Working The Starways (Closed for Iscaa)

Fido was pushed on to his knees in front of the leader of the other pirate ship. Men had come in to the brig and had started executing all the men and women. He had been horrified what he had seen when someone was shot with those guns.

When it had been Fido's turn, he hadn't begged like the others. He had told them he knew where Murdocks big stash was but he would only tell the captain and requested a parley. This had been a lie, but it had worked. He knew this ship was lost, and Murdock would more than likely be dead. He had been escorted from the bridge to the sound of another of his fellow crew men being executed.

Now Fido he had this pirate to deal with.

"Why has this man been brought to me, my ordered were to kill all the crew and to bring anything of value." Rattack said as he smiled and the prisoner on his knees

"I have ... information ... Murdocks big score, he was looking for a Doctor, scientist, worth millions of credits. He ... he..." his mind suddenly sparked an idea. "She's on board, he found her."

Rattack turned showing fury on his face. He fired his gun and Fido screamed, as his blood boiled and his skin melted.

Rattack quickly activated the coms. "New orders! There is a VIP on board the ship all women are to be taken prisoner. All men are to be killed on sight."

Murdock herd the order over the coms. He looked over at Sive. Their captain knew. He went back to his work but the air was starting to get thin. He looked at life signs disappearing on his ship. he was paying for this time with lives. He didn't have time to feel sorry for his men. He would morn them later.

Darlla noticed the look Murdock gave Sive. "It's her?" Was she the scientist worth all those credits Murdock had told her about?

Three minutes to go, he had to wait for the final minute, he couldn't give there captain time to counter his plan.

The doors suddenly opened. Sive and Darlla started shooting, but they were seriously out numbered. They were out of time. Murdock activated the transporter... nothing happened.

"Dam you ship, he shouted as he punched the panel before rushing over to the back up panel re-entering his program.

Darlla fell, stunned by an enemy weapon. Sive kept shooting, but the stun effect of her weapon wasn't stopping them, they had some sort of shielding. she looked at the kill switch on her weapon.
Sive saw Darlla fall from the corner of her eye, she quickly looked at her gun and switched it from stun to kill hoping this setting would go through the shield the pirates were using. She started to fire randomly. Those men never even had time to scream, they just disappeared, only to be replaced by more. Sive kept on backing up til she bumped into Murdock who was franticly punching at the program panel.

Suddenly Sive was hit by a stun gun, her body felt a jolt like she had touched a live wire and she knew no more. She fell to the floor not far from Darlla.
"We can kill this one," one of the men shouted as he flipped his gun back to kill, but as he fired Murdock hit the activate button.

Murdock looked around, it had worked or at least part of it. He breathed slowly, noticing that Sive and Darlla were laying unconscious on the ground. Zark was cowering in the corner his hand over his eyes, and eight other crew men were standing in the room looking very confused. Only twelve of them had made it.

They were in a cargo bay. Murdock had teleported his personal gun locker and the contents of the shuttle bay away team locker. "Zark get over here! check the medical supplies and get Darlla and Sive up and ready to go.

He opened both continers and offered weapons to the remainder of his crew and picked up a portable censer to scan the surrounding areas. He then opened the cargo bay door. One of the crew look out in to space, a force field protecting them. "That's our ship isn't captain."

"Yes... it was." Murdock saluted his fathers prize ship before he watched it explode.

Suddenly a voice came over the intercom. "I assume that is you captain Murdock.

"You have me at a disadvantage sir, Who are you?" Murdock replied as Zark tutted at the basic medical kit, which Murdock had transported over.

"I am captain Rattack. You saved your self by destroying your own ship and sacrificing your crew, I didn't think you were that cold blooded. My men will be over to get you soon."

"Not that soon, I transported your crew to my ship, and my crew are all here fifty of the most angry evil pirates known to sail the heavens... and there not pleased with you.

The com went silent for a moment. "oh you cleaver bastard, I suppose I'm lucky the bridge was shielded. Now tell me is you VIP still alive and with you?"

Murdock looked around, he quickly grabbed a transport jammer and turned it on so Rattack couldn't transport them off the ship. It would also mask there life signs making his sensors useless.

"I asked you a question." the Voice echoed through the speaker.

"Yes she is," Murdock replied as he signaled what was left of his crew to get out of the cargo bay before Rattack opened the door and blow them into space.

Sive and Darlla was starting to stir, but the door wasn't moving.

"Cut through the door," Murdock ordered and two of the men started cutting through the door with there guns.

Rattack was very tempted to open the door and blow Murdock and his crew out into space. He was all alone now, his ship was badly damaged, and he had up to fifty angry pirates in his ship. "He turned the coms on again. this is to all of Murdock's crew. I offer you my ship and cargo. all I ask is for the VIP to be placed on the transporter pad.

"You think we are fools?" Murdock shouted, as he singled the rest of his crew to help cut through the door. "We do that and we are dead. May be we should come to the bridge."

"Your dead either way," Rattack said as he pushed the open door button.

The alarms sounded, as Darlla sat up. One of the doors, which ther men had been cutting through, suddenly fell open but a shutter started coming down. to protect the ship from the decompression cycle.

