What Litsters Do You Notice?

No one has ever accused me of being shy, so the majority of Litsters that I notice consistently are aware because I PMed them, tag them on threads, or banter with them.

The Litsters that I notice a lot in a good way, but may not be aware because I haven’t interacted with them quite as much include @hotwords229_A @Endless_Night @Justadesperatewifeandmom @Photog1rl @Lonelywife1205 @SassySheDevil @AmberLGreen @StillRain @TANSTAAFL58. I think they all make Lit a better and more interesting place.
I am happily the Homer in the Hedges guy
I swear to Sneesus, I was just in the kitchen and realized I hadn’t mentioned you. I’m always stoked when I see you post. “What manner of jackassery is he gonna lay before us today?” You have made me laugh to the point of embarrassment twice in public. Sorry for the oversight.
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I swear to Sneesus, I was just in the kitchen and realized I hadn’t mentioned you. I’m always stoked when I see you post. “What manner of jackassery is he gonna lay before us today?” You have made me laugh to the point of embarrassment twice in public. Sorry for the oversight.
+1 for @ydahecnot on the notice list!