WJ's Bottom Desk Drawer

I know they're considered weeds, but I really like dandelions. Yesterday my back lawn was a patchy mess of brown and pale green. Today it's a sea of bright yellow. No, it won't last, but it's still pretty.
I'm at the church yard sale today. The radio is on, and Pat Benatar's "We Belong" started playing. I feel sorry for everyone else here, but it's just one of those songs I have to sing along with - loudly and badly. I don't care - it makes me smile. :)

My wife was talking about getting another tattoo. Every time this conversation comes up, so does this clip.
Last week I learned that in the early Christian church, different stories of what happened to Judas after the betrayal basically became campfire horror stories. In the Gospel of Matthew he goes off and hangs himself. Ok. Not too exciting. But in the Book of Acts he falls in a field and his body splits open and his intestines fall out on the ground. Ok. Better. In the apocryphal Gospel of Nicodemus, Judas is filled with remorse, goes home and tells his wife that Jesus will be resurrected and that he (Judas) will be punished. His wife, who is cooking a chicken at the time, laughs and says that Jesus has about as much chance of resurrecting himself as he does of resurrecting the cooked chicken. The chicken promptly comes to life and clucks and squawks at Judas, who is terrified and promptly runs out of the house and hangs himself. Tell me you can't make a B-horror movie out of that. And Bishop Papias of Hierapolis said that Judas survived for a while, but was so cursed by God's wrath, that he bloated to such a size that he could not walk the city streets because his corpus would scrape the homes on each side. So corpulent that doctors could not find his eyes, even with instruments, they were hidden by his fat. And his body oozed constantly with pus and worms. When, at last, he finally took a knife and spilled his own guts onto the ground, the place where he did it stank of rot and ichor so much that people still held their noses a hundred years later.
Early Christians liked a good gross-out story.
Don't mind me. My fuse is aggravatingly short today.
A little showtune therapy usually helps turn things around.
So... My desk drawer, there's only one...

Two nail files, nail clippers kit, jolly ranchers, a thin purple velvet collar, two vibrators, a handwritten list of logins and passwords, two tubes of lotion, 3 AA batteries, Midol, and a portable hard drive...

So... My desk drawer, there's only one...

Two nail files, nail clippers kit, jolly ranchers, a thin purple velvet collar, two vibrators, a handwritten list of logins and passwords, two tubes of lotion, 3 AA batteries, Midol, and a portable hard drive...

I think our desks might serve two different purposes. :LOL:
Doesn't matter how many times I've seen it. The horns calling the charge of the Rohirrim at Minas Tirith always gives me chills.


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Every so often I'll be reminded of the unfortunate existence of Ayn Rand, and then I re-post this.
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Every so often I'll be reminded of the unfortunate existence of Ayn Rand, and then I re-post this.
This might be the end of our friendship ;) ...but...I don't totally hate Ayn Rand. While I don't agree with all of her activism, I do find her life fascinating. And though I'm not a LOTR fan nor did I love Atlas Shrugged - The Fountainhead is an incredible book (even with a controversial scene or 2)
This might be the end of our friendship ;) ...but...I don't totally hate Ayn Rand. While I don't agree with all of her activism, I do find her life fascinating. And though I'm not a LOTR fan nor did I love Atlas Shrugged - The Fountainhead is an incredible book (even with a controversial scene or 2)
I just find nothing redeeming about the philosophy she espoused. All I can think about is the slimy waiter in Dirty Dancing (the one who got Penny pregnant, then abandoned her), giving a copy of The Fountainhead to Baby, saying, "some people matter, some people don't." And she was quick to label people who disagreed with her as communists (she and the Joe McCarthys of the world got along great). Nope. Don't like her. Never will.