"Everyone out Murdock shouted. Zark didn't need telling twice, he ran very quickly out of the room. the other men started running following Zark. Murdock grabbed the groggy Sive and Darla and helped them to the lowering shutter, Sive ducked under it, Darlla went on the hands and knees. Finaly Murdock rolled under it, only just fitting. once the shutter was down Murdock watched his few positions being sucked into space. "Oh I'm so going to kill the man," he said as he switched his gun from stun to kill.
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As Sive started to stir, she moaned wondering what had happened. Her entire body ached, every muscle screamed when she tried to move. She moaned again as she heard Murdock's voice ordering them to cut some door or other. She moved her head in the direction of the voice when she heard Darlla groan. With more determination Darlla half sat up holding her head with one hand and swearing a blue steak. She had been stunned before and knew exactly how it felt and how long it took the body to get over it. The both of them would be pretty useless for at least an hour.

Darlla's attention focused when she heard a unknown voice, "I offer you my ship and cargo. All I ask is for the VIP to be placed on the transporter pad." That is when she realized they were not on their ship, (This must be that pirate's ship, but what happened to ours?) She tried to think as the commentary between the captains continued. She finally got it, they were in the cargo bay and the door was going to open at any second blowing them all out into space. She shakily got up and with Murdock's help crawled under the lowering shutter right after Sive. Seconds later Murdock rolled under just as the shutter slammed down with a loud thud.

Both women hung on to the wall for support as Murdock watched the last of his men die. With fury like Darlla had never seen he adjusted his gun and said, "Oh I'm so going to kill the man,"

They started to follow Murdock, one of the crew helped Darlla while Zark helped Sive. Still not being able to focus properly Sive looked up at Zark and said, "What is going on? We are not on the same ship and why do I feel soooo bad?

Zark looked down at Sive and quietly replied, "Well in my opinion I would say that the stun force you received pretty much scrambled all your nanties. They will come around, but I think it will take a bit of time. Just try to keep as close to me as you can, this fight isn't over not by a long shot!" With that Sive moaned again and let Zark half drag half walk her behind what was left of Murdock's crew.
Rattack, was furious, he had another ship stashed near by, and using his thrusters set a course. Murdock had proved a dangerous foe. He had wanted him dead, but never expected it to cost him his crew, and it would take a lot of time to repair this ship.

Suddenly an alarm sounded, someone had forced a door, someone was still on board! "Murdock!"

Rattack tryed to activate the security program. "force fields off line, internal lasers off line, Security drones offline... off line... on line? there is one on line!" Murdock activated the hovering drone placing it to guard the door to the bridge, setting it to kill. "Get passed that Murdock!" he said and laughed, he knew that drown could fight an army, it had shields, targeting censers, and three lasers.

He then turned off the life support system and placed on a space suit and armed him self with two blasters pointing them at the door. Fifty men...they have five - six minutes before they run out of air."
Zark could tell the life support had been switched off, he had alerted the captain, yet still they made there way through the unfamiliar ship.

The captain had said the best way to get the life support back on was in the bridge, and that separating was not an option as they only had one transporter jammer.

Tallon was leading the party, Zark didn't care for him much, but Murdock trusted him. he was a gunner and relished leading raiding party.

The air was starting to get thin, Zark watched Tallon walk around the corner, there was a funny high pitched sound, and then he watched in horror as Tallon fell backwards Zark could see he had been shot in the head.

Murdock ordered three of his men to rush across the opening, the plan was to attack who ever it was from both sides of the opening. All three ran, but only one made it, the others being hit by mutable laser strikes.

Murdock chanced a quick look wile the one who made it covered him. Zark was starting to get a bad feeling, though now there were three less men the air would last a little longer.

"It's a drone, does any one had any grenades?"

Everyone shook there heads. Murdock growled in anger, before grabbing Zark's, and Sive's guns, he set them on overload, and signalled his remaining men to fire.

They all did with out question. One, "the idiot," Zark thought, jumped out firing and took a blast to his chest for his trouble, and another man was shot in the head, but it worked Murdock slid past the opening and threw the three guns.

The Drown kept firing ignoring the weapons until they exploded. The whole ship shuddered with the force of the explosion. Murdock was still alive, but the rest of his men had not been so lucky. The Drown had exploded almost killing everyone. He looked over at Zark Darlla and Sive, they had been farther back, while Murdock only owed his life to one of his men who had shielded him from the explosion.

Murdock picked up a gun, The air was so thin now he was breathing quickly, hoping he had enough to kill this evil captain for revenge against his ship and crew.

Rattack felt the explosion, how were they still alive? The air was turned off over ten minutes ago either they had space suites or... or... or there was a lot less of them then Murdock had said. "Cleaver bastard!" he thought to himself pointing his guns at the only door.
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Darlla and Sive followed the men towards the bridge. Darlla having been stunned before was coming out of it way faster then Sive. They heard shots being fired and came up cautiously next to Zark, holding onto their weapons. Men were going down fast, suddenly Murdock asked if anyone had any grenades. When the answer was negative, he grabbed Zark's and Sives setting them to overload. Sive blinked at this tactic and couldn't help thinking, (the explosion will surely kill them all!) She wanted to run back down the corridor but found that Zark held her back.

Seconds later they all held their arms over their heads as the weapons exploded. Sive opened her eyes to see Murdock, Zark, Darlla still alive and kicking. All the other men lay on the floor dead. To her relief Sive finally felt her nanites had restored themselves. She would be able to cope with anything now. Looking up at Darlla, who was still recovering she said, "Don't worry Darlla I have your back."

