When the Gods' Meddle...

I flew quickly to the side of my Queen, the Goddess Danu.
"My Lady Danu, " I started," The girl in which you have bonded me to, has many powerful enemies. I do not know if my best will be good enough to protect her from who wish to harm her. You may also wish to know that there is trouble brewing in the realm of the Gods. Hecate is powerfully upset at Huntus for having taken this girl. He has promised her the status of Goddess, if she can survive three cycles of the sun to the south winters. He has given her a protector, and Hecate is determined that Mabis fail. What is your wish?"
My Lady Danu considered what I told her very carefully. She was not one prone to rash judgments, or quick answers. She must have known what must be done, for she would not send me on a fool's errand.
"Gelite, you must protect her at all costs. Many Gods besides Hecate will wish her dead before her Prophecy comes to pass. Mabis must be a Goddess. Hers is the power which will bring the balance. Gelite, swear to me. I must know you will do this if I am to complete this."
I knew My Lady Danu could speak no untruths.
" I swear upon my living tree, I will not fail you."(swearing upon my living tree was not something I took lightly. My living tree was my counterpart, so long as it stood, I too would stand.)

[Edited by dancinvixen on 07-06-2000 at 02:37 PM]
A tall figure rose and spoke his say" You all know who I am I suppose and do you mortal know my face?No? Well I am Belial and say that my opinion is that the gods be allowed to interfere with the affairs of some humans, but only the ones who still believe in those gods."
Hecate looked down upon the mortal woman with indifference. It would not do to let the Others see her fear. The lessor Gods were all clamoring for attention and were giving the mortal's presence too much presedence. The Greater Gods were every one angered at having to appear at this meeting. Most of the Greater Gods were planning some kinds of revenge. I mean, after all, vengence was Theirs. Hecate let them fume while she concentrated on a certain young woman and her travelling companion...

Mabis and her protector rode in stoney scilence for several leagues before Mabis had presence of mind to speak again.

"I'm sorry," said she, "but I never got your name, with all the fighting and all."

The protector looked at Mabis and thought for a long moment. What had he gotten himself into? When he answered Odin's call, he had assumed a simple search and rescue and was now her sworn protector. Should he give his name to this slip of a girl? In his culture, names have a magical power. If she knew, then she could control him for all his days. Better play it safe.

"Mabis, I don't mean this to hurt you but my name is sacred to me and for now I will keep my name to myself. I have sworn by my God Odin to protect you and will do so with valor. For now you may address me as Drake."

If an insult was meant by his remarks, Mabis chose to ignore them. Instead she set her face to the road ahead and could make out the spires of Ipsla's main abbey, if she squinted just right. With the flat landscape ahead, she judged their journey would last another day and night. She was in no rush, as they had plenty of supplies and she really didn't know what to do once she got there. She had once been in a hurry to reach Ipsla, but arrival meant decisions. She had to decide what to do. She couldn't ask the town folk! How do you ask someone what the next step on the road to Godhood was? Maybe this Drake fellow would come in handy. If nothing else, they could at least converse.

"Drake, tell me more about your God Odin," she requested, "what is he like?"

"Well," Drake began, "Odin is a Norse battle God, sworn to protect the warrior and wench alike. He requires sacrifice, but the rewards in the hereafter are great. It would be an honor to ride the Great Steed to the Halls Of Valhala..." Drake trailed off because when he looked at Mabis, she appeared stoney faced and disinterested.

"If you didn't want ot hear, you shouldn't have asked," said he.

"Mabis? Mabis!" Drake shouted as he dismounted from his horse. He ran, stumbling because he had rider's legs, to Mabis and jerked her out of her saddle. Her weight was more than he bargained and both sat down rather abruptly in the brush next to the treeline. Mabis landed with a thud in his lap and she never even winced.

Drake didn't know what had happened, or when, he just knew that she was under some kind of attack and he was sworn to keep her safe. How did one fight this form of attack? Quickly, Drake tore his shift open to reveal a chest criss-crossed with scars, some more recent than others. He ripped the dagger from his belt and slashed himself across his left pectoral. As the blood started to ooze from the wound, Drake lowered his head and began to chant. Soon his head buzzed and he felt the first tugs of Power.

