Murdock was a little unsure what the Wolves could do, he wasn't used to ordering non-humanoids. "Right, well if they could search the ship, that would be handy, maybe Khan could come with us to the Engine room..."
He looked a Kahn who was snarling because Murdock was telling Sive what to tell them. "My apologies Kahn, and I apologise for what happened to your friend earlier, I was defending myself. Could you tell your brothers to search the ship. We need an inventory if they find anything important or dangerous tell Sive. And if you can accompany us to the engine room, we are going to try and save the ship."
They made their way to the engine room, but once Murdock opened the door several alarms were ringing and flashing. Murdock rushed around checking the computer readouts while Sive tried to shut down the navigation computer.
Suddenly the whole ship shock and the gravity shut down and Shiv, Kahn and Murdock drifted to the back wall. Then the gravity came back on and the three of them fell to the floor. The temperature started to drop. "Shit, we got to get the Life support back online, and quickly. else we will freeze or run out of air or both."
Darlla's voice suddenly came over the coms, Captian I need more power to thrusters else we are going to his a big asteroid in about 2 minutes, there's nothing I can do without more power, shields or weapons.
He looked a Kahn who was snarling because Murdock was telling Sive what to tell them. "My apologies Kahn, and I apologise for what happened to your friend earlier, I was defending myself. Could you tell your brothers to search the ship. We need an inventory if they find anything important or dangerous tell Sive. And if you can accompany us to the engine room, we are going to try and save the ship."
They made their way to the engine room, but once Murdock opened the door several alarms were ringing and flashing. Murdock rushed around checking the computer readouts while Sive tried to shut down the navigation computer.
Suddenly the whole ship shock and the gravity shut down and Shiv, Kahn and Murdock drifted to the back wall. Then the gravity came back on and the three of them fell to the floor. The temperature started to drop. "Shit, we got to get the Life support back online, and quickly. else we will freeze or run out of air or both."
Darlla's voice suddenly came over the coms, Captian I need more power to thrusters else we are going to his a big asteroid in about 2 minutes, there's nothing I can do without more power, shields or weapons.