What was the last thing you watched on Netflix?

I was stunned. I thought I knew a little about the LDS thing, but I had no idea it was so sickening. I've been to Salt Lake City, and it's like the most normal place you can imagine. But behind the scenes, obviously not.
To be fair, the FLDS is an off shoot of mainstream Mormonism. These people are definitely not the norm.
I swore I'd never watch this show when it was on one of the regular networks, but now that it's on Netflix, I am starting to actually enjoy Lucifer. There's more to the show than I anticipated...
I've only watched the first season but I thought it was funny
Our Father.
A documentary about a fertility doctor who used his own sperm to inseminate patients.
This one was so cringy too!
I also watched the Keep Sweet documentary a couple days ago. Yeesh...
The last episode was the worst. But also totally not surprised.

I just finished Worse Rommate Ever... I'm probably late watching this but this was cringy AF too.
Latest episode of The Boys.

There was a scene where this dude had a prehensile giant dick, maybe 10 feet long or more, and they were all at this orgy called the Herogasm.