"MY SON, BE QUICK FOR I AM QUITE OCCUPIED AT THIS NOW, WHERE. DO YOU REQUIRE MY ASSISTANCE?" aske the God Odin from the middle of the God Council.

"The one whom you assigned me to protect is under attack, magical in nature."


With a ringing in his ears being the only sign of communion with Odin, Drake slowly became aware of his surroundings. He remembered with fear what Odin ahd told him. He was supposed to trust a stranger who could hide from the Gods to help him and Mabis. By Thor's hammer, that was a tall request.
As with all elves(being magical in nature themselves), I quickly felt an overpowering stench of magic gone awry.
"My Lady Danu, you must help me on this one. The Lady Mabis is under attack. It is my guess that this is Hecate's handiwork."
She answered very quickly,"Yes Gelite, I am on my way to deal with this as we speak."
As quickly as she had answered me, I felt her presence no more. But as I was bound to portect Mabis, I flittered to her side.

<The Assemblage of Gods>
As quickly as all the Gods had stood before this maiden, awed at her audacity to request, nay, demand their presence, they all knew one was missing.
The air in the room quickly took on the aura of a Goddess challenged, as smoke filled the lower part of the Hall. Within the midst of the smoke, if one chose to look careful, one could see the shape of a being. Just as quickly as the smoke had appeared, it vanished, leaving behind the smell of woodland trees, and Highland grasses.

"HECATE!", boomed a woman's voice."You displease me greatly in your attempt to snuff the life of this girl's Prophecy. Would you dare to challenge that which I protect?"
Fate & Luck, stood with their arms crossed, their features so similar, their actions also, the twins looked... curious.

As one, they stepped forward. The energy of the two Goddesses combined causing a shimmer to surround them both. The power hummed about them.

They turned as one to the unseen Greater Gods, the true infinites, the first three that had begun it all. They held hands and they spoke as one. Their voices shimmering and echoing into each others, haunting.

"Can such a thing occur, removing the God's from the mortal realm, imagine the influx of uncontrolled power..." said the two.

Huntus looked to see who held him back, he looked down at his sister Goddess Alenea, her eyes calm. "This was prophecised dear brother, if you had done your homework... " her eyes twinkle... "you would know this, truely your love is a most worthy mortal... have faith... wait and see..." she murmers.

Huntus turns to watch the scene unfold.

Hecate turns from viewing her young mortal woman apon hearing the words of Fate & Luck. She fumes... "dare they combine their powers? Who are they supporting here? It wouldn't do for me to underestimate those two" she thinks to herself.

The God of Death steps forward. "How would I be able to complete the cycle of life, if I was unable to walk the mortal realm?" He inquires. "What would become of all the human souls trapped in that plane?"

Numerous other Gods, chattered in their own languages, each beginning to try and out speak the others. The volume of sound increased... steadily rising until it sounded like uncontrolled thunder about the place.

"SILENCE!!!!" This word crashed into Seralina's skull as the three infinites spoke together.

Silence reigned. Finally a single voice spoke.

"The cycle of life is true for God's as well as mortals... being imortal... God's do not realise... they too can be destroyed..."

Seralina waits... absorbing this information.

"It is true... the balance of life itself is very fragile... and the God's have been here for infinity... to remove them... this has never been considered before... no one entity could possibly know the consequences of such an action..."

Fate and Luck remained impassive... they blinked... simultaneously and listened. Hecate for once... seemed suddenly fearful... "destroyed?" she thought her mind racing.

The voice continued... "however... it is our belief as the firsts... that the strange infinite tapestry has it's own agenda now... far removed from anything we could have hoped it would be... this tapestry is now it's own entity, with it's own destiny..."

Seralina steps forward... "but..."

"Dear child... " the voice was warm and comforting... "you are most brave confronting the God's like this... but even if we took them away... we believe... that the tapestry is so strongly woven... it would continue along it's pre-destined path... therefore... choose my child... will you attempt to interrupt that destiny? We have given you the choice... make your decision."

