What Would You Give To See The Tits Of The Poster Above You?

I found a cough drop in between sofa cushions that you can have.
You know when you step in dog shit but you don't have time to clean it off so you leave your shoes outside and then feral cats piss on them, so now they really stink, so you chuck them into the woods where they grow some really cool fungi and possibly slime mold and mice shit in them, and then a vulture roosts above them and in the morning it vomits up the bones from it's last meal and it lands on them? I'd give those pair of shoes to see Taegul's tits.
I can't top that offer to Taegul. But who would want to.

Well, I'm certainly not going to give my brand new pair of shoes. These things are so comfy! Here, let me take my socks off and you can have those.