Darlla glanced at Sive and gave her a quick nod before turning her attention back to the Captain. Her body still ached but she would do whatever was needed. The women and Zark now waited for Murdock to make the next move. Darlla held her weapon ready.
Murdock and Darlla positioned them selves one on each side of the door, Zark and Sive kept back around the corner.

Murdock placed his hand against the panel, and it sparked, shorting out. The door slid open. "Surrender Rattack, your out numbered, and out gunned."

Laser blasts suddenly flew through the open doorway. "I don't have to last long, how is the air Murdock?"

"Its good enough, for us to kill you, I give you three seconds."

Rattack opened fire again, he wasn't surrendering, he would kill captain Murdock.

Murdock signalled Darlla to open fire she placed he hand through the door and fired Rapidly in many directions. Rattack took cover as Murdock slipped into the bridge. Rattack fired only just missing Murdock then ducked behind his chair.

Murdock fired, keeping his finger on the trigger causing the laser to fire a constant beam. He hit the chair, the beam cutting straight threw it and hitting Rattack in the solder.

Murdock shouted to Darlla who rushed over to turn on the life support system while Murdock walked over to kill Rattack.

He was trying to push him self back with his feet, he had dropped his gun. Murdock raised his weapon pointing it at his head, focusing on this man who had killed his entire crew, and cost him his fathers ship and all his worldly goods.

"It's over captain," Darlla said, but Murdock wasn't listening he wanted to kill this man, he had never wanted to kill anyone this bad.

Zark and Sive came into the bridge seeing what was happening.

"Do it!" Ratack cried out.

"Don't..." Sive whispered, and Murdock pulled the trigger.

It all want silent, as the breathable air returned to the room, Murdock looked down at Rattack who was breathing heavy, Murdock had deliberately missed.

"Fool!" Rattack thought to himself, as he got up, only for Murdock to hit him in the face with his artificial hand smashing his nose.

Murdock then sat in the captains chair, Sive tie him up, Darlla ship wide report Zark check on the other men, see if any survived that blast.
Zark and Sive held onto each other as Murdock and Darlla had the fight of their lives with Rattack. The made a good team when it came to fighting. It didn't take long for the battle to end. Sive looked up in time to see Murdock standing over the pirate gun pointing at his head. She whispered, "Don't!" Murdock pulled the trigger causing Sive to look away. She took what felt like that last gasp of air. Seconds later Darlla had been able to get the life support system back on line. Fresh air quickly replaced the spent air resulting in everyone breathing deeply. Sive glanced over at Rattack, he was still alive.

Murdock went over to the captain's chair, seated himself issuing orders, Sive to tie up Rattack, Darlla to scan the entire ship. Zark was to check if any of his men were alive. Sive nodded her head and looked in some cabinets until she found some duct tape, she could't help but smile. Duct tape had to be the universal tool! Going back to the bleeding grim faced pirate she told him; "Put your hands behind your back!" He complied and she proceeded to wrap the tape around his wrists up to his elbows. Then for good measure she wound it around his middle including his arms. He wasn't going to get out of that any time soon. Even though he was in great pain from his broken nose he looked at her with interest.

Once she was done with him, he asked, "Now you wouldn't be the VIP that everyone is after are you?" Sive hid her reaction and replied, "No, I am no VIP just your regular crewman first class." She hoped he believed her. She looked over at Darlla who was still scanning the ship but knew she could very well have overheard the pirate's question. It was at this instant that Sive came to realize that all of the men that had so recently died were because of her. She blinked several times trying not to loose the contents of her stomach.

Meanwhile Darlla had indeed come across at least four life signs on the ship. Looking up at Murdock she walked over to him and told him what she had found. She didn't think letting Rattack know he might have some men alive was to their benefit. Besides she wasn't so sure these were human life signs.
Murdock had been unable to change course or shut the engines down. He knew Rattack must of set the course after he knew his crew were dead. So hoped they were heading for another ship, a space station or a planet.

He was going to go to the engine room. he knew he could reprogram the computer and brake Rattack's codes when Darlla said "There are life signs... I cant tell if they are human. I think there are four."

Mardock turned and looked at Rattack, "What are they? If they were human, they would of been beamed onto my ship, unless they were in a shielded area."
Sive watched as Darlla scanned the ship for life signs, then she saw the woman frown, "There are life signs... I can't tell if they are human. I think there are four." The three of them looked at Captain Rattack for a few seconds before Murdock demanded, "What are they? If they were human, they would of been beamed onto my ship, unless they were in a shielded area."

With a smirk on his lips Rattack glanced at the women then lastly Murdock. "Well my maties, that is for me to know and you to find out....isn't it?" Darlla shook her head in disgust, "Whatever! Captain from what I can figure out, the lifeforms are in the cargo hold, can you isolate that region until we have the time to investigate?

Murdock nodded his head as he went to do that very thing, he knew their first priority was to get control of the ship, or at least find out where Rattack had programed the next destination. Since they were not going to get any information out of Ratack Murdock ordered Sive to take him to the brig. Sive smiled to herself as she pushed him out the door of the bridge, thinking, (Maybe I can get some answers out of the man.) She had her nanites synthesize a powerful cocktail of chemicals and got close to him. Looking up at him she breathed as she asked, "Now Captain Rattack, why don't we just get to know each other a bit better....starting with telling me where you have this ship headed?" She waited patiently as the chemicals went into his system. She was actually surprised at how long it took, but by the time they got to the brig, he was very relaxed and smiling at her. With a forced smile she asked again, "Captain....will you not tell me where you have this ship headed? I am sure you will feel a lot better if you told me." She smiled at the man and waited.

