Why did you choose your username?

What is with these people who put numbers on the end of perfectly good names? ;).

I was on the internet back in 98 and over the next few years Gordo was easily available anywhere I chose to register. I read stories here from around 2000'ish till 2011 when I finally decided to start contributing to the comments and the forum.

When I went to register someone else, obviously unaware of my previous rights, had registered Gordo in 2002. (might even have been me but I no longer have the password)

Anyway I just tossed 12 into the system and behold! I have no idea why I chose that number except a couple of other variations didn't work and I was getting frustrated.

So a user name with a number :D
Darkniciad is one of my PnP character names, which are so oddly constructed that they're relatively easy to pass without added numbers or underscores when signing up anywhere. The stories I write in that name are primarily centered on the fantasy world of which Darkni is a part, as well.

LesLumens is a play on one of my other internet names — Darken. Les Lumens = Less Light = Darken. I used Les as an alternative to "Darken" for signing up to things, because it went through as easily as my character names.

RejectReality is pretty simple, and explained in my bio. All the stories in this name are meant to be one rung above "Is there another way I can pay for this pizza?" on the plausibility scale. It's a shortening of "I reject your reality and substitute my own" popularized by Adam Savage of Mythbusters, which he appropriated from an old B movie.
I started accumulating usernames when I hit the BBS's after 1980. For various reasons I was Hypoxia [gasp!] at several sites around Santa Rosa CA. Then I joined the Smurf's Village BBS and naturally became Hypoxia [gasp!] Smurf, a proud member of SCUM (Sonoma County Users of Modems), the online club meeting near the Snoopy Museum. Some members dressed as robots. I did not dress as a Smurf. That was unnecessary, as any who have seen me can attest.

Which reminds me that old scalawag televangelist Jim Bakker is now selling bullshit coronavirus cures that also turns users blue. If you see a smurf, don't inhale.
At least you didn't call yourself Mooseboy :).

Hahaha. I just checked. It's already taken, as is Mooseboy96. What is with these people who put numbers on the end of perfectly good names? ;).

As I recall, I did cotton to MooseWrangler for awhile — I thought it'd give me some machismo creds ... but I'd been doing lot's of drinking at that time in my life :eek: Eleven months of winter'll drive you as batty as a Kangaroo rancher.
I’m hot and my thoughts are deep. I chose it to separate the desperate looking for just sex from those looking to get to know me and have conversations. Well, that was back when I cared about others. These days it’s just the way I’m identified on here.
I have had dozens on many sites over the decades but on this one on here.
I’ve always loved coffee, so I’ve been “Javahead” since I first went online.
My big brother would always call me his sweetchar when I did something he wanted or something that pleased him.
I started accumulating usernames when I hit the BBS's after 1980. For various reasons I was Hypoxia [gasp!] at several sites around Santa Rosa CA. Then I joined the Smurf's Village BBS and naturally became Hypoxia [gasp!] Smurf, a proud member of SCUM (Sonoma County Users of Modems), the online club meeting near the Snoopy Museum. Some members dressed as robots. I did not dress as a Smurf. That was unnecessary, as any who have seen me can attest.

Cool, we like blue people.

My adoptive sister/ lover/ wife Lisa (she's the short one) wrote about me in a story (now several) calling me Jamie (surprise= not my real name ) but here on LitE I "guess I'm Jamie." (Surprise #2= Jamie was taken. Surprise #3 if you are a gal having "slave" in your username gives guys who don't read profiles the wrong idea.)
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I meant it to be Ishtar but missed the R and hit T by accident. Turned out that Ishtar was already taken anyway.
I have been asked this many times. It is from Mongolian mythology. Here is a description from one website.