Fate and Luck watched Seralina as she struggled to make her decision.
With a wave of her arm, Hecate vanished. She didn't go far. looking on at the assemblage of Gods from Her vantage point in the ethers just outside of time. She fumed. She ranted. She destroyed entire planets and snuffed the life out of stars. She stormed and raved. After awhile, Hecate's reason returned to Her. She sat on a faraway planetoid and pondered the revege she would extract from those that chose to intefere with Her subjects.

Actually, the God of the Hunt, Huntus, had fallen into a trap of His own weaving and if not careful, the crone would claim him. More than enough justice served there. Anyone that could put up with that bat's ravings was considered punished in Hecate's book.

She racked her brain for information on this new Goddess. After thinking for awhile, Hecate remembered that some of her subjects, eons ago, once talked about a race of humanoids that were invisible to the Gods. That would certainly explain why no one had ever seen this Goddess before. How does One extract vengence on a being that could hide from One? This was a challange that Hecate sank her teeth into. A smile threatened it's appearance on Her face and was quickly subdued as an idea began to form in Her mind.

With no warning, Hecate appeared in the Hall Of Gods at the where/when she dissappeared from. No one noticed her exit and return, but then again, justice was powerful magic and She was it's channel. She turned toward the mossy smell at the center of the room and hurled out Her challenge.



Mabis and Drake stood perfectly still, Drake by his own choice, while a buzzing sound grew louder. Drake felt trepidation in his chest until a stroke of lightning split the sky and thunder pounded the air. Thor was sending Drake a signal, no matter what happened, his Gods supported his efforts. Drake smiled.
The Lady Danu stepped forward.
" I am the Goddess of the Faeries and Elves. Heed my warnings clearly, Hecate. You mess with a power in which you have no understanding. The Old Ones know that of which I speak. The Old Ones are wise not to challenge me. You are young Goddess, Hecate. Though you seem old and sometimes wise, you also show your foolishness in not paying attention to that which Fate, herelf, has Prophecied."
The Lady Danu wove her arms through the air, creating, it would seem to Seralina, a picture glass in the clouds.
"Gods and Goddess, I show the Maiden Mabis. It is she who carries the Prophecy of which I speak. She has been offered godhood from Huntus, if she survives three winters in the south. She will survive, but only if the Prophecy is heeded. Hecate is bound and determined that this girl's powers, belong to Hecate. I say, this Maiden's powers, a gift from Fate herself, belong to her. Show me your wisdom in your decision, or I take matters into my own hands.
The corners of Hecate's lips turned up slighlty. She couldn't help Herself. As She watched the foolish posturing on the floor of the council, She contemplated. While the challenge before her was a serious one, She knew that now that She had forced the Goddess of fairies and elves to show Herself, Her and Her peoples would forever be visible. No more hiding and skulking in the shadows. Justice was served. With a wave of her arm, Hecate released Mabis, for now. It served no purpose to enter a pissing contest in front of her creators. She relaxed a trifle and realized she now had the upper hand. Hecate knew mortals enough to know that they would probably react with fright at a whole race of people suddenly appearing in their midst. And when mortals were frightened...

Drake nearly jumped out of his skin at the appearance of the strange being before him. It wasn't the sudden apparition, for he had been warned, but it was the being's strange looks. Freakish, almost. He stepped closer to Mabis, fearing the worst. Mabis chose this moment to come to her senses. When she laid eyes on the creature before her, a shriek of pure terror erupted from the depths of her being. Mabis shrank into Drake's back and gripped him tightly by the belt as the creature formed her first words.
I realized what had happened as soon as I saw a pair of startled eyes upon me. I never expected to hear the gentle Mabis scream in fright.
"Quickly, kind sir, place her head upon your knees. She has simply fainted from the shock of my appearance. I pray of you, ask not any questions of me until I have this unfortunate circumstance under hand."
Drake did as instructed, not asking the questions I knew to be burning upon his tongue. He is a good lad in his own rights. I knew the Great God Thor had placed him here as my own Goddess had done with me.
"Drake, I know you are very curious about me. My name is Gelite. I am an elf. I know you probably do not believe in elves, but here I am. Living proof." I had to smile when I said this. It is very rare for elves to tell a joke.

