead from Vancouver wasn't here to provide it, Becky was eager for someone … anyone to fulfill a need that had been slowly building inside her for years.

"Bryan's cute," she said as Anna was finishing with disassembling the braid. "Is he your boyfriend?"


"I thought Anna said egg collecting?"

Bryan chuckled softly, saying, "Not from this old bird, particularly now. No, we gave some game fowl that lay. They aren't big, and they aren't consistent, but Jenna likes to say its just enough protein and cholesterol to both keep us healthy and advance heart disease at the same time."

When Lily shed her jacket and better revealed her shapely curves to him, Bryan couldn't help but ogle her for a long moment. When she asked if he was related to Jenna, Bryan again laughed. "No, not at all."

He told Lily the story of how he had literally run over them while fleeing a pack of feral dogs, then essentially begged them to take him in. "Jenna is your stereotypical farmer's wife. She and her husband used to raise cattle and wheat, but not here. You know, to be totally honest, I'm not sure how long she's been on this piece of property. Been at least a year 'cause she and Anna met several months ago and I've been here three. I could be wrong … you'd have to ask them."

They had been walking to the de-feathering tank, and as he turned the water on and sat on the attached bicycle, beginning to pedal faster and faster, changing the geared to increase the spinning spee of the tub, he said with some obvious disappointment, "As far as Anna and I being a couple … not a chance."

He almost said I tried but she's not interested, but as he was now hoping to get Lily naked instead of the auburn haired beauty who had been more like a mean sister to him all these months, Bryan simply said, "Not my type."

Then, smiling to Lily and giving her a playful wink, he flirted, "You are, though."

Lily opened her mouth to speak, but as she did Bryan tossed the dead bird into the tub and it began flopping around amongst the rubber fingers and water; the noise was enough to cover whatever it was Lily said. Bryan stood on the pedals so that he could see down inside the spinning tub, and after just 40 seconds or so, he stopped, got off, and reached into the tub.

"Nice, huh?" he asked, lifting the perfect de-feathered bird. "Now, just gotta gut it and put it on the spit, and dinner will be ready before you know it."

Lily commented on the farm, telling Bryan, "It's a nice set up."

"Jenna's a genius when it comes to post-apocalyptic survival," he said with great respect. "We've got electric power from that windmill and some solar panels out back … flowing water to the house and some of the sheds, though, we have to pump it. The toilets in the house worked before I got here -- no, not my fault they don't now! -- but something went wrong with the septic … I'm trying to figure it out. After the dust cloud in 2025 and the one the year later covered the land in that … whatever it was that wouldn't let plants grow, she figured out a way to turn and clean and replenish the soil, and for the last 5 years she's been growing food here. You would think it would hard, growing your own food … but you probably know how hard it is to find canned and packaged food now, so … farming's actually getting easier. Ya know?"
Anna let her fingers run through Becky's hair. She chuckled softly. "No, Bryan is not my boyfriend."

She licked her lips and leaned in to Becky's shoulder. She leaned in closer, breath on the woman's neck. "I don't like men like that....I like women. They are softer and nicer to touch" The words were whispered as Anna placed a soft kiss on Becky's neck.

She moved away a little. "Sorry. I get a little over eager sometimes..you are just really, really beautiful."

Anna's hand continued to play in Becky's hair.
Lily chuckled lightly as Bryan flirted. It was the sort of flirt that seemed too open to be true. Maybe he was actually into men and was trying too hard with her.

"Huh. She has done well and you are lucky she let you stay. You seem like a good worker though so that probably helps right?"

She laughed. "The tank needs to be emptied likely. The commune had one. Was a bitch if you didn't treat it with special stuff or empty it."

She leaned against the wall and fiddled with the hem of her dress. "Do you like it here? With people I mean."
"I don't like men like that," Anna said as she began lifting handfuls of water over Becky's hair, wetting it and washing away the dust that, these days, was everywhere.

At first, Becky thought the older woman had meant I don't like men like Bryan, not I don't like men in that way, but Anna quickly set things straight. "I like women."

Becky was glad she was facing away from Anna because her eyes widened at the woman's confession and kiss. A chill ran up her spine, and her nipples -- which were already a bit swollen -- grew enough for Becky to feel them changing, which she'd never noticed before except when she'd stepped out of doors into the extreme cold in days bygone.

"They are softer and nicer to touch."

Becky realized that she was trembling down inside with anxious excitement. She'd never kissed or been physically intimate with anyone before Lily, and she'd liked their embraces and kisses so very, very much. And here was Anna telling her openly that she liked girls over boys. It seemed to Becky that … well … wasn't this meant to be?

She half turned in the tub and looked over her shoulder to Anna; her breasts were put on display now, and below the clean, clear water that rose only to just under her belly button, her dark muff of hair shown itself as well. She said in a soft voice, "So do I … like girls, I mean … at least … I think. I've only ever kissed one before."

