What Have You Learned About Yourself Recently??

I have learned that I don't belong in the shadows or on the sidelines. That my voice should be heard. That I'm not as awkward and weird as I've let myself think I am (although I still definitely am both of those)
Mostly I've learned to trust that the positive things said to me are genuinely meant and maybe I don't have to be so guarded all the time
I have learned that I still have a lot to learn, I have missed out so much in here and in real life because I am way too shy, I don't read signals well, I don’t know how to start up conversation and sometimes struggle in to continuing them. I jump to conclusions and get things wrong. I have also learnt that I have upset people, not good, bad SiFi. I don't mean to upset it's just, well see above. I have learned that I have had a very vanilla sex life and others seem to get everything including extensive PM's. I have also learned that some things are just NMK and this is fine. I also learned I talk too much when I am nervous 🤣 I love this place but wish I fitted in better.
That I can be a pretty good Dom, a soft Dom, but a dom none the less. I use to think all I wanted was a mutual experience, but, as a pleaser, subs make me want to dominate to please them.
That I can be a pretty good sub. In the past I have tried to please or accept it being mutual, but I prefer to be his.
I spread myself too thinly (which is an ironic expression for me) trying to help my friends when I'm often barely clinging on.
I do it because I don't feel like I have value otherwise and if I'm not useful then I'm useless.

(I know this is my anxiety talking but getting it to shut up is difficult)
I spread myself too thinly (which is an ironic expression for me) trying to help my friends when I'm often barely clinging on.
I do it because I don't feel like I have value otherwise and if I'm not useful then I'm useless.

(I know this is my anxiety talking but getting it to shut up is difficult)
It is truly hard to find that balance of when your friends need you and when you need me time. But the me time will help you recharge/refuel so you can help your friends. If this makes any sense.

Thinking negatively for me, is a vicious circle and hard to challenge. But when you do, it is the best feeling knowing you got through it.
I should have won 100's of millions in the lottery years ago and already built my log cabin in Yellowstone.

God I'm slacking big time.
I overextend myself. I need to notice when I’m giving more than I’m getting in return, and then match that energy. I’ve started taking small steps towards this goal.
I think this is one of the hardest things to change…there’s always that first instinct to jump in and help/do it yourself…even when we know that we do it actually stopping us hard!
This last week I've learned, dont try and be fancy when telling someone you only want to be friends.

Don't let your emotions, anxiety and paranoia take control.

Physical health affects mental health, but also the other way around. JOIN A GYM FATSO.
I think it's time we dusted off this thread. And I recently learned, thanks to chatting with other folks here on Lit, that while I might still be the most twisted and perverse person I know, the gap isn't as large as I thought it was.