[Edited by dancinvixen on 07-08-2000 at 12:31 PM]
Fate separated from her sister... and stared in wonder at the elf. "So..." she thought to herself... "this is what the prophecy meant... " she smiled in wonder... elves.

Luck felt the sudden seperation of her sister and staggered a little, before straightening to see the creature. Her eyes widened a fraction, the only indication of her surprise. "Hecate is far more knowlegable than I had imagined..." she thought...

Luck placed a hand on her sisters arm and whispered... "I think... we should consider who helped reveal these creatures dear sister... " Fate looked into her sisters concerned face in surprise... "what do you mean?"
"I mean... it was Hecate who forced their hand... you realise... now they will be visible to all now... even mortals..."
Fate still looked unconcerned... Luck griped her sister's arm harder to emphasise her impatience... "Hecate forced their hand and now all mortals will see these creatures as if they had appeared from nowhere... creatures they never dreamed existed before..."
Fate's expression turned to that of horror... "mortals... will panic... " she said...
"Exactly dear sister..."
"What can we do?"
"Who says we should do anything?"
"Fate... " Fate quietened hearing her sister use her name... "this mortal woman who has stolen our brother's heart... she herself is close to deciding to exile all God's from the mortal realm... as a mortal herself... and the only one I have ever seen in this place... I take it she speaks for all mortals... so... if they do not want our interference... they do not want our help either..."
"Luck... how can you be so cold?"
"Cold sister? No, not cold... but I dislike interferring where I am clearly not wanted..."
"But, if we are needed sister?"
"Luck... please... I have thought hard over the years..."
"Well, thats nice... 'tis good to know you put that time to SOME use..."
Fate frowned... "you... you condemn me for my absence..."
Luck sighs... "no... no I don't... I understand why... but..."
Fate smiles forlornly... "but you don't agree with my decision to hide..."
Luck does not reply... they both turn to face woman who stands pondering her decision... the decision that could start or finish a war.

