What Do You *Smell* Like Today?

Nothing good. Climbing under a sink and replacing a leaking garbage disposal doesn't leave a nice residual.
Probably terrible! It is still morning here and I havent had a shower. Soon to though as it's grocery shopping day yay. Not :D:D
Probably the conditioner I just put in my hair. It contains coconut. Actually one of my least favourite smells - but it makes my hair shiny and fluffy!
Probably the conditioner I just put in my hair. It contains coconut. Actually one of my least favourite smells - but it makes my hair shiny and fluffy!

Hope you conditioned yer pubes too!! Who doesn’t love fluffy pubes 😁
I currently smell like the bolognese I just got all over my hands. I’ve washed them, but I can still smell it.

Bath time soon 🤗