Rattack knew he shouldn't talk to this woman, but felt a strong urge to do it anyways. Being shrewd he stopped and glanced down at her before replying, "I know this destination will have you all very excited, but for now I think I would like to lay down for awhile." (This planet had been the closest for him to program the ship before they had burst into the bridge and taken over.) Sive tried to keep her temper under before she lost it, she hit the panel that turned off the force field and watched the bugger walk into the cell. Keeping the smile on her face, she said, "I will be back shortly to find out what is so interesting about where you're taking us."

With that she spun around and left the brig. She leaned against the wall once the doors had slid shuts she whispered, "That murdering slime bucket!....pirates were they all the same? Even Murdock? Murder anyone in their way?" She waited another five minutes, hoping the cocktail he had inhaled would bring his defenses down further. Taking a big breath she went back into the brig.

Rattack glanced towards Sive as she came close to the force field. He licked his lips, she smiled at him suggestively. Well Captain, do you have any more information you want me to know now? He closed his eyes, trying to keep control of himself....he lost. He came as close to the field as he dared, wishing he could touch her, " I do ...have more information......we are headed for the planet known as "Pesadilla".....that means nightmare since no one that has gone there has ever come back." He paused again as if trying to stop from saying anything else. Then he continued, "At least that is what I have broadcast for everyone to know......I keep my treasure there, cor-ordinance (734001). He blinked as he uttered, "But it is a highly dangerous planet and does justice to it's reputation." He stopped as if only now realizing just how much he had told the woman in front of him. His treasure, it's hiding place had just slipped out! He hit the force field with his hand, which shocked him with a enough force to send him flying backyards to hit the far wall. He slid down unconscious.

Sive stood looking at the fallen man, not feeling much remorse. She decided to get back to the bridge and let Murdock and Darlla know they were headed to the planet Pesadilla. The treasure she would keep to herself, it just might come in handy as a bargaining chip.

As she walked along she suddenly remembered, the alien life forms...and that she had completely forgotten about them. She sighed, she had had enough of the good Captain's company for the time being. As for the alien life forms, they would have to deal with them later.
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The four aliens life forms in the cargo hold, moved around with grace and agility. They were black, huge and magnificent to look at. They had been bred for specific jobs. Rattack had paid a king's ransom of credits to obtain them. He had planned on taking them to Pesadilla. They were highly trained for guarding, people, things....treasure. Their brainwaves had been attuned to his DNA so they would take his and only his instructions. They were fearsome to look at, at over three hundred pounds in weight. They were a hybrid of the legendary Dire wolves, from earth's past history.

A resourceful scientist had been able to breed them back from extinction, enhanced them with intelligence and various other beasts and now sold them to the highest bidder for various jobs from guarding to killing. The leader of the pack had been named Khan, he was a magnificent black beast, huge and a force to be reckoned with. He could communicate to humans (when he chose),and wolves through telepathy.

The huge animals paced back and forth within the cargo hold, waiting patiently for their master's instructions.

Meanwhile once Rattack had regained consciousness he thought about his one ace in the whole. Those four lethal animals in the cargo hold. He concentrated his mind to trying to communicate the one word to the leader Khan, " Attack at will....Attack the man first then the tall woman. I want the redhead alive!"


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Murdock was not amused, he had not been able to hack the navigation systems or the main computer. He knew he would break it given time but he had never seen such high-level encryption. Rattack was a very paranoid man.

Darlla was searching the ship using the only hand scanner they had left. she had found a gun locker and now carried four guns and an electron knife which would cut almost anything.

Murdock had ordered her to secure the cargo bay but when she arrived, she knew something was wrong. The door was open. She backed up to a wall, she heard a growl. she drew two of the guns pointing them in different directions. she was silent listening for any sounds.

Suddenly there was a scratching sound, she looked up to see this black mass with teeth falling towards her. it struck her hard, its claws tearing into her skin, she tried to focus, aiming one of her guns, but whatever it was, bit her arm.

The creature was too strong, Darlla screamed as it picked her up and threw her into the wall. Before she had recovered she felt its teeth around her neck. She knew she was dead.

"Don't kill her, our master wants the men to die first" Kahn thought to its subservient.

The creature that had Darlla picked he up by the throat and threw her across the room.

Darlla was a mess, blood was running from her neck, her arm and her abdomen. Her head was spinning and her vision blurred, she was surprised she wasn't dead. A black mass charged towards her, she couldn't fight back, it hit her and she blacked out in pain.

Khan sniffed the air, "The men have separated, you to find the one that smells of fish and metal. We will kill the sweet smelling one," with that command Kahn led the smallest of the four along the corridor, there was an access tunnel, it opened for Khan after scanning it. Khan crawled through the tunnel heading up towards the bridge.
Zark was muttering to himself as he explored. "Who has a ship without a medical bay?" The ship was only one tenth of Murdocks old ship, but mush more advanced. Crew quarters were tight four men to a room. three large storerooms and a small shuttle bay with one damaged shuttle. He thought back to the crew all of them were dead apart from the captain, Darlla, and the intriguing Sive. He needed to know more about her, but his curiosity would have to wait.

