Why do you cry?

I can't remember when I've ever actually cried. I didn't cry when my father died. I don't cry when I'm happy. I have had instances because of my depression when I'm just sitting doing nothing and start to feel like crying, but don't. I've made other people cry, unintentionally, and have always been surprised when they did.
Ferociously resisted crying when I was younger. My dad died when I was twelve, and I thought he would want me to be strong.
Now that I'm older it just ambushes me sometimes. Mostly goodbyes and re-unifications. Especially dogs. Even on TV and movies.
Ferociously resisted crying when I was younger. My dad died when I was twelve, and I thought he would want me to be strong.
Now that I'm older it just ambushes me sometimes. Mostly goodbyes and re-unifications. Especially dogs. Even on TV and movies.
Ambush. That's a good term for it.
As for "why"? I wish I knew.
The youngest of my two sons just moved about seven hours away. He's 27 now and moved for a better job, but he's the first to leave the area my wife and I live in. As a dad you try to prepare yourself for this eventuality and I thought I was. But, no. It was a rough day for me.
I don't really cry anymore. Honestly. I get very sad, depressed even. But, I rarely shed tears.
I have issues around the fact that I feel like I should of shed more tears when my spouse died. Grief is different for everyone.
I last freaked out crying when my sister died in 2005.
But babies/children dying or getting cancer or abused makes me the saddest šŸ˜ž
I donā€™t cry often, and never ever infront if others..but when it happens itā€™s because everything has just piled up.
The youngest of my two sons just moved about seven hours away. He's 27 now and moved for a better job, but he's the first to leave the area my wife and I live in. As a dad you try to prepare yourself for this eventuality and I thought I was. But, no. It was a rough day for me.
When I moved my oldest son to the east coast for college. Sheesh. Doing great, then waving goodbye from the car hoping heā€™d love it, be safe, work hard and have fun and be even safer. I pulled over a few blocks away and me, my wife and youngest son all just lost it.
I find at my age (61, and a male) that I donā€™t cry these days unless Iā€™m feeling completely overwhelmed, where I just canā€™t handle something any more. The summer before last (and mind you, this was before I started getting treated for anxiety and depression) I had been really looking forward to going to the local farmers market because a Beatles tribute band was going to be performing there. About an hour before we were going to head over I had to run to the store for something, and I drove past the market on the way back to gauge the crowdsā€¦ and I started having a panic attack, completely overwhelmed by it. So I get home and Iā€™m trying to hold it together while I tell my wife that I donā€™t think I can handle going to the performance because of the crowds, she asks whatā€™s wrong with me, and I manage to say ā€œI donā€™t knowā€ before starting to lose it, and I had to go to my office to get hold of myself again.

Prior to that weā€™d taken in a dog that friends of my brother couldnā€™t keep any more, we already had two, and I got really attached to the dog quickly, and when a situation came up where we had to give it away to someone else, I had something similar happenā€¦ first when the decision was made, and then again when the dog was picked up.
I am just fucked up that way, I get teary wayyy too easily. Don't like that, makes me look like an idiot.
Multiple intense orgasms makes me cry, but it's nice tears... I am still shaking..
Yesterday I decided to listen to a few old albums during a long drive. One was Man of Colours by an 80's Australian band called Icehouse. I have listened to this album hundreds of times. One of my favorite tracks is called Sunrise. It's sung very softly until you get to the chorus and that's sung very powerfully. I've always enjoyed it.

Ever know a song for years and can sing along, but never really listen to the lyrics, to understand them? Yesterday I did. I heard them and understood. The song is about the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. By the end of that powerful song, I was a wreck. I had to pull over and get through it.

You'll never see the faces
Of the fishermen
But you may see their shadows
Burned against the wall