
I have wanted this for weeks.
The urgency has waxed and waned, but the need has remained.
Some nights I would tease myself. Most nights I just looked forward to when he could bury his face between my thighs.
Finally the day came. I could feel his warmth beneath my fingers again.
I could not stop exploring him. My hand trailed down his arm whenever I would pass by. I would linger behind him, running my hands across his shoulders and back whenever there was a moment to spare. I kissed him like I meant it because I fucking did. My bed had been cold for too long. I curled into him and found peace.
This yearning. Satisfaction in sight. Still. Night after night I went without. Not due to neglect, but this or that. These things shouldn’t be rushed. I’d already waited. And really, I’ve recently found there are so many rewards waiting beyond instant gratification.
Tonight though, I was done waiting.

I had already been teasing myself in plain view on the bed. He would cast a casual glance my way then go back to what he was doing on his computer. We both have our fun. Mine, at that moment, wasn’t with him.
My conversation hit a lull. I stood up from the bed and pulled my t-shirt over my head. My panties had long since been missing. I came up behind him, watching him watch a woman pleasure herself. He felt my hands on his chest and reached backwards to caress me. Feeling skin instead of the fabric of my shirt caused him to look back. He smirked and shut down his computer, giving me a deep kiss after standing up. I needed so much more.

He pushed me back towards the bed. Briefly, I thought of complying, but he had not earned compliance. A defiant smile played on my lips and I stepped back towards him and kissed him again. In what seemed like one motion, he picked me up, threw me on the bed and buried his tongue in my pussy, giving my clit what it has been longing for.

I could have cum for him on the spot. I’m quite happy I didn’t. Before I could barely utter a moan, he stopped and and teased my pussy with his cock, using the juice already building within to wet the tip. All I could do was whimper for him to fill me.

(This will have to continue tomorrow...I cannot keep my eyes open any longer.)
Such smoldering sensuality,
Describing the most basic needs of the human animal
the yin and yang of worship and domination
sensuality vs sexual and emotional need
teasing and gratification
the need for solitude but for ultimate companionship
to be cerebral, then taken at the most primal level
and then sleep
Butterflies chase the smoke. Birds chase the cloud.
It could be fun for the moment.
And it could be good for creating poetry and make it a song.
But those are desires, not needs.
I took a walk in my new neighborhood tonight.
Not for the first time, but for the first time alone.
I felt lost and foreign.
I fumbled my way home, but streets and signs are simple enough.
Feeling a fraud is another thing altogether.
I strode past manicured gardens and arched entryways and I longed to go home.
Not to this new place I reside, but home to comfort and familiarity.
I don’t know posh and grandeur.
And in the grand scheme of things, we’re not so far up the ladder.
But still, I feel so ill at ease.
I know screen doors that don’t clasp and gravel drives and toys strewn in the yard so long they’ve taken root.
Class and composure don’t feel like something I was meant for.
I know uncertainty. I embrace it with pride. I’m flexible. I adapt.
I know movement and change and embrace the unexpected.
Always, I had navigated my way through thickets and muddled paths. I jump when the rug is pulled under.
Now, it feels like there are no more paths that need navigating. The only way to go is up.
And I feel like an actor on a stage who shouldn’t have been given the part.
Maybe this unrest is my own chaos.
There is nothing to solve or work out and so I make my own turmoil.
Simple enough to overcome.
But simple has never been my style.
I took a walk in my new neighborhood tonight.
Not for the first time, but for the first time alone.
I felt lost and foreign.
I fumbled my way home, but streets and signs are simple enough.
Feeling a fraud is another thing altogether.
I strode past manicured gardens and arched entryways and I longed to go home.
Not to this new place I reside, but home to comfort and familiarity.
I don’t know posh and grandeur.
And in the grand scheme of things, we’re not so far up the ladder.
But still, I feel so ill at ease.
I know screen doors that don’t clasp and gravel drives and toys strewn in the yard so long they’ve taken root.
Class and composure don’t feel like something I was meant for.
I know uncertainty. I embrace it with pride. I’m flexible. I adapt.
I know movement and change and embrace the unexpected.
Always, I had navigated my way through thickets and muddled paths. I jump when the rug is pulled under.
Now, it feels like there are no more paths that need navigating. The only way to go is up.
And I feel like an actor on a stage who shouldn’t have been given the part.
Maybe this unrest is my own chaos.
There is nothing to solve or work out and so I make my own turmoil.
Simple enough to overcome.
But simple has never been my style.

