What's up with the moralizing commenters?

For a long time, I have noticed one Lit user who regularly condemns stories with a wise ass moralistic condemnations. This person will go to every story posted by an author and leave the same comment. Then I saw Lit's list of top commentators. This same person is at the top of the list by a huge gap. That's quite an affirmation for this person's commentary.
If lit starts refusing stories because it might lead to threats, then this site will be shut down soon.
But I do love how lit plays itself up to be progressive politically and all inclusive and for lack of a better term, the annoying word "woke." But...they have this LW category where the comments go beyond nasty and into full out hate speech. Racist, homophobic and of course misogynistic with all manner of threats of violence against women. Somehow all those comments come flying through and they refuse to address the fact the category is now a haven for incels and hate groups.

So when I read a post like yours where the mod(there is really only one for approving stories) doesn't want to post something because it could stir people up I say....hypocrite. Haters clicks are as good for business as anyone else's, maybe more seeing they get more attention.

A few years back I received a threat that them and their friends were going to find me, beat me, rape me and poor acid down my rancid cunt and record my screams. To my surprise it had an e-mail to respond to. I replied that I'm a male, not a woman, and to please come on down and attached pictures of my Karate tournament trophies, sword collection and guns. I'm an example of the adage the ones looking for trouble are no match for those who are ready for it. The keyboard warriors of today need to be pulled out of their basements to have to sling their hate to someone's face like they had to back pre net. Would cut down on a lot of bullying and hate.

Or this site actually having real standards might also do that, but why should they care what their authors and decent readers deal with when the hatemongers are just so much fun?

And never get me started on their 'rules' about rape and underage or their thinking they'\re above revenge porn and copyright laws.
Hope you feel better...now that you have gotten some of that anger off your chest. It's really sad how hateful some people are toward others. If they could just 'get along with a little help from their friends' it would be so much better for all concerned. As to cutting down on bullying and hate...that just never seems to actually work. There always just seems to be someone with a 'bent' sense of anger and a desire to take it out on others for self-satisfaction. That's life.

I'm glad you stand square and prideful in speaking up for yourself, and now for others. I gave up guns after the war. A personal decision - nothing to do with self-protection or gun-rights advocacy stuff. Now, baseball bats stand by my doorways. No registration required. ;-)
Hope you feel better...now that you have gotten some of that anger off your chest. It's really sad how hateful some people are toward others. If they could just 'get along with a little help from their friends' it would be so much better for all concerned. As to cutting down on bullying and hate...that just never seems to actually work. There always just seems to be someone with a 'bent' sense of anger and a desire to take it out on others for self-satisfaction. That's life.

I'm glad you stand square and prideful in speaking up for yourself, and now for others. I gave up guns after the war. A personal decision - nothing to do with self-protection or gun-rights advocacy stuff. Now, baseball bats stand by my doorways. No registration required. ;-)
The internet has really increased the bullying because its not face to face. Back in the day so to speak the bully would eventually say the wrong thing to the wrong person, get his ass beat and learn a lesson not its all spew no accountability. Half my guns were left to me by my godfather. I enjoy going to the range, but don't consider myself a gun yahoo, nor all kidding aside would I enjoy the thought of ever having to use one on a person. But I admit I wish I could see the look on the face of the moron threatening someone he thought was a woman with a gang rape and beating.