Suddenly heard a growl, the colour drained from his face, "No they can't have Dire Wolves." Zark knew the sound from his past and his nightmares. He had been one of the scientists who had helped re-create them. All of his fellow scientists had been ripped apart by one in a failed attempt. He had only survived because he had pretended to be dead.

He knew that growl. Zark took off running, "The shuttle bay, it's my only chance." Zark opened the door, and ran in the Shuttlecraft was right in front of him, he heard another growl, he was close he pushed the door panel to open the shuttle, he dived forward but something had his foot. He was thrown in the air screaming before one of the Dire Wolves jumped catching him in its mouth.

Zark was shaken like a chew toy, if he had been human he would be dead. A second one grabbed his leg, he had to stay quiet, not make a sound pretend to be dead. He concentrated putting himself in a self-induced coma, as the wolves started to pull. Zarks leg was ripped off and his body thrown across the room. The wolves started arguing over the leg before a message came through. The two wolves rushed out of the room leaving Zark for dead, there master had called.
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Sive & Darlla;

As Sive made her way to the bridge, she couldn't help feeling that there was a very powerful entity loose aboard. She blinked, it was almost like she could hear it's thought in her mind, it just wasn't clear enough to be able to know what it was or thought. She tried opening her mind as she slowly made her way past the cargo area. As she turned into the corridor, Sive saw a crumpled body along the wall next to the cargo doors. She quickly ran was Darlla.

Sive moved her hands over the unconscious woman's body only to realize she was in bad shape. If she didn't know better Sive could have sworn Darlla had been mauled by some kind of huge animal. She closed her eyes and organized a large group of her nanties, ( Go in and repair all damage, once done leave the body.) Sive opened her eyes and carefully took Darlla by the wrists and pulled her into the cargo bay. She didn't sense any beings in the hold, looking down at the bleeding woman she hoped she was doing the right thing leaving her there.

Sive had a urgent feeling that she had to get back to Rattack, he would know what they were dealing with. She ran out of the cargo bay, locking the doors behind her. Once the nanties had healed Darlla she would come back for her. Sive lost no time in getting back to the brig.

Sive & Rattack;

Rattack leaned against the wall waiting for Khan to come to him. He knew the animal was intelligent enough to shut the force field off. He smiled to himself, (Murdock and those others don't have a hope in hell of coming out of this alive. As long as I get the redhead, with what I believe she has, I will be unstoppable ....the richest most powerful man in the universe!) The Captain looked up thinking he heard footsteps.

He smiled leaning his head to the side, " Well well...back so soon?

Sive stopped in front of Rattack, trying to think how to trick him into telling her what she needed to know. "OK Captain, why don't we play a game, I ask you a question, you give it, and then it's your turn. What do you say?" From the look on the man's face she had hit just the right kind of way of dealing with him. His eyes lit up, "I'll ask the first question....What are you?" Sive smiled back at him, "I am a changling." His eyes became devious, "Can you make me like you?" Still smiling Sive answered, "Now now turn don't you think? Fair is fair after all! Tell me....what are those alien lifeforms we detected in the cargo bay?"

He frowned not wanting to give away too much information. "They are my pets, I bought them to guard my worldly goods.....OK my turn again! Can you make me like you?" Sive replied, "Yes I can. My turn ... can you control the creatures?" He answered while nodding his head up and down, "NO...they must be put in the area they are guarding, no one can get near it from then have to use tranks on them." Sive thought to herself, (Wrong answer you crazy old man!)

On their way to the bridge the two wolves smelled another human female, they turned towards her now running swiftly.

Just then she ran out of time, she heard scuffling scratches on the corridor floor. Turning her head she saw two huge black animals speeding towards her. Sive could see they were some kind of wolf-like creatures, only of monstrous size. The kind made in laboratories, she glanced at Rattack who was now chuckling to himself. Sive ran to the open cell next to the prisoner. The two animals were only feet away, Sive backed into the cell hoping to reach the back wall. They followed her in eyes glowing, lips snarling as they stalked her. She heard Rattack shout, "Don't kill her you mangy bag of fleas!"

Sive swiftly felt her body changing into a female version of these creatures. That made them halt, sniff the air. She put out hormones indicating she was in heat. The two males looked at each other and started to growl, giving Sive time to move quietly to the side. They suddenly launched themselves at each other. Sive leaped out of the cell stood on her hind legs and punched the panel turning on the force field. Rattack screamed his surprise and outrage at this turn of events.

Sive went down on her four legs walked over to the panel that controlled Rattack, touched her nose to the control, turning the force field off. The old man paled as he cringed against the wall. Through telepathy Sive asked again, "How do you control these animals?" She snarled as she waited for his reply. Crying he said, " The alpha male DNA is linked to him, he will follow my orders. The others listen to Kahn." He slide down the wall trying to cover his face and head as Sive moved closer to him....and bit him. "Where is Kahn ...Rattack?" Shaking all over the man blubblered, "I told him to kill everyone but you....he was going to the bridge to kill Murdock." He looked through his fingers, "Please don't kill meeeee!!!! "

On hearing those last words, Sive turned around and leaped out of the cell. She stopped long enough to turn on the force field once more before running towards the bridge and Murdock. Thinking the wolf form would be faster she ran for all she was worth, hoping she wasn't too late.
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Murdock was under the navigation console. He was sure he could get control of the ship. Sive, Darlla and Zark were ordered to report in every ten minutes, and although Murdock wasn't counting the minutes, he was starting to get concerned.