In a primordial era, prior to creation of our world, Erlik Khan was the spirit of Venus, the Morning Star. Each morning before dawn, he slaughters all the other stars. After Earth was created, Tengri, supreme creator, destroyed Erlik’s celestial territory. Erlik Khan requested even a tiny plot of land on Earth, but apparently no room could be found for him: he was given a subterranean realm instead. He is King of the Mongolian Underworld, a Hades-like figure. Under Buddhist influence, he was further demoted and classified as a Demon. Erlik Khan is a proud, brooding spirit. He has spent centuries plotting his revenge. In the Mongol vision of the Apocalypse, at the end of time, Erlik Khan will emerge from his realm accompanied by an entourage of nine iron warriors riding nine iron horses. Everyone and everything in their path will be destroyed. People will beg for help from various deities but will receive no response, possibly because Erlik Khan’s posse got to them first. His two most powerful warriors will attack Buddha Shakyamuni. Earth will be consumed by flames emerging from his blood. Until then, Erlik Khan waits …

A character named Erlik Khan is an arch-foe of Marvel comic hook hero Dr. Strange.
I earned the nickname "Lex Ruthless" from some of my black shipmates in the navy who had been gang members in the Los Angeles area. Later, when I tried to quit smoking, there was an ugly incident and more of my shipmates began using that nickname to refer to me. (Two long stories there.)

When I started playing online games in the late 1990s it made for a nice gamer tag, and I decided to add the extra "x" so I could differentiate my online gaming from my smut writing.
Haulover nude beach in North Miami is my official "happy place". No, I don't live near there, but my wife and I frequently find excuses to go there.

Nude beaches are nothing like what most Lit authors write about - though I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing :D

<<===== This picture was taken at Haulover Beach.
I finished my first-ever Lit story and was really eager to publish it, as I'd started it months before and got stuck on a point for quite a while, so it was a real thrill to have it finished. First, though, I had to register. I thought of a number of usernames I'd have liked, but they were all taken. So I settled on the initials of an old handle I'd used elsewhere, followed by a year that is significant for me. Ain't telling beyond that. ;)
When I first tried publishing some stories on Usenet, I totally spaced out that I was publishing them under my real name. Determined to be a totally ignorant slut, I picked the same name when I started writing on Lit.

You can probably guess my Gmail account, too. :rolleyes:

Fortunately, I didn't have much of an Internet shadow before, so most searches only come up with my stories.

I was already a huge fan of Literotica as a reader when I first decided to write erotica. So Lit fan I became but the system wouldn't let me have just Litfan or Litfan1 or 2 so Litfan10 I became.
When I signed up, I really wanted Southern Cross from the Crosby, Stills & Nash song, the chorus of which seems like a great mantra for a romance writer.

"Think about how many times I have fallen
Spirits are using me, larger voices callin'
What heaven brought you and me cannot be forgotten
I have been around the world looking for that woman girl
Who knows love can endure
And you know it will
And you know it will."

Of course, it was already taken. Being an idiot and not thinking to add an underline and not wanting to substitute a K or add a number, I switched gears, slightly. I've spent a lot of time in the American south, and some of my stories will be centered there. Many will also have a significant element of conflict or tension, so Crossfire seemed like a decent substitute.

OT: Is there a way to change a username?
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I wanted a female pen name and Jeanne D'Arc was already taken so I chose jeanne_d_artois.

The real Jeanne D'Artois was a witch, condemned to execution for witchcraft and murder. She disappeared from a locked and guarded cell during the night before her scheduled execution, thus proving her extensive powers as a witch.
I'm a character in one of jeanne_d_artois' stories: Unatit

I am based on a real woman, now decades dead, who had a brain scrambled by years of drug abuse, who would harass anyone for cigarettes. While she was around, no smoker was safe.
When I signed up, I really wanted Southern Cross from the Crosby, Stills & Nash song, the chorus of which seems like a great mantra for a romance writer.

"Think about how many times I have fallen
Spirits are using me, larger voices callin'
What heaven brought you and me cannot be forgotten
I have been around the world looking for that woman girl
Who knows love can endure
And you know it will
And you know it will."

Of course, it was already taken. Being an idiot and not thinking to add an underline and not wanting to substitute a K or add a number, I switched gears, slightly. I've spent a lot of time in the American south, and some of my stories will be centered there. Many will also have a significant element of conflict or tension, so Crossfire seemed like a decent substitute.

OT: Is there a way to change a username?

Ahh that's interesting and unexpected on my part lol I just assumed you were Australian.
I wanted a female pen name and Jeanne D'Arc was already taken so I chose jeanne_d_artois.

The real Jeanne D'Artois was a witch, condemned to execution for witchcraft and murder. She disappeared from a locked and guarded cell during the night before her scheduled execution, thus proving her extensive powers as a witch.

I LOVE that!