I know this feeling.
Husband spent the night at his girlfriend’s.
I slept soundly for the first time in days.
Perhaps it’s time for a king size bed.
I want to be new.
I am by no means neglected in the bedroom.
But I miss the curiosity. The insatiably.
Someone so driven with lust they can’t keep their hands off me.
Even after they’ve had me.
I want the the thought of me to make someone twitch.
I want the brush of my fingertips on their shoulder to make their blood run hot.
I want to lay tangled up for hours.
I want to be wanted every hour of every day.
And I want to make every second of thought given to me worth it.
I told him
I didn’t want to talk about it.
He insisted.
As he should.
But the shoulder I was faced
Instead of arms embraced
as we fell asleep
told me I was right.
I’d write you a novel to get you to smile.
It wouldn’t be good.
But it’d make you smile.
I feel you.
When you’re warm.
When you’re playful.
When you’re rock hard and ready.
When you’re distant.
When your mind is heavy.
When you pull away.
I feel that.
And I want to grab you back.
Sink my nails in.
So you know I mean it.
I want to look in those eyes.
And feel you staring into mine.
And not say a damn word.
Eyes and souls and all that.
You know mine.
Without even trying.
I’m a caution to the wind type person.
And yet.
I calculate.
I tread lightly.
I can dive in and bare myself.
But I won’t do it alone.
Are you with me?
I’ve wanted to feel
a cock
pressed up against me
while under the sheets.
I want that pulse
in the small of my back.
Urging and persistent.
sleep is not necessary.
is necessary.
is the only thing either of us can think of.
is craving, more than any other basic need.
I want the drowsiness to fall away.
Heavy breathing traded for heavy breathing.
One muscle strong and ready before the others have even stretched.
Before coffee and tea and the light of the morning
I want to be taken. And taken. And taken.
“You know what this house needs more of? Doors.”

-The person who built my house, probably.
I’d write you a novel to get you to smile.
It wouldn’t be good.
But it’d make you smile.
I feel you.
When you’re warm.
When you’re playful.
When you’re rock hard and ready.
When you’re distant.
When your mind is heavy.
When you pull away.
I feel that.
And I want to grab you back.
Sink my nails in.
So you know I mean it.
I want to look in those eyes.
And feel you staring into mine.
And not say a damn word.
Eyes and souls and all that.
You know mine.
Without even trying.
I’m a caution to the wind type person.
And yet.
I calculate.
I tread lightly.
I can dive in and bare myself.
But I won’t do it alone.
Are you with me?

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I took a stroll today.
Down my own little memory lane.
And there I said I enjoyed being controlled, but not told what to do.
And I chuckled. As they say, the more things change...
It got me thinking.
Are they really different?
Initially, I thought the reverse was true.
I enjoy being told what to do. But not controlled.
But that’s entirely untrue.
I loathe being told what to do.
Give me your unsolicited advice and I will most certainly do the very opposite.
Just because I can.
Tell me to suck your cock, and I’ll walk away unimpressed.
But grab me by the wrists, one hand holding them above my head or behind my back...you figure out the logistics...the other forcing my head down to your shaft, and my clit will start aching for satisfaction.
Maybe I had it right all along.
It doesn't take a lot
to get her where she
wants :rose:

It doesn't take a lot
To know what she
Wants :rose:

It's as simple as
knowing the write

It's not a font
Or what she thought

It's write there
Between her ears
Set deep in behind
Her eyes

Tie that up in a knot
She will cum all night
Weather she wanted
To or knot

It doesn't take a lot
to get her where she
wants :rose:

It doesn't take a lot
To know what she
Wants :rose:

It's as simple as
knowing the write

It's not a font
Or what she thought

It's write there
Between her ears
Set deep in behind
Her eyes

Tie that up in a knot
She will cum all night
Weather she wanted
To or knot


Knots are always welcome.
There is a quote. It has something to do with chaos...and how it’s hard to imagine life without it. I adore it, but cannot for the life of me remember it precisely. First person to find it gets a nude of their choosing. 😛
I took a stroll today.
Down my own little memory lane.
And there I said I enjoyed being controlled, but not told what to do.
And I chuckled. As they say, the more things change...
It got me thinking.
Are they really different?
Initially, I thought the reverse was true.
I enjoy being told what to do. But not controlled.
But that’s entirely untrue.
I loathe being told what to do.
Give me your unsolicited advice and I will most certainly do the very opposite.
Just because I can.
Tell me to suck your cock, and I’ll walk away unimpressed.
But grab me by the wrists, one hand holding them above my head or behind my back...you figure out the logistics...the other forcing my head down to your shaft, and my clit will start aching for satisfaction.
Maybe I had it right all along.

This is so good!!! So good!!
There is a quote. It has something to do with chaos...and how it’s hard to imagine life without it. I adore it, but cannot for the life of me remember it precisely. First person to find it gets a nude of their choosing. 😛

Didn't find that one, but kind of like this one....

"One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star."
Close those eyes while
I bound you hands and feet

Yes I see , you didn't
Listen To me ,

or did she

Feel my touch
Hear me breath
Feel that knot

No she will knot
Be free , or listen
To me

Rolled her over
Lifted her up
Posed her there
On her knees

Whispered in her
Ear ,

message me
And I'll set you free

Feel my touch
Hear me breath
Feel that knot

If you please

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