I'll take that, because I cooked up the 'ick'. In my defense, however, I am interested in boosting male written erotica a bit. See my How To stuff. Most simply, I want to write stories that appeal to people who identify as women as much or more than giving guys more 'wank fodder'. And it's a more interesting challenge. My running joke is that men will get hot when they see an 'S' curve. Should I just say, "The women authors are doing a fine job. Leave this stuff to them?" Mebbe. Absolutely need more women writers here. AND we need stories that appeal to all genders because they get into the heads of characters of all genders.Sometimes a "I'm a man and I want to write women" thread comes along and I think "I can contribute to that." Others I'll think "looks like some other ladies have that one covered." Every once in a while, though, I come across one that's just "ick."
This is the latter.