writing live

I have to gear up for these live writes,
put the mind in neutral, hands in first,
pop the clutch and floor it,
much like that ride we took up signal hill.
I remember the lights of the city below,
my hand on your head as you knelt before me,
sound of the engine cooling behind,
your expertise, technique.
But most of all I remember that once,
was not enough for you.
and one every day for thirty days,
might be a program I could get behind.

The band plays a winsome tune
And we dance slowly across the floor
My hand on her waist, drawing her close
Her hand upon my shoulder
Eyes gleaming liquid and so very clear
Gazing upon me with christmas cheer
With the ballroom lit in holiday cheer
Her designer satin royal blue gown
Split daringly high upon her hip
Swishes across the floor
Keeping time with me as I lead
Her perfume fills my senses
Leaning in, her plump glossy lips
Softly pressed against mine
I can taste her forever
Her perfectly coiffed hair
Rests against my chest
And the music keeps playing
2/30 December 6, 2021

The Barkeep's Wife Fabliau

The lady sitting on a stool sucked a straw deliciously
whilst flicking ashes from her cigarette onto the dingy floor
Joe, the barkeep eyed her pendulous tits
and sighed for what she wouldn't sell him
since she'd gotten a set of new false teeth
she fancied she'd now be worth more

She winked at him as she spied her mark,
a randy steelworker from the dock, with grimy callouses
on his hands and an unkempt grizzled beard
"Buy me a drink?" the fancy woman cooed,
"I'm thirsty for a bit of rum, and the tender won't serve it free."
"Call me Mike," the welder said, "and I'll think about your treat."

"I see your lips know what to do, when sucking up those dregs,
"so why don't you get on your knees and pull on the straw
"betwixt my legs?"
Aghast the lady of the night replied, "I'll not be doin' that out here!
"My mother comes in at half-past 10 for her toddy, and let me be clear,
"though she suspects that I'm a whore, 'tis true, I won't be demonstrating
"my special skill in this dirty bar on you!"

So they dickered and bartered for some moments more
and he paid her tab and moved toward the door
when the Joe suggested that the office couch
was a more comfortable spot than the parking lot
Well Mike and the whore he called Bess
were grateful for the loan and walked back behind the bar

but the bartender blocked the door with his arm
and told them how nothin's free, so the cost
of doing business there, would be to let him whack off
while watching them do what he wanted so badly to see.
Mike nodded and so did Bess as she shook her bosom free
of the cheap satin blouse and smiled with lusty glee

"Lock the door for a bit," Bess whispered to the eager Joe
"My mom won't be in for another hour,
and I'm sure we can be done by then."
Mike nodded his agreement to the 'keep and fondled
Bess' right tit as he pulled her round and gave her a kiss
then eagerly strode down the hall.

Outside the door to the men's room he paused
and told her to wait for a moment there.
She glossed her lips with brilliant red
and pulled her hair up into a bun, then Mike
returned from his condom foray, grinning and shaking one free.

Let's get to our business, lovely Bess
I am as hard as the steel poles I weld
and ready to feel those luscious lips
around my dick and your gentle fingers on my balls.
Joe opened the door and ushered them in
then sat on the boss' chair, smiling for them to begin.

Mike looked around and spotted the photos
of the family on the wall, he coughed his surprise
when behind two kids was Bess' bright lipsticked smile.
"Hold on here," he said. "Are you two wed and a cuckhold
Joe wants to be?" Bess turned and smiled her lusty best
and assured him all was well ...

(to be continued)
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It is time, finally
After all the teases
All the edging
The flashing
And modelling
Sharing on video
On the phone
The postal service
Stories, fantasies
The sneaking
Hiding, coverups
Tapping her lust
Tapping my own
And here she is
Lifting her dress
Pushing her forward
Face down on the bed
Nudging her legs wide
Her naked ass gleams
In the dim lighting
Her scent filling the air
Kisses still in my lips
Hot hands on her skin
Belt buckle jangles open
1 - 12/6/21

