What would you make for dinner for the Lister above you? 🍽🌮🍗🍔🥃🥂🍻🍺

Baked salmon, julliened vegetables wrapped in felo pastry. Corn grilled on a BBQ. Asparagus. Baby potatoes with mayonnaise.
Eaten while watching the sunset.
Desert....well let's see if there's room eh
Homemade chicken Alfredo, fresh green salad with fresh parmesean red vinaigrette, garlic butter rolls, and cobbler. Though her tiramisu is probably better...
Homemade chicken Alfredo, fresh green salad with fresh parmesean red vinaigrette, garlic butter rolls, and cobbler. Though her tiramisu is probably better...
Love a good cobbler. The trick is finding the balance between crispy cobble and tangy 'er'
I need to learn how to make a good tiramisu... my best cobbler are apple and raspberry so far. I made a blackberry one but it had way too many seeds..