As for lit...they play the free speech game. Its free speech if it doesn't bother them or they can profit, its not free speech if its against their personal views, which means they tell a lot about themselves by what they allow and encourage here. Rules are no problem for me providing there is some consistency and running a business on whim is just not a good look. People laugh at me when I say that the new copyright laws regarding posting adult content in the way of pictures and vid clips are going to bite the site in the ass because they think nothing applies to them. Time will tell I guess.
As an author, I am often surprised by the level of ownership that the reader takes with my stories and how personally they take it when the story doesn't go the way they wanted it to. It is really the characters that drive the story for me and they take me where they feel most authentic. I read the insulting comments then delete them straight away because it's my art and I will write it how I feel it should be written in the end. I suppose that's why after fifty stories I have eased up on posting here now because it is demoralizing to get hammered for a story that took you weeks, sometimes months of my little spare to write, then get to an editor and then check it again only to have someone bag you out because the couple didn't get together the way they expected or there is some spelling mistake in my 'free' story. I'm not here to complain, it was just not what I expected, I must not have a thick enough skin to take the feedback without taking it to heart. Darkmind222
There are differently different standards. In my case I think in part it was because the particular story in question (the infamous February Sucks in LW) stirred up so much hate and the like. It saddened me because I thought the satire I wrote about the phenomena was one of the best things I have written and people who have read it got a good laugh out of it, but it didn't matter in the end sadly. Part of the problem is I suspect they are using software to scan the pieces, I had a character say "Here's looking at you , kid" in it (and it was a husband and soon to be ex wife), and it was flagged for underage content. The funny part was the violence in my story was not vivid, it was referred to and it was within the gist of the humor in it, but the kind of stuff I have seen with horrible torture, dismemberment, leaving people to die of thirst, you name it, gets through, or as you point out the extreme of all kinds of ugly crap from racism to misogyny to anti lgbt hate, but I guess the feeling is no one would sue them over that.
I doubt the anons who hate would have the mental capacity to understand satire.
As an author, I am often surprised by the level of ownership that the reader takes with my stories and how personally they take it when the story doesn't go the way they wanted it to. It is really the characters that drive the story for me and they take me where they feel most authentic. I read the insulting comments then delete them straight away because it's my art and I will write it how I feel it should be written in the end. I suppose that's why after fifty stories I have eased up on posting here now because it is demoralizing to get hammered for a story that took you weeks, sometimes months of my little spare to write, then get to an editor and then check it again only to have someone bag you out because the couple didn't get together the way they expected or there is some spelling mistake in my 'free' story. I'm not here to complain, it was just not what I expected, I must not have a thick enough skin to take the feedback without taking it to heart. Darkmind222
I delete the hate comments straight away also.
Yeah, the comments on LW are often pretty hateful. Just for fun, i wrote one submission for LW, and was a little shocked at the horrible comments. It was actually meant to be funny. A few readers got that it wasn't supposed to be taken seriously, and even said they laughed pretty hard. Others were not so kind. After that experience, I decided it would be the only one I'd ever write.
Tonight, I noticed that an author has a six part story on LW and is constantly being trashed. One reader expressed his opinion on their last chapter in all CAPS with loads of exclamation marks!!! I wondered if the guy was on the verge of a stroke by the time he finished venting his spleen. I guess ranting on a site like this gives people with anger issues an outlet, that's basically pretty harmless. Unless of course they threaten any harm.
Good thing we can delete the nastier comments, and they can move along and take their frustrations out on another story.
I'm still surprised to find people that are surprised that people are shitasses.
Great thread.

Take a look at any political posting on Twitter. Observe someone who is trying to make a logical point and they will get hammered by the left, right, and center because the logical thinking doesn't adhere to people's opinions.

The only thing I'm writing on here right now is a bit of a biography of my experiences in the FLR / cuckold lifestyle. I try to let the reader know it is not fiction. I had someone tell me that they would hate the story if it didn't go a certain way. He got upset when he misread and thought it was going in a way that he didn't like.

I didn't know how to politely say, "Sorry if my life isn't being lived to your specifications."

I've also been threatened to have my teeth knocked out and other things. Those are really the only comments that make me think less of the person posting. Most are just wrapped up in a fantasy. I don't have a problem with that. The keyboard tough-guy act makes me believe the poster is a coward and of low intelligence. I get it. Everyone has their triggers. That one is mine.