lights on the tree warm the room
snuggling with you on the couch
these long nights lend themselves to sweetness
the fog glows under the street light
twinkling lights festoon the houses down the block
red, purple, yellow, green,white, blue, pink
nothing under my satin chemise
soft kisses become urgent as you pull me over your lap
you love seeing me illuminated by the lights
caresses turn to squeezes and rubs making me squirm
swats become spanks as you gift me with pain
smooth white skin turns pink and then red
marked by your loving hand, under your control
tell me the ways you will mark me
these reach into my soul
my submission complete
eager for your will
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2 - 12/7/21

sifting through piles of fabric
this green... no this one has more texture
this watery blue.... too many bubbles and not blue enough
oranges slipped into the cascades scene
low sunlight glinting on the foot hills of Mt Shushkin
how to cut the lines to create a north cascades icon
more jagged and harsh than the snow cone tritop of Rainier
bright lights illuminate my work as I cut and pin
arranging bits til the lines please,
layers of textiles whose form and color guide my hand
each choice magnified by the tiny canvas
thread creates rough mountain creases
from the soft hand of quilters cotton
shall i guide my needle once again?
balancing each choice for effect
invisible hand stitches join
layer upon layer
a god like power
to create landscape
from whole cloth
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Runaway American Dream

They were the perfect couple
Women wanted to be her
They wanted her man
The men wanted to be him
They wanted his woman
They were great together

Fell in love in college
He was a football player
She was a track star
Married after graduation
Dashingly handsome
Beautiful as a Summer's day

He became a CEO
She became a homemaker
They had three amazing sons
They had a good name
They looked to be in love
An American dream

She took up marathon running
And he worked, a lot
She lost her infectious smile
He got large and obese
There were rumors
There's always rumors

She cut her shing gold hair
To something severe
Her lips thinned out
To a cruel smile
Her button nose became hawkish
Her muscles became severe

And he worked, a lot
Always gregarious
Always inspirational
He built a fine company
Provided a fine home
The envy of many

They became unrecognizable
To each other
To everyone else
Who were these people
And separated

He supported the biys
He supported her
And her boyfriend
Older than her ex
He disappeared in work
She was unapproachable

And here we all are
Thought we were friends
Or becoming so
Wondering what the hell
I don't care what your kink or preferences are.
I don't care what you think about mine,
and I really don't care about the length of your hair,
but I hope your bits are shaved.

There's something about a tongue on bare skin,
sets every nerve ending racing to tell the brain,
'I want a lot more of this'.


What secrets will I find
When she disrobes before me
Clean long hair
How could I not
Run my hands through it
Her skin so smooth and clean
Sculpted tone muscles
Or classically voluptuous
Or somewhere in between
Her heady perfume
Found everywhere I kiss
Pleasantly ripe breasts
Eager for attention
Sporting nipple rings
Or fitted with clasps
Tasteful tattoo in between
Her delicious curves
Those hips!
Blow me away
Well groomed pubis
Intended to be seen
With its shiny gold ring
Accenting her star performer
Her clit aching to be revealed
To be appreciated
Legs that could
Be carved of marble
Smooth, admirable
Shuddering with my caresses
But its her eyes
That captivate me the most
Twin nebulae
Galaxies of desire
So wildly wanton
Quivering in need
To open her present
3 12/8/21

I am water.
Tears well - often unbidden
Rain falls through this whole season
pavement shines wetly
dewdrops like jewels on every branch tip
as if the whole world is full of tears
flowing as they need,
until my grief is cleansed
each moment of loss marked
until I am able to lean into the water
floating in this sea of saltwater

I am air.
wind blows through my hair
filling my lungs with a deep long breath
feeling my anxiety ease
little by little as I hold - one - two - three
and releasing stress, fear, loss, guilt
weather system moves through
unsettled air shivers the trees
shaking lose the detritus of the year
catching my breath,
quietly observing each moment
and how I am changed

I am earth
my leaden feet walk the grounds
remembering each step
arm in arm with you
the wisdom of our ancestors
now buried and gone
dark ground mounded and damp
dozens of red roses a feast for the deer
turn around and listen to the earth
there is time for healing now
there is time to build again someday
and the earth turns
a new season is upon us
this is my dirt
the dirt of my people
4 - 12/9/21

People are weird she said
There is no such thing as normal
Just shades of strangeness
And versions of dysfunction

We all know this on our bones
Even as we pretend it is not so
The idiosyncrasies we clutch to
Or sometimes celebrate.