Luck opens her palm. A small light appears there... she looks into the light carefully before closing her hand around it. She holds her fist to her mouth and blows... opening her hand at the same time. The next instant Huntus felt a warm rush through his mind followed by his sisters voice... Luck... "Huntus... dear brother... beware... your love... she will be in grave danger once her decision is made... make haste when the time is right... do not linger... take her to the santuary... it will be open to you both..." Huntus looks across the great hall. Lucks eyes do not flicker... but he smiles to her in thanks never-the-less. Luck turns her face away and watches Seralina.
"Firsts, if I may, I have something to say." The Lady, the Mother of all things female, stepped into the centre of the ampitheater. Gods that had lost interest came back, found their seats and did not talk; for the Lady was thw wisest and oldest of all the Gods. Seralina looked up at her, her face neither young nor old, neither angry nor sad.
"YOU MAY SPEAK, DAUGHTER." Said one of the Firsts.
"Before the mortal Seralina speaks her decision, I will show her this." With a clap of her hands the Lady showed before the audience a large mirror. In it was a Priest, so intent on his prayer to the Lady. The next image came of a weeping crone, crying to the goddess Fate to help her become richer. Next was an assassin, climbing some wall in some city, raising his blackened daggers for Huntus to bless. A girl of twelve prayed to Aleanea to protect her from marriage. A man, an arrow pierced in his heart, pleaded for a quick death by the Dark God.
"You say mortals do not need us; here is ample evidence to prove that they do," said the Lady to Seralina. Her voice showed no sign of emotion.
"If we are playing this game, I show you this." Seralina, her eyes never leaving the Lady's, waved her hand to the mirror. An image of a tremnling earth- both animals and humans united in fear. She showed the Gods what happens when they play- showed Fate and Luck the outcome of their folly, showed the God War the horror and death of his fights, showed Danu what humans would do to Her people if they reveal themselves.
"Mortals only have short lives, but they are explosive ones. You think we're just silly emotional beings there to be toyed with. But we're not. We're more than that." She defiantly, hands on hips. With a silent prayer to Aleanea, she asked the Goddess to find her apprentice and dig him up from what rock he was hiding.
"We will never forget the Gods; if I decide to banish the Immortals from Earth, humans will not forget you; they will still worship you. As the Firsts say, Gods need humans, humans need Gods. We are a very lucky religion; we can speak with our Gods. But sometimes absense makes heart grow fonder..." Seralina's voice trailed into the distance. The Gods grew even more angry, bodies storted with energy ready to be hurled at this- this human as soon as possible.
"QUIET, MY CHILDREN." Asked the Firsts.
And they were.
"I do."
Seralina looked at her feet, her heart beating wildly.
"SO MOTE IT BE!" Yelled the Firsts. Both Gods and mortal protected their ears from the sudden shout, ears ringing.
The hall was left. Many Immortals left with a shake of their heads, disgruntled. Seralina stood and shivered. Huntus, seeing her so vunerable, hugged her.
"You did me proud."
"But I am fighting against you."
"I don't care what you say; I have you, in my arms at last."
Seralina realised then she was crying. "Show me your world. This place. Tell me your point of view... what is happening. If this girl Mabis is at pinnicle of a new change, why was it you decided it was her... why-" Huntus interrupted his love with a kiss. Gently he picked her up, and watched as Seralina fought sleep. He smiled. With another gentle kiss of her lips, she was asleep in his arms.
"Sleep well, mortal," whispered Hecate from the shadows. "Because when you wake up, you shall be dead..."
Zeratul: what a spectical......what a bunch of bunk...that comment by hecate worries me though...prehaps i should protect her...hmmmmi will in secret i will keep hecate from harming that young lady...she may be useful to me..huh...my senses...the firsts have summoned me? but why?hmmm why woud the firsts need a lowdown assassin like me....i guess i better find out...
"I personally enjoy this young lady's audience", said Belial to one of his fellow Firsts, as there was a mother of life, there must also be a father of death, he realized for the first time. "As I was saying, she is quite amusing, for I can not be hindered by her decision. I have many mortals who have a telepathic link to me. If I am not allowed to go to the world then I shall send my servants to collect the souls and to create the wars, and if I am allowed to stay, so much the better, for I have not walked upon this planet for 3 million years. And no SPECIAL RULES may not be made against me," he finished this off in a mocking voice.
Mabis shrieked for what seemed to Drake an immeasurably long time. In fact, she went on for so long and so loudly, he wondered if her mind had snapped at the appearance of the freakish little creature that now pleaded with him. Drake didn't hear a word of what the creature was trying to say for the volume of Mabis's scream just behind his right ear. As he turned angrily to Mabis to ask, nay demand that she stop screaming, the creature touched his arm. Instantly he was calmed as pictures and images rushed into his mind. He knew intellectually that he should be alarmed at this intrusion, but he was not. He no longer cared that Mabis screamed her lungs raw. He now knew that the creature standing before him was sent to help him protect his "brave" charge from harm. At least that was the image that was transferred from the touch. Drake stood stock still for a very long time before making his decision. He wanted to trust this creature, yes, but Mabis had just been attacked by magic means. The creature before him had appeared just as the attack on Mabis ended. Or did it. He was very confused.

Drake seperated himself from the creature and withdrew a few steps from it and the now annoying Mabis. Out came his dagger, and once again he slashed a razor thin line across his chest. The blood started to ooze and he started to trance.

"MY SON, I CANNOT CONTINUE WITH THESE INTERUPPTIONS. YES SHE IS THE ONE I SENT." Odin said as he took credit for the creatures sudden appearance. "TRUST THAT SHE WILL HELP YOU."

The air rushed from Drake's lungs as he realized two things. First, the creature standing before him was female. second, Mabis had stopped screaming.