Becky didn't name Lily, but if Anna asked, she would nod yes. She licked her lips -- not consciously -- as looked to Anna's mouth. She wanted so badly to press her mouth to it.


"Do you like it here?" Lily asked Bryan as they were pulling out the chicken and spraying off the wet feathers sticking to it body. "With people I mean."

"Oh, no doubt!" he answered emphatically. "I've never been alone since this whole thing started for more than a few days. I was with some other groups, but … you know … shit happens. I don't like being on my own, even though most people think it's safer. In my case, I just about got eaten by a pack of dogs, so..."

He told Lily he'd show the kitchen where they would drop off the chicken for Jenna, who was the best cook of the trio. As they walked, Bryan let their paths get a bit closer until they were almost touching shoulders, then asked, "Do you like to be with people? I mean..."

He paused, fearful that the same sort of approach that Anna was pulling off so well might not work for him. "I mean … one of the things I miss is having a girlfriend."

He left it there, hoping to get a read on Lily before he continued and made a fool of himself.
Anna was thrilled as Becky turned, stating she liked girls too. Her hand slid into Becky's hair and she pulled the girl towards her, mouth finding hers. Anna kissed Becky slowly, softly. Her one hand remained in Becky's hair and her other reached down to cup Becky's breast.

She moaned into Becky's mouth. "Can you come out of the tub? I would really like to touch you more..."
"I was alone for a really long time after I left home. I have been walking. Came from Vancouver." Lily shrugged. She looked at Bryan. "I miss talking to people. I grew up with lots of people. I didn't mind my walking alone."

Lily sighed a little. "You've had a girlfriend? What's it like to you...date someone...My dad used to talk about doing stuff with my mom when they were dating. Movies, concerts..guess you can't really do that anymore though."
Becky drew a deep, excited breath at the feel of the older woman's hand cupping and gently groping her breast. The last time she'd felt another person's hand upon her like that had been Lily helping her into her dress that second day, and that had only been incidental contact, not ... not this!

"Can you come out of the tub?" Anna asked with a soft tone. "I would really like to touch you more..."

Becky tried to imagine what that would entail; was Anna going to touch her down there, between her legs … her pussy one of the boys had called it back in Idaho. Becky knew that that was what people who loved each other did, of course; she'd touched herself down there once, too, but the feeling had been so overwhelming -- and actually a bit frightening in its intensity -- that she'd stopped after just a few seconds.

"I'm afraid," she whispered. Anna's kisses were so different from Lily's; the younger woman had been a joy to kiss, but this older one seemed more knowledgeable maybe? Becky whispered, "I've never done this before … with a guy either. Will you show me what to do?"


"You've had a girlfriend?" Lily asked Bryan. She asked about what dating entailed, finishing, "...guess you can't really do that anymore though."

Bryan smiled broadly; he was beginning to realize that Lily was very naïve about such things as dating. What more didn't she know? Suddenly, he wondered, Could she be a virgin … in this world?

He looked for Jenna and, not seeing her yet, said in a quieter voice, "No … no movies and concerts and such anymore. But there are other things guys and girls do together when they're alone together. You know what I mean...?"

Bryan couldn't tell from her reaction whether she understood his meaning. He looked again for Jenna, then said even quieter, "If you wanted to go for a walk … you know, down to the creek … or … to my room … I could teach you about dating in the post-apocalyptic world."

Bryan knew that it was a very forward offer. But hell, he was the only guy on a farm featuring three single women. He was the only cock in town. And Lily had to like cock … didn't she?
Anna smiled softly, her hand stroking Becky's cheek as the woman told her she was scared and that she had never done this before.

"It's okay. We will go slow and see what feels good, what you like..." Her heart was racing. She helped Becky out of the tub and pulled her in slowly. One hand cupped Becky's ass, the other the back of her head as she began to slowly kiss her.

It was gentle, soft...and then the teasing of her tongue. Slipping in, tasting and testing. The kiss deepened, the tongue moving in to explore more.

The hand on Becky's ass slid up to her lower back and pulled her tightly to Anna. Anna moaned at the feel of the wet, naked body against her. She wished she had undressed but there would be time.

Anna broke the kiss. "Sit on the chair. Just on the edge. Please? I want to show you something..."
Lily blushed. "I know there are things guys and girls do when they are alone. I have just never done them. Well I kissed a boy once, when I was younger."

She shivered and pulled back on her coat. "How about a walk to the creek? You can show me around the area a little bit or something."

Lily felt impossibly shy. It was strange. She was normally so relaxed, confident but she felt unsure and...giddy. Would he kiss her like Becky did? He had said his room but she wasn't sure she was ready to just go to some guy's room. She knew what he would want and while she kind of wanted that too, she was nervous.
Becky was trembling with fear as she rose from the tub naked, and the sudden clill of the cool air upon her wet body sent an almost painful shiver up her spine as nearly the entire surface of her body erupted in goose flesh. But the feel of the other woman against her was incredible; Anna pulled the two of them tightly together, her hands wandering all over Becky's skin, grasping at a bare, firm buttock like even Lily had been afraid to do when they'd been in bed with one another.