She said sometimes she is so annoying
That she annoys even herself.
He said sometimes, maybe often,
He is such a pain in the ass,
His own ass complains.
She said her compulsivity
Sometimes drives her around the bend
As she fusses over a detail that is best left alone

Collections of weirdness
Variations of disaster
Smacking my forehead in frustration
As my voice finds a kindness
A genuine smile of compassion

These strange people compose my day
Remember she said
People are weird
Meet them where they are.
Knowing they are doing
The best they can.

Windchimes in the Winter

Yes, this was the day
Where for a time
Holidays lost all their cheer
That sharp kick in the gut
And I just knew
Something something
I don't know what
Was dreadfully wrong
In the Winter


How I learned
What that word meant
Despair, sorrow
Murder in the night
An untimely death
And my yearslong spiral
Of madness and grief
Then coming to terms
And moving forward
In the Winter

How they chimed
Soft, subtle
A signal for change
A cool breeze
Crisp, refreshing
And holiday lights
Taking care of my people
Here and gone
In the Winter
Erotic, and live, smithpeter?

I'll bet you were a lusty one,
much like the man that loses his long live writes.
I wonder how long it would take some,
to convey on media of all the things he's done.

I see the man I was in his eyes; do you see yours
when you read what he writes?
Hopeless for sure.

And out there somewhere, far beyond my ken,
you're tossing off to the antics of some cosmic wight,
carousing with spirits that no one has seen,
while I'm rushing to hit post while the time is green.

Walking the Dog

Puppies and kittens
Warm fuzzy mittens
Strange tales of old
On too much video
Silk, satin, and lace
Flowers just in case
Rich dark chocolate
Found your old locket
Please eat your fill
From the backyard grill
Sailing in September
Bright lights in December
Convertible cars
Happy hour bars
Hands in your tresses
Lost in your kisses

You blow hot and damp
leaves a chill on the skin
when you go
and I miss you like oxygen
in this smoky bar
the melancholy song coming from the corner
swirling through my booth
and he's watching me sing with him
at least I'm paying attention
and we share our lonely together
5 12/10/21

covered in glitter
neck reaching to nibble
christmas tree needles

or maybe he should
accompany the camels
just behind the shepherds
creating a whimsical nativity

will my new friend
hide in the poinsettia
or lurk behind
the gingerbread house?

won't Santa be surprised
to find a dinosaur
next to the pickle
making friends with
the octopus
as angels look on
in the twinkling lights

I miss you like oxygen
in this smokey bar
aching in the struggle to breathe
but he's here, playing his songs
from the dim corner
the melancholy swirling
in a vortex through the atmosphere
of my dark little booth
he knows I pay attention
and likes to watch me sing
no awkwardness when our eyes meet
fluent in sharing our lonely

*What I wrote last night was playing around in my head this morning, and I ended up doing a live rewrite, or a rewrite live... either way. Same theme, similar words, but written from start to finish, and without rereading what I wrote last night, so I think it counts?

Ode to Mattress King

How do they thrive?
Those shops of mystery
Empty parking spaces
Always empty
Even holidays
Oh Mattress King
How do you do it?
The flags wave brightly
On Presidents Day
Yet still your store
Is always empty
From where comes your money
How do you remain laundered
Your stores are so clean
I am thankful for you
Me and my girl
Love to test your wares
For firmness
And durability
Over and over
Makes Presidents Day
6. 12/11/21

The light shines
And the darkness will not overcome it
These days I am following
A lone flickering candle
Through a maze of grief
Bumping into things
In the dark
A bit of wrapping paper
Her hands seem to help me
My heart tripping over
The perfect card for him
This season of lights
Holds less joy
The lessons of these past months
Now serve to support a friend
As she beats against bureaucracy
And a foolish doctor
Who insists hospice is only for those
Dying from cancer...
As if that's the only kind of death
Stalking the halls for days, weeks, months.
Death is easy...
It's the dying that takes a special kind of courage
The body failing step by step
The maze pathway obscured
By denial, tears, misplaced determination
My eyes search the darkness
For a solitary light
flickering this long cold night.
Not Just a Gig