Hecate, looking down on humanity from above, watched as elves popped into existance all over the world. Here and there frightened ran away from the little pointed eared creatures. She glimpsed several views at once being a God had it's advantages. Here a woman fell backward into a well when she saw the elf for the first time. There an elf was chased by a farmer with a pitchfork as it tried to pilfer chickens. There an elf and a child came face to face as they both leaned in to smell the pie cooling on the sill. There an elf in the Cloisture of Justice found himself in an embarrassing situation as the head mother stepped out of her bath and into the prying eyes of that elf.

The humor was not lost on Hecate, or the Lessor Gods that served Her cause and had come with her as she left the Gods Council. The revelry was short lived however, for there was work to be done. Hecate sent for a fletcher. Not any fletcher, mind you, but one that served Hecate before and would gladly serve her now.

As Jonathan made his way into the temple, he felt that old tug at his insides. So, the Old Lady needed a favor. He thought of Hecate as his grandmother, as he never had one growing up, and the demands of worsiping the Goddess of Justice went hand in hand with his chosen station in life. An archer had plenty of opportunities to dole out justice in his day to day exploits.

Jonathan stepped up to the altar and Hecate's trance, as he called it, settled upon him> She was definately in a hurry for him to finish a task that she set before him. His eyes rolled back into his head and his lids fluttered as he received his instrucion. He also received a little of Hecate's own Power. It came to him from the altar and mad the job she requested possible. He came to with a start, got off his knees, and made his way to the exit of Hecate's temple. He squinted into the midday sun and his mind reeled thinking about what he was to undertake. He had to find virgin ash for the arrows he needed to make, arrows that once infused with Hecate's power and his fletching skills would have the ability of striking down the Gods Themselves.
I quickly touched the protector named Drake, hoping that my ability to transfer images would help. I was a taken a bit aback when he drew his dagger and slashed himself with it. I did not expect this. It was then that I heard the voice of the Mighty Thor. Ahhhh Thank My Living Tree, he explained that I was here to help. Now all I had to do was calm the Maiden Mabis. Quickly I flitted around and around and around her head. Weaving images to her that she could see. Explaining without words that she had at least three Gods helping her out in her quest, and that I had been sent by the Lady Danu. Mabis slowly stopped her screaming as these images began to make sense to her.

"My Lady Danu, how fare the Others?" I asked. Not daring to hope for a good answer. ALthough I knew that no real harm could come to them as we all lived so long as our trees were alive.
"Gelite, my fair one, the Humans are frightened. Hecate got her wish that all the elves and Little People be exposed, but I do not think she counted on this reaction. While they may be frightened now, wait until they see that my people mean no harm. I have full confidence that many an alliance will be set up within the passing moons. That is a good thing. One can never have to many alliances. I doubt Hecate realizes how many of these mortals have powers at their disposal. They will come in handy. But for now, I must send my scouts. Hecate is up to something again. I do not know what yet, but I feel it cannot be good. If you should need something whilst I am about, please let Thor know. But try to keep it at a minimum as he tends to become exceedingly grumpy at times." My Lady Danu said this last with a smile in her voice. I knew she was very fond of Thor, though I doubted Thor himself even knew.
Garen lay in the arms of the goddess that favoured him. How long was he going to be here...? "Forever," he thought to himself. "Hopefully forever."
The dwarf send to protect him was passing out in a drunken stupor with Dramaticulus and several dancing (semi- clad) girls. Dramaticulus -like all fun-loving gods- liked his wine. And beer. And spirits... A dwarf is famous for his love of beer, but even a devout drinker like Tomar will not equal Dramticulus's standards. He laughed heartily as Tomar belched and collapsed on a dancing girl's chest.
Alanea watched the debauchery and drunkeness with a frown. But she was protecting Garen from the mess, she was protecting her protogee..
"My Lady..." Asked Garen apprehensively. He looked up into a gentle, smiling face.
"Yes, my innocent?"
"Can I stay here with you?" He said shyly. Seeing Alenea smile so kindly the way she did, Garen blushed all the way up to the roots of his blond hair.
"Garen..." Her voice trailed. Raising Garen up gently by the shoulders, she sighed softly and ruffled his hair.
"Please," he pleaded. "I'll do anything. I don't want to go back to- to- HER. She treats me wrong, I try so hard but she hits me if- if I do things wrong. I can't help it, really I can't but-"
Alenea stopped his frantic monologue with a gently firm hand. Just then she heard a scream, a scream like a hunter's horn before the hunt, like the howl of a thousand wolves mourning a death, like the sound of a screeching bird of prey.
"She is dead! She is..."
Alenea recognised it as Huntus.
"Goddess, what is-" Alenea kissed him on the lips chastly and Garen fainted. Alenea knew he would not wake up for at least two days.