Lily … oh my God, Lily...

Becky felt guilty for what she was doing, yet, she delved into this encounter with all she had, filled with lust and a deep need for … well, for what she wasn't entirely certain. She wrapped her arms around the older woman's neck, pulling their faces hard together, following the machinations of Anna's mouth as it pulled the heat from deep within her.

"Sit on the chair," Anna told her as she pulled back. "Just on the edge. Please? I want to show you something..."

In contrast to when she'd gotten naked before Lily, Becky made no effort to hide her body from this woman. She knew somehow that Anna was supposed to see her like this … exposed and vulnerable … ready … ready for whatever came next.

She moved to the metal chair and sat, knowing how the cold steel would send a jolt through her and not caring. She tensed at the chill against her skin and giggled; her knees were together, her splayed fingers on her thighs, her hardened nipples thrusted outward as she asked innocently, "What do you want to show me?"


"I know there are things guys and girls do when they are alone," Lily said, giving Bryan a hint at her knowledge regarding dating in this day and age. "I have just never done them. Well I kissed a boy once, when I was younger."

Bryan tried but failed to hide his delighted smile. He'd never claimed a girl's virginity; like many men, it had been a fantasy of his since shortly after losing his own virginity at a ripe old age of 19.

"How about a walk to the creek?" Lily continued, giving him hope. She could just as easily have said Let's take the chicken to Jenna and brought his flirtation with fucking her to a swift end. "You can show me around the area a little bit or something."

"Wait here," he said with excitement that made him seems years younger than his actual age of 27. He hurried the last fifty feet or so to the ranch house, entered with the chicken, and a couple of minutes later exited without the bird but with a cloth bag that sported a long-defunct grocery chain. He gestured Lily to join him, saying, "Got us a little bit of picnic stuff."

On the porch, Jenna appeared in the doorway. She scrutinized the pair as they headed away toward the woods and, eventually, the creek. She didn't like the idea of the two of them being alone together; she knew Bryan had been suffering blue ball syndrome almost from the moment he'd tripped over the pair of them in the woods months earlier. She'd thought for a while that she was going to have to service him herself; Jenna was more than aware of Anna's preferences, so it wasn't as if the younger of the two woman was going to fulfill Bryan's needs.

Jenna and the younger man hadn't fucked either, though. When it came to Jenna's needs, Bryan was a bit too … oh, what was the word … tame. Her needs went beyond just a simple fuck'n'suck, and -- even though she had no evidence one way or the other -- she had a feeling that that was what Bryan was all about. She glanced off the other direction, toward the rugged ridge in which she often went hunting by herself. Up that ridge, through the crevasse, and down the other side to a little cabin hidden near a hot spring was where Jenna went about once a month to have her sexual needs quenched.

Watching Bryan and Lily wander off one direction while Anna and Becky were in the bath house made Jenna feel all warm and tingly … and it had been almost three weeks since she'd gone hunting. Maybe she should go early.

She crossed to the little outbuilding in which they kept the pigeons she'd had since before either Anna or Bryan became a part of her life. Looking for prying eyes, she opened one of the little cages, took out a bird, and let it fly. It headed directly for the ridge, just as expected; the instinct to fly away home was the driving force of these birds, which was why they'd been used for communications for thousands of years. Of course, Jenna didn't have to attach a note to the bird flying east; all she had to do was release it and the message would be understood once it reached the small community 30 miles from here.

Through the forest west of the homestead, descending the slight slope to the bank, Bryan offered a hand to Lily when the packed dirt trail got steep. He'd planned on positioning himself such that the pair of them would end up very close to one another, but as it happened, Lily's foot slipped and she literally fell right into his arms and against his body.

Bryan didn't hesitate; he immediately pressed his mouth to hers as an arm wrapped around the small of her back.
Becky sat there for her, body almost all on display and hands on her thighs. Anna came close and knelt down. "I want you to slide a little more forward with your hips, lean back..." She helped guide Becky. "Now...close your eyes for me. Open your legs..."

Anna urged Becky's knees apart and as they did she leaned in. Her tongue ran along Becky's outer lips. She was wet from the water but there was a slickness there too. Anna moaned. It had been a while since she had been between a woman's legs.

Her lips found Becky's labia and she sucked on one and then the other gently. She liked how Becky tasted and threw caution to the wind and slid her tongue between Becky's folds to find her clit. She moaned again. Her hands gripped Becky's hips.
The scenery was really nice. Lily looked around as she walked with Bryan. Her heart was racing out of nervousness but as they walked she relaxed. Her stomach fluttered as he took her hand to help her on the trail.

The ground was loose and despite her boots being good for hiking and walking they were no match at the moment for the steep trail. Lily slid, falling into Bryan. She didn't even get the chance ot apologize. He was kissing her, holding her to his body.

She let out a small noise of surprise and it took a breath before she relaxed in his arms. Lily kissed him back.