Will There Be Accountability For The Legacy Media

In a defamation suit against Maddow, the lawyer for MSNBC declared that they are "opinion and entertainment" and not news.

CNN on the other hand claims to be "hard news"

I think the Fed should do what they did to McMahon and wrestling over steroids and other issues. Get up there on the stand and decare whether or not you are an actual news outlet. They say no, then shame on any of these idiots who let themselves be fear and hate mongered by them, They say yes? Sue them into oblivion.

The whole thing is a perfect example of being a victim of the monster they created. They spent years being nothing but a leftist propaganda platform spewing 24/7 hit pieces against the right. Now, some of these outlets and people want to try to get back to more unbiased reporting. Like it shouldn't have always been, but the issue is, they spent so long convincing their base everything GOP is pure evil that if they start some honest reporting they will go insane and leave.

The Morning Joe situation is a perfect example.

They need to blow up the existing platforms and start from scratch, forget about keeping their old base, and hope they can bring in a new one who is willing to listen to actual news.
In a defamation suit against Maddow, the lawyer for MSNBC declared that they are "opinion and entertainment" and not news.

If you didn’t start this rant with a direct reference to Fox News, which you didn’t and still never mentioned throughout - then you’re a disingenuous ass not to be taken seriously. I mean, you’re a fuckin dumbass anyway. So….
If you didn’t start this rant with a direct reference to Fox News, which you didn’t and still never mentioned throughout - then you’re a disingenuous ass not to be taken seriously. I mean, you’re a fuckin dumbass anyway. So….

They "think" decent, intelligent individuals wouldn’t notice that "minor" omission…

I've noticed a shift in language - what used to be called the mainstream media is now being labelled legacy media.

I'm sure it's not purposeful
Because the "mainstream media" is no longer mainstream. The American majority has brought down the curtail and are getting their news from more truthful sourcs.
Because the "mainstream media" is no longer mainstream. The American majority has brought down the curtail and are getting their news from more truthful sourcs.
Yes, I'm sure that's what it is 👍
It was a republican talking point and was never anything more than an attempt to create doubt. That this is the case is indicated perfectly by how quickly the repugs switched to the "age is not an issue" stance the moment the Dem candidate was suddenly much younger than Trump. I'm not aware of any explicit and verifiable reports about Biden's mental acuity, but even if there was decline in his faculties, the republican agenda had nothing to do with telling truth, only about seeing how much traction the talk about it would have with the electorate.
Because the "mainstream media" is no longer mainstream. The American majority has brought down the curtail and are getting their news from more truthful sourcs.
Then why is it that you can never find any? Epoch Times is not more truthful than NYT or WaPo. Fox is not more truthful than CNN or MSNBC. The Federalist, the Blaze, Gateway Pundit, Newsmax, Breitbart, WND -- they're all shit. And you know it.
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