
I should be sleeping

Push me up against the wall.

Bury your face in my neck. Take in my scent. Not just my skin, but the aroma rising up.

You put one hand on my wrist, keeping my exactly where you want me. The other explores my curves, up and down. I catch my breath as your hand grazes the lips by my thighs.

You smile.

Knowing how badly I want you to part those lips makes waiting all the more fun.

You press yourself into me. I can feel your need as well.

Take me. I’m yours completely.
I don’t do well without direction.

Left completely to my own devices, I indulge in laziness to the point of listlessness.

But fuck. I am tired.

I miss the endless possibilities of a weekend.

I miss the ability to throw caution to the wind and embark on an unplanned adventure.

I feel like the grass will always be greener.

Had I chosen a different life, would I crave love and stability? Have I ever been capable of stability?

There has always been something within me unsettled and wanting more.

I don’t even know if I’m unhappy. It seems to depend on the moment.
I don’t do well without direction.

Left completely to my own devices, I indulge in laziness to the point of listlessness.

But fuck. I am tired.

I miss the endless possibilities of a weekend.

I miss the ability to throw caution to the wind and embark on an unplanned adventure.

I feel like the grass will always be greener.

Had I chosen a different life, would I crave love and stability? Have I ever been capable of stability?

There has always been something within me unsettled and wanting more.

I don’t even know if I’m unhappy. It seems to depend on the moment.

I like what you are doing here...I might add to it!
She crawled into his lap
tangled her fingers into his beard
and rested her head on his chest
hearing his heart beat
she knew she was at peace
and all was well
little did she know
it was just the beginning
of the storm.
I like what you are doing here...I might add to it!

I hope you do! It felt unfinished, but I rarely have time to devote to finishing thoughts during the day.

She crawled into his lap
tangled her fingers into his beard
and rested her head on his chest
hearing his heart beat
she knew she was at peace
and all was well
little did she know
it was just the beginning
of the storm.

This is beautiful. I love the artistic echo.
Your work is gorgeous, and I intend to read as much as I can find... would that I had a poet's soul to match yours...!
Your work is gorgeous, and I intend to read as much as I can find... would that I had a poet's soul to match yours...!

Thank you! I feel that everything I produce is a mess. I would love to polish it, but also enjoy having a place to leave it as is. Without any particular audience in mind, it’s easier to just leave them as they are.
Without a muse the cursor mocks.

So many thoughts...wild, unbridled. Teasing and challenging to be tamed and composed.

How does one capture ache? Lust is easy. Throbbing parts, swollen, sweaty, wanting, needing, grabbing, taking. The beautiful, vivid, raw ways to describe it are endless.

But living with this ghost of some other self is...

Surely this is normal. A sign a waning youth. Numbers never frightened me, but perhaps the undeniable path of choices made are the death of opportunity.

So here I return, to youthful, wanton ways. I am not who I have been. I am not who I once was. A chameleon all my life, left without true colors of my own.
Lacking a connection cannot possibly make us whole.

Thinking makes us feel even more questions. We look for a center yet cannot help but wander even further away.

Some things are easier felt then explained. Bodies are a mere product the mind produces. Yet, we cannot really live without the full use of both.

If only our minds could somehow be shut off. Even merely for a day. What would we then experience?

Demons of duality are the scariest monsters. They are never too far away from us. Even when we may try to leave them behind they are always somehow out in front.

Sitting still secures safety. Though it cannot possibly bring happiness.

Possibilities allow for freedom. They can sometimes seem endless. The only one we will truly never be able to leave in life though is actually our own self.
Do we come whole and lose pieces of ourself as we make our way through life or is it our goal to find what competes us before our time is up?

Is it thought or action then, that leads us from our center?

Banal desires would be realized without the mind. Is satisfaction something that could be realized?

To be left behind and found in front sounds so fitting of this dual beast.

So the self is here to stay. Perhaps because it’s not possible to abandon it is so often neglected.
For each of us, maybe the path is truly different. What is common is the need of finding something. Though searching tends to make us even more lost.

Perhaps, we start out as innocent and whole. Before then becoming guilty seeking to find all the parts. Yet then once again search to become complete once again. Only to find we're no longer the soul we once were.

Either our bodies or minds are perpetually out in front. Leaving the other to play catch up. Though some games are perhaps not meant to be played.
The topic of this thread is “words“. I thought the discussion would be about the nature of words but I don't see it.

See how human minds wander ?
Well, some say those who wander are not necessarily lost.
Hope we are not lost.

Or may I ask where are we at?
Or which way are we going ?
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The topic of this thread is “words“. I thought the discussion would be about the nature of words but I don't see it.

See how human minds wander ?
Well, some say those who wander are not necessarily lost.
Hope we are not lost.

Or may I ask where are we at?
Or which way are we going ?

My intent is for all words to be welcome here, discussions and other wonderings included.

I’m glad you left yours; we can figure out where we’re headed together. ☺️
I want to be one of those up with the sun, enjoy a tea in the quiet morning type of people, but fuck, my bed is comfortable.
I want to be one of those up with the sun, enjoy a tea in the quiet morning type of people, but fuck, my bed is comfortable.

Sometimes the greatest pleasures are taken slowly and with comfort rather than with vigour and haste. Beds are for relaxing in, and relaxing is always something that can make us feel better. Duvets are comfortable for good reasons, and a comfy bed is a pure pleasure in life.
I want to be one of those up with the sun, enjoy a tea in the quiet morning type of people, but fuck, my bed is comfortable.