He sat up quickly and drew his gun, he had heard a noise, a panel had fallen off a wall in the corridor just outside of the bridge. "It could have been caused by the explosion," he thought to himself but knew it wasn't.

There was a bang at the bridge door, Murdock was glad he had locked it after the others had left. Another bang, Mudrock watched as the door started to buckle under the strain. Claws penetrated the door leaving nasty gashes. Murdock fired his weapon through the gap, he heard a howling cry, followed by another bang and another. Murdock could hear growling. He backed up, readying himself as the door gave out.

Two wolf creatures burst through the door. Murdock fired again, but although the gun fire hurt the creature, it wasn't stopping it. Murdock switched his gun to kill, but both were charging at him. He shot one, and it vapourised before his eyes, but the other one hit him hard before he had time to react. Murdock's gun flew across the floor. the Beast jumped again. Murdock dodged to his left pushing his hand forward to protect him, but the Diar wolf crunched its jaws on his hand.

Kahn released the human, he hadn't noticed his hand was made of metal, too busy trying to get the kill for his master. He wasn't going to rob his master of the kill just because his mouth was hurt. He launched himself forward again, Murdock wasn't so lucky as Kahn's claws ripped down his back and blood freely flowed.

Murdock tried to punch the creature, but Kahn was too fast too strong and with a swipe, Murdock was thrown across the room.

Suddenly Kahn stopped Murdock was at his mercy but something was wrong there was a smell like one of his kind but one not known to him. Kahn turned to see another Diar wolf charging at him.
Breathing heavily Sive soared through the broken bridge door, barely missing the ragged sharp edges. She stopped crouching near the floor as she took in the scene. Her eyes glanced over at Murdock who lay on the floor covered in blood but still alive. Then she looked at the wolf, she sensed immediately this was the one she sought. Kahn was a magnificent beast, she could feel his intelligence as he blinked at her. Her nanites were busy adjusting Rattack's DNA, keeping the wolf's bits and dissolving the rest.

Sive waited tensely, watching to see when Kahn would stand down, to his new master....her! She knew she was no match for him if he decided to attack her before the nanites finished adjusting the DNA.

Kahn intently watched the wolf in front of him. She ...for he knew it to be female, never took her eyes off him. He felt his nanites slowly readjust themselves to acknowledge that this being, was now his new master. He wasn't a robot, he did have free will, but his allegiance had been changed. His body finally relaxed into a sitting position. Even sitting he was a height of at least 4 feet at the shoulder, making him taller then Sive's five feet two inches. She couldn't help but admire Kahn's form and strength but not least of all she could feel his great intelligence as well.

As she saw Kahn relax, Sive took a deep breath and looked over at Murdock. His nanites were already healing him. She stated, "Murdock when we get some time we need to talk. But for now, we better find Zark. Darlla is fine and in the brig where she is safe for now. By the way.....this is Kahn, our new shipmate." With a smirk Sive looked at Kahn and said, " Captain Murdock." Both males looked at each other with belligerent glares. Sive rolled her eyes as she watched Murdock stiffly get up off the floor.

Kahn walked over to Murdock and gave him a sniff of contempt before he padded over to Sive.
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Murdock slowly got up, that beast had him but somehow Sive had got control of it just in time.

" Captain Murdock," Shive said, sounding like it was no big deal this thing had nearly killed him. He glared at this Kahn. He could tell he was glaring back.

Kahn slowly walked closer and sniffed Murdock in contempt before it turned and walked over to Sive wagging its tail.

Murdock staggered over and sat in the captain's chair. He looked at a nasty cut and slowly it started to close. Murdock stared at Sive then looked back at the wound. "Her nanites are healing me?" His artificial hand was damaged, this would take a little work to fix, maybe instead of an overload function, he could put a gun in it.

Suddenly the com sounded. "Hello is anyone there, this is Zark there is Dire Wolves aboard, very dangerous mindless monsters programmed to kill. I have taken refuge in a shuttle craft, but I appear to have lost a limb. If someone could come and get me when it's safe, or at least let me know if you are all dead so I can leave?"

Murdock smirked, sometimes Zark just said something really stupid, proving he wasn't human.

"You better go help him Sive, looks like I will be fine, but your right. We do need to talk once the ship is safe and under our control."

Sive couldn't help but chuckle as she listened to Zark over the com unit. She saw Murdock smirk and say, "You better go help him Sive, looks like I will be fine, but your right. We do need to talk once the ship is safe and under our control."

She nodded her head as she turned to leave the bridge, "Oh, just so you know Captain, Darlla is in the cargo hold, so I will bring the both of them back to the bridge ...awaiting your next orders."

She decided to keep the wolf form for now, just to get an idea what it was like to see the world from another perspective. "See ya later Murdock!" She called out as the two of them loped down the corridor towards the cargo bay.


