Where are you from?

From? The third largest city in the U.S.
Current: Georgia. State or country...you decide.
Oz. Funny about that. Seeming as a lot of my stories are based around Melbourne, it's a fair bet I came from there.
Texas. But I’ve also lived in Santa Fe, Italy, and Taiwan thanks to a diplomat stepdad. One day I plan on moving to Elysium. ;)
For a long time I've been struck by how many people I see here are from outside the U.S. (Perhaps Lit. began outside?) I'm wondering if it's really the case that we have a really broad range of countries represented, or whether I just gravitate to people outside the U.S.

Can you tell us what country you're from? Or, at least, whether you're from the U.S., English speaker outside the U.S., non-English speaking?
I'm an Aussie, mate! Sydney born and bred...on the coast. All very obvious, I'm sure, to anyone who's had a peek at my stories...
Childhood in Germany, but US most of my life now. Los Angeles is home at this point, but I've lived (and written) in San Francisco, Detroit, New York, Vancouver BC over the years. Guess I'm a nomad.