Why Is China Assisting Russia?


Feb 5, 2023
At a time when they are aggressively expanding, acquiring and threatening.

Casualties in the Ukraine war now exceed 500,000, with recent escalation threatening a much wider conflict. But assuming this war does not spin out of control in the next several weeks, incoming president Trump has one argument for a negotiated peace that the Russians may find irresistible. The long-term threat to Russian sovereignty is not NATO but China. Putin recognized this early in his presidency when he considered joining NATO. What a difference a few decades make. Now, there is nothing the Chinese would rather see than a horrific, all-out war between NATO and Russia, and they might just get their wish.

China is supplying critical components and dual-use technologies, including machine tools and microelectronics, that help sustain Russia’s weapons industry. China and Russia have held joint military exercises designed to develop cooperation between their militaries. But while China is supporting Russia today, China’s past and likely future with Russia tell a very different story.

During what the Chinese refer to as their “century of humiliation,” the period from 1838 through 1949, imperial powers sliced off and took control of large portions of territory that the Chinese believe historically belong to them. While much of that is debatable—Tibet and the South China Sea come immediately to mind—that doesn’t change the fact of their resolve to take all of it back. The extent of Russian territory that China could theoretically lay claim to is vast.
Edward Ring, American Greatness

I was thinking about this just a few minutes ago, the waking dream of an insomniac.

China has too many young men. It has an emerging, frustrated (at lack up upward mobility more than liberty) middle class. It is a powder keg ready to explode.

What if they (with the help of North Korea and their unwitting tools in Tehran) want to bleed Russia dry of manpower and immediate resources in order to created a vacuum and fill the vacuum...

We practice selective annihilation of mayors and government officials, for example, to create a vacuum, then we fill that vacuum. As popular war advances, peace is closer

And you're fixated on Trump tariffs and Walmart prices even though you detest Walmart and the people who shop there, your stereotypical MAGAt or TRUMPer...

I have read that the PRC covets Siberia. Strictly for the mineral wealth. Siberia is like our desert and mountain West -- there's not much there, but there is mining.
They are resource poor and Trump had them isolated militarily and under Biden, they felt free to push the envelope.

For example, we look the other way while they simply create islands to encroach on their neighbors and it's not just Russian, it's Taiwan and Vietnam too. The Viet still hate the Han with a white-hot passion (but yellow is a pretty bright flame too).
That flies in the face of your first post...

But I'll leave you to your point(s) and the last word.
That flies in the face of your first post...

But I'll leave you to your point(s) and the last word.
China has plenty of resources, always did, throughout its history -- doesn't mean they don't want Russia's.

In particular, China has plenty of coal.
I have read that the PRC covets Siberia. Strictly for the mineral wealth. Siberia is like our desert and mountain West -- there's not much there, but there is mining.
The northern resource area you mean
Russia has three valuables China wants: land, natural resources, and women. Russia has more women than men. China has more men than women. Chinese soldiers could invade Siberia, conquer much of it, and acquire war brides.
Russia has three valuables China wants: land, natural resources, and women.
Do they even want the women? The Han are so xenophobic that nobody else in the world is really civilized -- even Korean women are too foreign for them.
The rams continue the quest for domination growing tired while youth awaits with patient cud and growing strength.

The wolf observes as the pack gathers...
Do they even want the women? The Han are so xenophobic that nobody else in the world is really civilized -- even Korean women are too foreign for them.
I am confident that many Chinese men would rather marry Russian women than be celibate for the rest of their lives.
Because China and Russia has autocratic dictators who want to stay in power and deteriorate western philosophies of democracy.

This is also why they target uneducated people online who don't understand they are being manipulated.
But The ghafla is highly educated and shares his daily knowledge with us and we are still thankful for it...
The obvious observation is, there is a global shortage of White Wimminz.

Racist motherfuckers . . . .
When you really think it through it boils down to, "With a friend like China, who needs enemies?"
But The ghafla is highly educated and shares his daily knowledge with us and we are still thankful for it...
Why does AJ share his opinion daily?

Sorry to interrupt your morning circle jerk when you're on a juicy roll, Sparky.

I know it fucks with your flow.
The Chinese lack fresh water, Russia holds near 30% of the fresh water on earth...... truth be told the Chinese are the most racist of people in particular the government.... the Chinese don't want to just conquer the United States and Russia ect, they want to colonize the country and exterminate the populations..... go read the "white" papers about what the Chinese have planned........ while I'm on my soap box, that fucking heathen Xi Jinping should read in exodus 20:17 the Tenth commandment.... thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house......
When a Chinese government official is smiling, remember he/she/they/them, they aren't smiling, they are gritting their teeth......
BRICS has one thing in common.

But probably it's not the thing they got together about 👍