Meanwhile Darlla had woken up groaning, she knew she had been badly hurt and should be dead right now. She looked at her body, there was plenty of rips in her clothing, but underneath, there wasn't any evidence of the wounds she definitely remembered getting. That huge wolf there was a whole bunch of wolves, she remembered seeing them. After one had attacked her, she didn't have much memory of what happened afterwards. She slowly got up off the floor noting that there wasn't any pain.

Darlla looked around the bay until she spotted what looked like a leg near the shuttle. She walked over to belonged to Zark. At that moment his voice came over the com. "Hello is anyone there, this is Zark there is Dire Wolves aboard, very dangerous mindless monsters programmed to kill. I have taken refuge in a shuttle craft, but I appear to have lost a limb. If someone could come and get me when it's safe, or at least let me know if you are all dead so I can leave?"

Darlla laughed out loud as she picked up the leg and used it to pound on the shuttle door shouting, "Zark...let me in, I have your damn leg!" After a few seconds the door slid open to reveal a rather frightened looking Zark. She entered the shuttle making sure the door shut behind her before she dropped the leg onto the floor and said, "Zark do something with your leg, and hope that Murdock is still alive to hear your cry for help. We'll wait thirty minutes, if no one comes, I better go look for them. We won't leave this ship unless I know there is no one else alive." She looked at Zark, "You got that?"

Zark absent mindedly nodded his head as he picked up his leg, his mind already focused on how he was going to re-attach it.
Zark placed his old leg against the stump. this was going to take a few days... and some strong drugs... he didn't have any drugs, just a med kit for away teams. He would have to do this the old fashioned way... superglue and natural endorphins. It could take up to a week for his body to reattach all the veins and nerves.

He wondered if he could get Darlla or Sive to have sex with him. "Darlla I was just wondering if we could have sex."

Darlla opened her mouth and closed it again, most men weren't that forward, "This is hardly the best time to ask."

"It will help me fix my leg, and I'm sure you will enjoy it, i have quite a big penis. It's bigger than Murdock's and since you slept with almost a third of the crew, I thought you would do this for me."

Darlla flushed with anger, "How dare you. you think I'm just a person you can use for sex and then you call me a slut?!"

"That was the plan. If we do it twice a day for the next five days my leg should be fixed. Then you can go back to sleeping with Murdock or anyone else you want. Sive may sleep with you, iv noticed your mating rituals and increased in temperature and hormones when you look at each other, yours are higher but hers go up as well."

"Look Zark who i chose to sleep with is my business... and it wouldn't be with you."

"But my leg," Zark whined, not sure why she wouldn't help him.

"You don't even care that you are using me!"

"No more than you use the captain when you are feeling horny and you get perks too."

Darlla slapped Zark around the face. turned and stormed off. Zark was right she had slept with Murdock because he was the captain... though he was very attractive and had great stamina. Maybe she was a slut... but openly saying it to her made her blood boil.

"I will take that as a no," Zark called after her "Could you ask Sive for me, I don't fancy hopping around the ship looking for her."
Meanwhile Sive and Kahn were headed to the cargo bay. Sive couldn't get over how powerful she felt as a .......(What did they call these life forms? Oh yes Dire wolves!) She glanced at the wolf beside her sending her thoughts to him, " So tell me Kahn, what exactly are you? "

The huge black beast looked at her with smiling eyes, " I am what you see, a Dire wolf...with nanites.

"The dire wolf (Canis dirus, "fearsome dog") is an extinct carnivorous mammal of the genus Canis, roughly the size of the extant gray wolf, but with a heavier build. It evolved in the New World and was its most evolutionary derived species of Canis."

Sive looked up at him and dryly replied, "That description reminds me of a dictionary. So your a resurrected super Dire wolf? He nodded his huge head at her question. "Yeah this mad scientist thought to produce a pile of us, sell us and make a lot of credits. I didn't care for his plan so, made sure there was only three of us. Before you ask, I took care of the nob before we were put on this ship."

Sive had just nodded her understanding when they approached the cargo bay. She changed form and said, "Kahn stay here, we wouldn't want to scare the wits out of the Darlla and Zark." The wolf padded to the side of the door and lay down. Sive tapped the consul, the door slid quietly open for her. She walked in looking around until she spotted the only shuttle in the bay.

Once she was at the door she banged on it and shouted, "Darlla....Zork's me Sive. Open the door!" Seconds later the door slid open to reveal a disheveled Darlla holding some kind of pipe over her head. Sive retorted, "Put the pipe down, I'm alone and as you can see unhurt." Darlla relaxed enough to let her arm down, Sive saw Zork hiding behind the pilot chair, his limb in his hand ready to use it on someone. Sive went over to Zork and picked up his leg, sending a large group of repair nanites to it. She made him sit in the chair and positioned his leg on the stump ordering him, "Now hold your leg in position for five minutes, it will start to reattach enough so that you can carefully walk with us to the bridge where it will finish reattaching." With wide eyes Zork happily complied.

Darlla raised one eyebrow while she listened to all this. She sighed and thought to keep this information to herself until she could sort it out along with all the other outlandish things that had been happening. Five minutes later Zork was able to stand and carefully walk out of the shuttle. Darlla rolled her eyes and said, "Sive your lucky, at least Zork didn't ask you for sex!" In total surprise Sive glanced at Zork and then Darlla. Darlla continued, "Don't's better you don't know!"