The Internet may be great for many thing, but it seems to be a net negative on human evolution at times. Hopefully that is only a perception by me. :)
As an author, I am often surprised by the level of ownership that the reader takes with my stories and how personally they take it when the story doesn't go the way they wanted it to. It is really the characters that drive the story for me and they take me where they feel most authentic. I read the insulting comments then delete them straight away because it's my art and I will write it how I feel it should be written in the end. I suppose that's why after fifty stories I have eased up on posting here now because it is demoralizing to get hammered for a story that took you weeks, sometimes months of my little spare to write, then get to an editor and then check it again only to have someone bag you out because the couple didn't get together the way they expected or there is some spelling mistake in my 'free' story. I'm not here to complain, it was just not what I expected, I must not have a thick enough skin to take the feedback without taking it to heart. Darkmind222
A bit like what happens to the author in "Misery"
Yes, it's an opening for the haters but I would never write a really bad comment because I wouldn't want to discourage the author from continuing his journey. My stories have gotten better as I went along, at least I think they have, and I would never have gotten all the ideas in my head out if I hadn't.
Like most of life one has to sort through the dross to find the rare nugget of gold. And even in the dross there is the occasional accident of circumstance where someone who can't chew gum and type on a keyboard at the same time comes up with a unique observation. You know, the principle of a broken clock being right twice a day.
I am personally disguised by anti-LGBT comments.
I saw today one such comments under Sarah Hawke's THE AMAZON'S PLEDGE CH. 11'
"Tried to leave a comment at chapter 7 but it wouldn't take. So, after reaching the bisexual scene in that chapter, I'm done with this fucking story. Keep that CRAP out of these stories. And no pure lesbian or gay scenes either. It's BULLSHIT!! I can't believe how many good stories on Literotica could be great or fantastic if it weren't for the asshole writer adding LGBTQ characters into their stories."

I reported this comment, I hope admins will delete it, but this is so appalling that people can't help but to shit their bigotry on other people's story. He was already at chapter 7, so he knew what the story is about. How crazy is that.
As an author, I am often surprised by the level of ownership that the reader takes with my stories and how personally they take it when the story doesn't go the way they wanted it to. It is really the characters that drive the story for me and they take me where they feel most authentic. I read the insulting comments then delete them straight away because it's my art and I will write it how I feel it should be written in the end. I suppose that's why after fifty stories I have eased up on posting here now because it is demoralizing to get hammered for a story that took you weeks, sometimes months of my little spare to write, then get to an editor and then check it again only to have someone bag you out because the couple didn't get together the way they expected or there is some spelling mistake in my 'free' story. I'm not here to complain, it was just not what I expected, I must not have a thick enough skin to take the feedback without taking it to heart. Darkmind222
I saw your comment and while I've not yet read any of your stories, I'm glad you said something. I'm one of those readers who can tend to take a story seriously to the point of mild obsession, when it resonates with me a certain way. And at the risk of stating the obvious, it's the characters of course. As it happens, the three stories (from three different writers) I most wish would continue are all stalled and have been for some time now; I've no right to expect more and am grateful for what we've gotten, but I do find myself wondering at times if perhaps the blatantly unfair criticism each of them have endured at times has contributed to their reluctance to continue. (It's equally if not more likely that real life just gets in the way, I also realize that!) I'm sorry you've had to put up with this and I can guess it doesn't exactly lend itself to making you want to endure more ... I suppose if nothing else it's a lesson to readers like me to remember to take the time to comment when I do find a story that's special. Take care ...
I saw your comment and while I've not yet read any of your stories, I'm glad you said something. I'm one of those readers who can tend to take a story seriously to the point of mild obsession, when it resonates with me a certain way. And at the risk of stating the obvious, it's the characters of course. As it happens, the three stories (from three different writers) I most wish would continue are all stalled and have been for some time now; I've no right to expect more and am grateful for what we've gotten, but I do find myself wondering at times if perhaps the blatantly unfair criticism each of them have endured at times has contributed to their reluctance to continue. (It's equally if not more likely that real life just gets in the way, I also realize that!) I'm sorry you've had to put up with this and I can guess it doesn't exactly lend itself to making you want to endure more ... I suppose if nothing else it's a lesson to readers like me to remember to take the time to comment when I do find a story that's special. Take care ...
I found out that liking a story so much can be a curse. I loved "The Island" so much that I wrote my own chapter to continue the story as the author had not posted anything in ten years. as I posted the chapter here in lit, unbeknown to me the author announced he was not dead but would not continue his story due to ill health. I did get a lot of negative comments from my chapter mixed in with a lot of very glowing ones. But chose to pull down my chapter forever, as it was definitely not worth the grief. People were attacking me for taking the story in a direction that had not seen the story going even though I saw that clearly in my head. I guess it's not my job to worry about how someone will feel about bits of my stories it's the audience's job to do that.
I reported this comment, I hope admins will delete it, but this is so appalling that people can't help but to shit their bigotry on other people's story. He was already at chapter 7, so he knew what the story is about. How crazy is that.
You can delete comments on your stories yourself. Pull the story up on the Work list on your author page, click on the comment you don't like and the trashcan and it's gone.
I found out that liking a story so much can be a curse. I loved "The Island" so much that I wrote my own chapter to continue the story as the author had not posted anything in ten years. as I posted the chapter here in lit, unbeknown to me the author announced he was not dead but would not continue his story due to ill health.
That was bad form for you to do. It's not your story to mess with. The criticism you got for adding material to someone else's story without their permission was justified.
That was bad form for you to do. It's not your story to mess with. The criticism you got for adding material to someone else's story without their permission was justified.
In my defense, it had been ten years and his last comments on his page was about his ill health, so I thought, like everyone else, that he was passed on.
In my defense, it had been ten years and his last comments on his page was about his ill health, so I thought, like everyone else, that he was passed on.
Doesn't really matter, unless his proprietary rights passed on to you.
Doesn't really matter, unless his proprietary rights passed on to you.
Which is why I always place my stories in public domain. I'm not in it to make money, and as for fame, well, a handful of readers is nice though irrelevant. I write for my own enjoyment. I pass it on in hope the somewhat different style I employ will inspire others to come out of the literary closet and try their hand at the art of politically incorrect prose.

