Women with hairy arm pits


Apr 13, 2008
I was just wondering how many guy's and lady's like or dislike women with hairy arm pits?
My wife every once in a while will miss a couple of days of shaving and her's start getting hairy and it's a real turn on for me and I've said something to her about letting them go for a week that I'd like a french woman but she wont ever do it. But I like her pussy shaved with just a thin strip above.
What's everybody elese think?
I like it on there legs is ok but it doesn't really turn me on that much. But one with a trimmed pussy and hairy pits tears me up!!! Which I like really hairy pussies too I go from extreme to extreme on that . My wife at one time didn't shave her pussy period and her bush spread from leg crease to leg crease and part way on her thighs so when she had on bikinis hair would come over the top and around both sides and that was sexy!!!!!
My wife and I rented a house years ago that was for sale. Occasionally, we'd get someone there to look at it.
The little city we lived in had a huge aluminum factory that drew people from all over to work there.
One day I was mowing and this car pulled up and a very pretty, petit woman got out and started asking question with a very obvious French accent.
She was dressed in a tank top and short athletic shorts and smelled out of this world. I pointed to another house that was also for sale and she pointed and said "That one?" and I got an eye full of a hairy chick armpit for the first time.

Along with her scent, the armpit thing turned me on something fierce.
More hair, more better.

I love the hair!! Armpit, legs, pussy, even when a girl gets some around her nipples. I don't seem to be able to find too many women that like it that way though.
I must be one of the few guys that don't like hairy women...Only on the top of her head!:D
Just ewwwww and i would like to state that the hairy european thing doesnt apply in the UK.....thank god
Don't like seeing hairy armpits on a woman.
As for her 'lady-garden' :D that's entirely up to her...

I like to keep my own trimmed and/or shaved, simply because I think its courteous... plus shaving my balls is rather pleasurable ;)
When I was in grad school, there was a German woman who lived in my dormitory. Bettina became a very close friend, someone I still keep in touch with all these years later. When I first met her, it was late summer. I helped her move into her apartment. I remember how she was dressed that day - a short-sleeved light summer dress. And there for the first time in my life, I saw a woman with under-arm hair. I was already smitten with her. She smelled beautiful and I loved her German accent. The fact that she didn't shave only added to her mystery. Although we remained only friends, she has been the source of many fantasies.
im from the ukraine and lived in germany and none of the girls i have ever known dont shave! armpits hair is EWWW!! and leg hair is EWWW!! the hair on my legs can grow back for at most 2 days same with my pits...my pussy i can let go for a 4 days just because i get sensitive to shaving down there....and i have a nice triangle cut down there because i dont like to be bald..and my boyfriend doesnt like it bald either..but as far as hair ne where else...EW just on my head and my little mound..thats IT lol