When was the last time you...?

WWTLTY found a complete stranger in public sexually arousing ?
There was a young guy who got into an elevator with me yesterday, and he smelled amazing. It was clean manly sweat. I had to keep myself from unleashing a feral growl.

WWTLTY had sex with someone for the first time?
Couple of months ago, in the delightful English channel.

WWTLTY danced in the rain
last week.
A new Mexican place

WWTLTY told someone you thought of them while in self plewasure?
WWTLTY told someone you thought of them while in self plewasure?
Yesterday. Being watched the first time and then I sent a message later when I was alone and going for another round.

WWTLTY forgot to ask the next question in a thread like this and had to go back and edit? 🤦‍♀️
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I’ve never told a crush or anyone I was attracted to (outside of a relationship). Would love to but scared haha

WWTLTY kissed someone other than your SO?
I’ve never told a crush or anyone I was attracted to (outside of a relationship). Would love to but scared haha

WWTLTY kissed someone other than your SO?
Oh gosh. With sexual intent? Been a minute.
Friendly kiss on the lips? Last Tuesday.

WWTLTY danced with someone?