Dramaticulus waddled over to the scene: Huntus was holding an old crone's hand, crying. A crowd of Gods surrounded them, faking concern. After all, if she is dead, no decision will be made... The God of War hit him on the back. Huntus nearly doubled over.
"Pull yourself together, boy." War muttered. It was the closest thing to a sympathetic condolence.
Alenea peered at the crone that was once the young Seralina, who was once a crone on the mortal realms...
"She is not dead," she said. Dramaticulus reached for Seralina's hand and tested for a pulse.
"Yep, she's alive. Send in the wine, women and song as celebration! She lives!" He said in a voice like thunder. A hourde of debauched followers of Dramaticulus's posse entered Huntus's forest. A few Gods faked a feeble cheer.
"Why are you celebrating?" Asked War grumpily to Dramaticulus. The fat man merely shrugged, then groped at a cup of mead from a passing server.
"Any escuse for a party!" He said in a chuckle. Meandering, he followed a near nude wine carrier...
"She's she- isn't... dead?" With a simper, Huntus gathered Seralina up. The Lady Mother leaned over and frowned.
"Put her down, Huntus. Honestly, who made you a God if you fall to pieces so easily? Place her gently there." Rolling her sleeves, Mother (with a matronly stride) examined Seralina (behind a blind to stop prying eyes.) With a "Hmph!" Mother picked at some dust at her side-pouch and breathed it into Seralina's face. Seralina awoke with a cough and splutter. She did not metamorphosise into a beauty, though.
"She was poisoned; by a travel bug. I'm not surprized, Huntus. Many Gods wanted her dead. I shall make a complaint to the Firsts." Huntus went to the crone form of Seraline apprehensively.
"But wasn't she... didn't she...?" He pointed.
"Ha! Let her explain that." With the same firm stride, Mother left to visit the Firsts. Seralina looked up at him weakly.
"Is what you see so repulsive?" She asked weakly.
Huntus swallowed, his adam's apple doing over-time.
"Er... I..." With a clearing of his throat, his kissed her. When he opened his eyes, Seralina was young, firm and smiling wickedly. She pushed her blood red hair out of her eyes and stood up. Huntus sighed, but was confused; which Seralina was real...?
"I need to speak to all of you Gods that meddled; Huntus, call them before me. I need to know what is going on..." She sighed and saw him watching her like a mouse watches a cat. "Huntus, this is me. The crone was me. Does it matter what I look like?"
Huntus blushed, then did his task. Now, first to find the Goddess of the Fairae folk...
(off the topic for just a moment. I would like to thank Ambro, Lady ALine, and Moneytalks for seriously including my contributions to this story. It really means a lot to me.)

The Lady Danu was far and away from the beaten path. Her most pressing engagement was to find her scouts and set them to learning. It would be harder now that they were visible, but even that could be overcome. For was she not the Lady of Elves and Little People? Did not her Beloved Irish ask for her to send them more Little People? Lady Danu sincerely wished the rest of the world to be as accepting as her Irish, but knew it was a foolhardy wish that would not come true unless she worked to make it so.
"Where the hell is Elsin's heart"? thought Belial as he sat pondering in the Hall of Three, he was on the right side of the middle throne, the throne of the Mother. "How long must it take to kill a weak mortal, and his pathetic gaurdian, I wonder if I shall have his heart by the end of the year, must check on my little spawn, gaurdian of Lokken. At last, Zeratul, as all of us have called you here, but so far I am the only one here I have a question. Where is his DAMB HEART!!!". Those last words he roared so loudly that half of the minor gods heard it.
Lady Luck appeared from the God planes to her altar on the earthly plane. She hadn't told her sister what she was up to, she wondered if they would ever have the same raport again, Fate had been gone such a long while. She felt the ground under her feet and breathed in the air. It was always strange adjusting to an earthly body. She walked outside and followed a path sprinting quickly, with Goddess enhanced speed. She could sense the one she seeked was near.