The sun we may feel outside is only a brief respite from the darkness held deepest within. Comfort breeds possible resentment because we are left with not wanting.

We may in theory want nothing but solitude yet being driven keeps life moving. Time is all that we really have.
I don’t do well without direction.
Left completely to my own devices, I indulge in laziness to the point of listlessness.
But fuck. I am tired.
I miss the endless possibilities of a weekend.
I miss the ability to throw caution to the wind and embark on an unplanned adventure.
I feel like the grass will always be greener.
Had I chosen a different life, would I crave love and stability? Have I ever been capable of stability?
There has always been something within me unsettled and wanting more.
I don’t even know if I’m unhappy. It seems to depend on the moment.

Without a muse the cursor mocks.
So many thoughts...wild, unbridled. Teasing and challenging to be tamed and composed.
How does one capture ache? Lust is easy. Throbbing parts, swollen, sweaty, wanting, needing, grabbing, taking. The beautiful, vivid, raw ways to describe it are endless.
But living with this ghost of some other self is...
Surely this is normal. A sign a waning youth. Numbers never frightened me, but perhaps the undeniable path of choices made are the death of opportunity.
So here I return, to youthful, wanton ways. I am not who I have been. I am not who I once was. A chameleon all my life, left without true colors of my own.

I stumbled upon your thread
Not entirely by chance
And was surprised to see
You had read my mind.
I want to be one of those up with the sun, enjoy a tea in the quiet morning type of people, but fuck, my bed is comfortable.

Those of romantic inclination thrill to the journey for its own seeming-sentient meanderings, embracing purpose only as assistant to abandon. In pondering the inexplicable marriage between abundant creativity and profound idleness that frequently, in its own roguish obliviousness, hijacks my dominant being, I realize that, to the romantic, reverse sentiments apply as the process drops its veil: it was the mystery that seduced me, and never the reveal.

I think, "Do you want to paint, or simply to have painted?" Grudgingly, I then take up the brush and resume... but, then again, are all battles for the future worth fighting at the expense of the now?

Perhaps the path to becoming an early riser is simply more predictable than that which leads to artistic triumph. For now, this bed is enough.
I stumbled upon your thread
Not entirely by chance
And was surprised to see
You had read my mind.

A kindred spirit is always welcome. Words and pleasantries escape me right now, but I’m glad you’ve made your way here.
Lights off, candles blowing slight in the breeze
Music wafting in and out,
Lacing the air with seductive, dangerous melodies.
Thousand thread count sheets embrace the bed firmly
Plush pillows and blood red roses enhance the mood.
Magic in the air, animating the room.

Shadows playfully dance against the walls.
Reflecting darkness, yet speckles of light
As their shadowed limbs roughly tumble.
Stumbling from the walls to the ceilings to the floor,
Disappearing through the windows into the consuming black of night
Absorbed by the moon, then redistributed among the stars
Neither here nor there, near, nor far.
Reappearing across the sheets of the bed

One form moves with confidence
While the second is lead.
One form subjects, the other is subjected.
One form thrusts, the other shifts.
Then two forms meld.
One mass is left behind,
Being gently blown away by the breeze.

A man and woman enter the ambiance,
Then fall fast asleep.
When are we really seen?
Is it only when our we are funny?
Or when our lines
Leave trails of slick, wanton desire?
Or are we invisible until
We are but a memory
In the annals of cyber museums
And coding?
Do we morph from visible
To not so much
In a matter of months?
To where the space that bears our names
Is as empty to the others
As it is to us,
And then we become transients
Easily skipped
Easily invisible.
Easily gone.
We cease to exist
Not simply when others don't see us,
But we when fail
To see ourselves.
I have wanted this for weeks.
The urgency has waxed and waned, but the need has remained.
Some nights I would tease myself. Most nights I just looked forward to when he could bury his face between my thighs.
Finally the day came. I could feel his warmth beneath my fingers again.
I could not stop exploring him. My hand trailed down his arm whenever I would pass by. I would linger behind him, running my hands across his shoulders and back whenever there was a moment to spare. I kissed him like I meant it because I fucking did. My bed had been cold for too long. I curled into him and found peace.
This yearning. Satisfaction in sight. Still. Night after night I went without. Not due to neglect, but this or that. These things shouldn’t be rushed. I’d already waited. And really, I’ve recently found there are so many rewards waiting beyond instant gratification.
Tonight though, I was done waiting.

I had already been teasing myself in plain view on the bed. He would cast a casual glance my way then go back to what he was doing on his computer. We both have our fun. Mine, at that moment, wasn’t with him.
My conversation hit a lull. I stood up from the bed and pulled my t-shirt over my head. My panties had long since been missing. I came up behind him, watching him watch a woman pleasure herself. He felt my hands on his chest and reached backwards to caress me. Feeling skin instead of the fabric of my shirt caused him to look back. He smirked and shut down his computer, giving me a deep kiss after standing up. I needed so much more.

He pushed me back towards the bed. Briefly, I thought of complying, but he had not earned compliance. A defiant smile played on my lips and I stepped back towards him and kissed him again. In what seemed like one motion, he picked me up, threw me on the bed and buried his tongue in my pussy, giving my clit what it has been longing for.

I could have cum for him on the spot. I’m quite happy I didn’t. Before I could barely utter a moan, he stopped and and teased my pussy with his cock, using the juice already building within to wet the tip. All I could do was whimper for him to fill me.

(This will have to continue tomorrow...I cannot keep my eyes open any longer.)