Which Litster do you want to fuck?

Take off of "any LIT members that you REALLY wanna fuck?"
...where the answers are usually 'yes' 'no' 'maybe' ...

Only this one requires you to say who.

(Also, predict now if this thread will be very popular or epic fail)

I'll say it.
Just a few Litsters I'd really like to meet up with, as many men as women actually. The women? A real date, perhaps a weekend. That's like five weekends. Would we fuck? I really would like to, in the context of some fun and delightful exchange. Memorable pleasures. Si.
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Just added another to my list of 5. And told her so. Hell she deserves a guy who'll see her into bliss and then see her into bliss
I'm resisting the vanity of trawling through this thread to see if I'm mentioned... I don't think I could cope with the heartbreak of not being.
I'm resisting the vanity of trawling through this thread to see if I'm mentioned... I don't think I could cope with the heartbreak of not being.

Nice one Matt. No need for trepidation though: those who quiver over your every post are the ones who would not say a word about you on this thread ;)
Nice one Matt. No need for trepidation though: those who quiver over your every post are the ones who would not say a word about you on this thread ;)

Hey, that comment has the benefit of both being insightful and making me feel better. Thanks.
Anyone that can seduce me with witty and thought provoking conversation, common sense and a sense humor is halfway into my panties. :devil: