What I Wrote And Why - My RolloJTomasi stories

The 'fan club' phenom is very real. My highest rated story has been taking .03 - .05 point swings with and after every sweep ever since it got its W and it has over 1100 votes. Kudos to Laurel for doing the sweeps, but I don't see any solution to the existence or behavior of the 'fan clubs.'

Oh I'm not saying they don't exist. I just think there are some more prone to being targeted by them than others.

I'm not a woman. So I don't have horny guys upset at me when i spurning their advances.

I tend to avoid the controversial and argumentative threads. Not because I don't have my personal convictions I just tend not to be hugely vocal about them and I honestly find fighting with people online pointless and a waste of my energy.

So I don't draw angry the butthurt ire that others may.

Then there are those misogynistic assholes that target women because... fuck if I know, I guess they gotta blame a small penis and small IQ on someone.

I suppose in a way I'm happy to know the One Bombs I do draw are probably at least legitimate in that they just hated my fucking story, not me personally. 😅
I missed it when I saw the movie. Apparently, it's supposed to be a made-up, generic kind of name like John Q. Public. Yet I wonder where the screenwriters got it from.
Probably a relative or someone they knew at school. I added the J here as someone else had already had the same - not exactly novel - idea.

But like Emily said, it also sounds like a double edged sword. You get people who want to knock you down a peg or idk maybe otherwise faithful readers want to nudge you back into writing the kind of stories they like.
Some people [a tiny minority] follow an author to make sure they never miss giving their new stories a 1 vote.

I added the J here as someone else had already had the same - not exactly novel - idea.
What kinda dummy would add a letter "J" to their name... Must be a real dummy... huh... *shifty eyes pulling on my name tag*

Nah, I like the "J" in the name. Kinda snazzy. I think having a J in your name is pretty stylish :D
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What kinda dummy would add a letter "J" to their name...
I have referred to myself as Emily Jane Miller a few times (a long time ago). Thats BS as my middle name is, well, Emily (and no, Jane isn’t my real first name, knock yourself out trying to google that). So maybe that’s what I had in mind.

[something else] Emily [not Miller]
I have referred to myself as Emily Jane Miller a few times (a long time ago). Thats BS as my middle name is, well, Emily (and no, Jane isn’t my real first name, knock yourself out trying to google that). So maybe that’s what I had in mind.

[something else] Emily [not Miller]

it's like I don't even KNOW you sometimes...

😉 😆
I have referred to myself as Emily Jane Miller a few times (a long time ago). Thats BS as my middle name is, well, Emily (and no, Jane isn’t my real first name, knock yourself out trying to google that). So maybe that’s what I had in mind.

[something else] Emily [not Miller]
I get it. You gotta give a little mystery and intrigue for the people... Make em wonder who is this bespectacled blonde mystery woman of the hour? The latest exposé: Who is "Emily Jane Doe Miller?"

well... you just gotta keep the online creeps from creepin offline. Am I right :p

I've gone by Jack or Joe myself online, neither are my real name. middle name is Daniel.
I get it. You gotta give a little mystery and intrigue for the people... Make em wonder who is this bespectacled blonde mystery woman of the hour? The latest exposé: Who is "Emily Jane Doe Miller?"

well... you just gotta keep the online creeps from creepin offline. Am I right :p

I've gone by Jack or Joe myself online, neither are my real name. middle name is Daniel by the way.
I couldn’t cope with not using Emily, I have enough mental issues as it is, but yeah, have to have some veil of privacy.

I couldn’t cope with not using Emily, I have enough mental issues as it is, but yeah, have to have some veil of privacy.

You and I share the benefit of the common name for that consideration. Plenty of Emilys out there, plenty of Sams. I think we can safely use them without blowing our cover.
You and I share the benefit of the common name for that consideration. Plenty of Emilys out there, plenty of Sams. I think we can safely use them without blowing our cover.
Yeah - my first name is a bit more rare, Mom and Dad gave me a more regular middle name in case I didn’t like it. Which I guess was prescient of them 🙄
I couldn’t cope with not using Emily, I have enough mental issues as it is, but yeah, have to have some veil of privacy.

As a private person myself, I 100% understand. I just don't like the spotlight myself. Plus, I gotta keep the naughty stories and my IRL life separate.

And speaking of mental disorders, aside from the fact that my brain is disorganized(ADD) and sometimes I go through OCD mode, especially with forum posts. when I was younger I've dealt with social anxiety and a little depression. If you've ever sat through any of my disorganized ramblings on here sometimes you probably noticed some of that, the OCD and ADD in me, plus my compulsive habit to hit that edit button on here more than necessary. I think dealing with mental disorder just comes with the writing hobby for whatever reason. But, if you ask me, being "normal" is boring anyways.
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