When was the last time you had sex?

Sunday morning. Kim and I got home from work a little after 2AM exhausted from being on our feet all night but too wound up to sleep. So we heavy poured ourselves a glass of wine, chatted a bit, went upstairs and checked on hub's, saw that he already had a nice start on a chubby, woke him up and said we were bored.

We weren't bored, or dressed, for very long after that. 😊
I’ve never had sex. Last night, I had a dream that I was having sex on an airplane. I almost had an orgasm in my sleep. Actually, I’m kind of bummed I didn’t have an orgasm.
Monday morning. We have sex every Monday. Don’t ask me why. It just worked out that way. I think it’s great.
Thank you. So I am really not missing anything?
We love it and do it in the shower often and find it fun and erotic....I mean, two nude warm wet bodies, right? Though it helps that we renovated our bathroom a few years ago and redesigned our shower with shower sex in mind not only with the design, but lighting, etc.