Anyone who wishes can add on to my stories or mangle them into something all but unrecognizable. No proprietary rights apply. I know of at least one case where someone borrowed a setting from a series, and another where someone pasted their own name on a verbatim copy (dumb idea, versions are on the internet, he didn't get away with it when someone googled the title and a few relevant keywords). I suppose plagiarism is really the sincerest form of flattery.

All that aside, I agree it isn't right to tack on chapters to a story where the author retains rights, unless it labelled as fan fiction. Fan fiction is a clear copyright violation but mostly tolerated anyway.
I found out that liking a story so much can be a curse. I loved "The Island" so much that I wrote my own chapter to continue the story as the author had not posted anything in ten years. as I posted the chapter here in lit, unbeknown to me the author announced he was not dead but would not continue his story due to ill health. I did get a lot of negative comments from my chapter mixed in with a lot of very glowing ones. But chose to pull down my chapter forever, as it was definitely not worth the grief. People were attacking me for taking the story in a direction that had not seen the story going even though I saw that clearly in my head. I guess it's not my job to worry about how someone will feel about bits of my stories it's the audience's job to do that.
I do completely understand the impulse to do this; sometimes the desire to know what happens just gets the better of what would otherwise be common sense. In my case, the one story I'd most want to see continue happens to be written in the first person from what is obviously a very personal viewpoint, so there is really only one person who could ever actually write it ... the person who did. For the stories I'm that engaged with, writing my own continuation would be wholly unsatisfying anyway since the reason I love the stories so much is because I want to know how that author will end it, where it's really going to go.
Well, no, you can set up a plotline, setting, and characters that are similiar (as noted constantly, there are only so many plotlines in existence and they've all been used millions of times) but on identical or close to being so, and then you can continue that story as you please.
I did get spanked quite well for the error. and I promise never to do that again. I did mark it as fan fiction and the author did give me his approval even though it was after I first posted it, going as far as to let me know where he was taking other characters that I hadn't followed. But I decided to pull down the chapter and stick to my own stories.
It indeed isn't just the LW category. Seen some hateful comments for example about a single dad going for the anal with a willing babysitter (and asking for permission while switching). As if it was a real life rape instead of consensual fiction.

Some commenters react as if it was about their own, only partially similar experiences instead of what was actually written.

I just wonder how some comments make it through the review, because they shouldn't. Reviewers should make a point to draw a line against hateful commenting.
Comment reviewing is, to the best of my knowledge, only filtering for website spamming.

"I like this it remind me of my stream check me out at http://******/fake"