The three of them walked across the bay heading for the corridor. Just before going through the door, Sive said, "I should inform you that there is a being on the other side, but he is with us now and will not harm either of me!" Before either of them could say a word, Sive hit the panel and walked out followed closely by Darlla and Zork, the both of them actually bumping into her.

The door slid shut and the three of them looked around, there was nothing in the corridor. Sive shrugged her shoulders and said, "I guess he got bored waiting and went for a walk, he will show up sooner or later...that I am sure of."

The three of them slowly made their way to the bridge.
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Kahn strode into the brig. It was nice not having to obey, to chose his own destiny. He first looked at his two followers first then Rattack.

Rattack's eyes narrowed, he couldn't hear Kahn's thoughts. "Are they dead?" he thought. Then he said it out loud.

"I heard you the first time!" Kahn thought back allowing Rattack to hear him. "And no they are not."

Rattack watched and Kahn freed his fellow Dire Wolves. Then he turned to face him. "I ordered you to kill them all."

"And the female who could take our form freed me from your control. We can only talk because your DNA is in me, and now so is hers."

Rattack smile returned to his face, "as long as my DNA in you. You MUST obey me!"

Kahn growled before replying. "No the female freed us we are no longer slaves, I chose to follow her."

Rattack growled back. "You are mine, you can't fight your genetics. My DNA is in you! You will obey me!"

"You may be right, but right now I am free, I will not return to being a slave." Kahn hit the release switch and the force field. Rattack took a step back as the three wolves edged towards him.

"I... I am your master, you... you must obey me." He swallowed hard backing up to the wall.

"Goodbye, master!" Kahn thought as the three wolves jumped on him. Kahn grabbed Rattack but the throat ripping through his flesh as the others grabbed a limb each and pulled until their former master was ripped apart.

"Eat well my brothers," Kahn thought to his fellow Dier wolves as he swallowed a chunk of meat. He left the brig while his brothers were still eating. He could sense his new friend. He wouldn't call her master. She had freed him, so he would follow her for now.
Twenty minutes later, Sive, Darlla and a whining Zork stood in front of the bridge door. Sive lifted her hand and tapped, the door slid smoothly open to reveal Murdock under the main computer at the main station. As soon as they were inside the door slid back into place. Sive looked at the grumbling Zork and ordered, "Zork why don't you go find a place to rest while your leg finishes re attaching? If we need your help we will let you know."

Zork happily nodded his head as he limped over to the vacant com. area swiveled the seat around and sat down in it. With a sigh he made himself comfortable closed his eyes and went into a semi conscious state so he could maximize his healing.

Meanwhile Sive and Darlla went over to where the Captain was still busy trying to get the computer to reboot so they could take control of the ship. Darlla asked, "Captain, is there anything I can do to help facilitate your task? Another pair of hands could be useful." Sive added, " May as well add my hands as too."

As they waited for Murdock to acknowledge them, Sive's mind was thinking, (Now I wonder where Kahn and his two companions are. They are amazing beings, partly wild, but very intelligent, don't know if we will be able to work together. I guess only time will tell.)
Murdock cursed out loud as the console flickered with lights and then started smoking. He scrambled out from under the computer, shaking his good hand, he had singed his fingers.

"I did a much better job disabling this ship than I thought." He turned and smiled and Darla, and Sive. "I need to get to the engine room, maybe I will be able to get control of the ship from there. at least I can shut down the..."

Suddenly the ship shook. Darlla rushed over to radar, "Captian we are entering the asteroid field."

Murdock cursed looking at his damaged hand. He needed to fix it when he had a chance.

"Darlla take the helm, Sive you come with me to the engine room, i... er need a hand."

Darlla sat down, "Thrusters are online, I can use them to avoid the bigger rocks, but if we don't get shields or control of the ship we are fucked!"

Murdock looked at Zark who started to snore. "When he wakes up get him to run some scans try and find out where we are and where we are heading to."

"Yes lover," Darlla said smiling at Sive before focusing on the asteroids.

Murdock and Sive left the bridge but as soon as they rounded the first corner they were confronted by Kahn.

Kahn sniffed Murdock before looking at Sive.

Sive looked over at Murdock, "He said, he was ordered to kill you, now he is free he will obey your orders. If there is any problem he and his brothers will happily leave the ship... and Rattack is dead?!"
Sive watched as Murdock struggled with the ship. Things just weren't going their way....not at all. Before she knew what was happening Murdock ordered, "Darlla take the helm, Sive you come with me to the engine room, i... er need a hand."

As they left Darlla threw out her snide comment; "Yes lover," Darlla said smiling at Sive before focusing on the asteroids. Sive stopped for a moment and threw Darlla a dirty look before turning around and following the Captain out of the bridge. She began to wonder what the woman was up to now.

As they rounded the corner Kahn and his two followers stood in front of them. Sive told Murdock what was on Kahn's mind, then to her surprise that Rattack was dead. Sive knew immediately what had happened from what she read in Kahn's mind. It was brutal and she didn't want to know more.

Sive said out loud, "Listen the ship is in jeopardy and we need to get to the engine room quick."She looked at Murdock and asked, "If the wolves can't help us now, do you have any orders for them?"

Kahn stood sizing up the human Captain, he realized this man could be dangerous to him and his kind. They had already lost one of their brothers to him. He didn't like or trust this human but decided for now he would go along with what he wanted. That was until he knew more. The wolves waited for Murdock to speak.