Finally ahead, she spotted the Goddess Danu. "Hail sister!" She called out, as she slowed to a human paced walk. "I come to offer what help I can, ahead is a great need for adjustment for your followers."
Zeratul: oh your here....took u a while..hold on i got it right here... i produced elsins heart...that was easy...the hard part was convincing his helper to make other arrangements and move on with life....heh...anyway hows the girl is she doing ok???
"Good, now all I have to do is tell Lokken to attack and the frozen north shall be contested folr a very short time. The barren north because of firstly all commerce including metals will stop at my bidding. Secondly the barbarian hordes and giants and great ice drakes will pledge allegiance to Lokken who is my slave." A cold cruel laugh flooded through the nearby corridors.
OOC: Danu is the Irish Goddess of Elves and Little People
The Lady Danu slowed as she waited for Lady Luck. Upon hearing her extend an offer to help, she could not helo but wonder at Lady Luck's offer. What was in this for her? What was she going to get out of it?
"Your offer is greatly appreciated, Lady Luck. But one must wonder at the nature of your offer. It is obvious enough that you are here without the knowledge of your sister, else she would have either forbidden you to come, or she would be here also. One must also wonder what you are to receive out of our working so closely. My followers have long asked to be able to see my people. The Irish are a very strong and proud race. They seem to have no fears. The have a belief that to see an elf or a little person, is to look upon luck itself."
The Lady Danu seemed content to wait for Lady Luck to answer.

Elsewhere, I was busy trying to make sure the Maiden Mabis was safe, and understood that I was of no threat. Her protector Drake, seemed to accept that I was a friend and not a foe. Mabis was still glaring at me, as if it was somehow my fault that I had appeared right in front of them, and tried to scare her deliberately. This was going to take some work. But another thought came to my mind just then, what was so special about Mabis? Why did she have her own Prophecy? What was it this small slip of a girl was supposed to accomplish? Ahhh, well, these questions were going to have to wait. I could ill afford trying to answer these without the help of My Lady Danu.
Belial sat deep in thought as a mental message flashed across his mind. "Plan of Death initiated, a 'peace group' moving north and into the capital. Approximated time left: 3 hours until the death of the Emperor and the rise of Lokken in the North.""Very good, I must reward Zeratul. Though it doesn't seem like the death of Elsin has anything to do with the conquest of the North, indeed it has. Soon I shall reign supreme over Earth!"

OOC: Thanks!

[Edited by Morgoth on 07-13-2000 at 06:26 PM]
Lady Luck's bland expression did not waver. Her lips moved slightly into a smile. "You are wise Lady Danu" she acknowledged as they walked together.

"I do not deny that my sister is unaware of my offer to you, and it is a wise person who looks beyond a simple hand of friendship to what lies underneath. However, in this case, my motive is quite simple"

Lady Luck opened her hand and a small glowing ball of energy appeared, as the glow faded Lady Danu watched as a crystal ball floated before Lady Luck. Luck passed her hand over the ball and the fog which moved within it faded and an image of a red-haired girl and a man appeared. The view widened and a small elf hovered before the girl. The image zoomed into the face of Mabis. She looked angry and terrified.

The image faded. Luck released the ball and it disappear in a flash of light. She turned to Danu. "I offer my help, because Hecate was behind the sudden visibility of your little people. I know she has her eye on this... human... and as such she knew the effect that seeing an elf would have on her. This must mean that the odds are stacked in Hecates favour. All Gods are wary of us sisters, but they fail to realise, we believe in balance, we are balance, thus we seem to go neither to the side of good or evil. I believe, balance is being tampered with, I kid you not, I will only help to restore the balance, you will not be able to count on me for anything more than that."

Lady Luck said no more, letting the Goddess Danu to ponder her words as they continued forward.