Who Would You Cast To Play The Litster Above You In "The Literotica Movie"

Wow! You should be a casting director!

ARE you a casting director? :heart:

Ben Afleck

nope... just matching up sexy Lit ladies with sexy movie stars to the Lit movie :) but I am behind the camera kinda guy

Jamie Lee Curtis another option to play Vegas
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nope... just matching up sexy Lit ladies with sexy movie stars to the Lit movie :) but I am behind the camera kinda guy

Jamie Lee Curtis another option to play Vegas

Litsters play other litsters, with fake beards so chicks and smoothshavendad can audition for Stu gats.
Litsters play other litsters, with fake beards so chicks and smoothshavendad can audition for Stu gats.

I've no idea if this is a guy or gal so I'll pick someone who can play either.

Elliot Page. :rolleyes:
Adrienne Barbeau, back in the day

Lol...that was never me back in any day.

Diannhe Carroll back in the day