JUst another night,
like pretty muchh any night,
except that
this night
is one where I know she's out there

I just play like she wasn't,
like the way I live my life these days,
but I can't help but smile
from my corner
at the way her lips move while
mouthing the words,
knowing I love that she still knows
them enough to sing along the
way I always liked
her to;

I come to a bridge between verses,
where the music swirls and moves like
the dancers on the floor before me,
slow currents of nostalgic energy
flowing about the room and drawing me
back to her dark little booth
and into those eyes,
those oh-so-enchanting eyes,
reminding me how much
I miss having her around,
like flowers miss sunshine
and soft rain.
Coffee in the park while waiting,
sun coming through the window,
hot, inescapable, persistent.
She was like that sun,
under foot all day long, burning eyes,
ignored until the lights went out.

The Kiss

The wedding reception
Was in full swing
The bride and groom
Had their dance
Bouests and garters
Toasts speeches
My hand rested on her thigh
Guests were leaving
Another slow dance
We sipped champagne
She looked into my eyes
Her straight black hair
Pale blue eyes
Locked gaze with me
My dark dark eyes
Drew her in
Even as I wondered
At the depth of blue
I caressed her face
Moving closer
My hand rising higher
Her thighs easing open
Touching her eyelids
Her hair, ear, neck
Feeling electricy
Crackle between us
My lips grazing hers
Still looking in her eyes



Breathing deep of her scent
Tasting her lips
All thoughts leave my mind
Closing my eyes
Hand in her hair
Hand on her thigh
Fingertips so slightly
Lightly grazing her cunt



Deeper, lost in the moment
There is only her
There is only me
The world falls away
Roaring silence in my ears
My mind buzzing
Intoxicated with her
Never have I kissed like this before
Timeless, eternal
Goose pimples rise
Underneath my fingertips
Electricity fires
Up and down my spine
I can't get enough
She breaks away
My eyes open
She grows limp
Slumps towards me
Holding her up
Her eyelids flutter
Holdong her
That kiss
Oh my god!
Awareness returns
The whole room warching us
I smile
Ask for water
And a moment
Till she revives
And smiles
Gazing into my eyes
Mouths the words 'thank you'
Stands shakily
Leaves the reception
And me forever
But- that kiss!
7 12/12/21

The twinkling lights
only serve to remind me
of the loss I feel this season

She was wed at christmas time
little lights in the darkness
a reminder of the promises made
and kept over many decades

They were joined at the soul
humble in the face of geologic time
ever observant of the small things
day by day, season by season

and so
after a full life, enriched by words
ideas, travel, family, love
his life given meaning through
the love and care of her

when his body failed him
and her mind slipped away
still, they were connected
joined at the soul

she had promised to go where he went
this promise kept even unto the end
following him to glory
only five days later

my heart aches in this season
missing their voices
their presence in my home

The twinkling lights
only serve to remind me
of the loss I feel this season
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Ah! She was shuffling lines;
saw the edit and thought, fine!
But then the light went on;
just play along and write.

Shall I tumble stones, smithpeter?
There are a few on my desk,
ancient remains of life before,
actual or signed.

The ones in my head rattle around constantly.
Picked up a brush today,
background a canvas,
a bright spot in two lover trees day,
sketched in pencil, awaiting oils;
they look so happy growing together,
limbs caressing,
pressed so close they might be necking.
She's flowering. He's sporeified.
What a slow kind of love that lasts for ages,
bet she's glad he's made of wood. :)
writing live challenge. #1

fey moon

seems this moon over Tennessee hills
cycles to a speed of its own
full to full-shade in staggering leaps
and quite unlike its U.K counterpart
which follows a sedate, predictable path
between faint celestial bodies

nebulous stuff of night is nearer, here–
constellations light-years closer
bold as flag-stars and bugles
yet track as expected
in tune with season and sound

but this damned moon
plays by other rules
changes its skin
its attitude, its hue
precocious lunacy
shy to glorious
inquisitive to unfathomable
in no particular order
never quite when or where it should be
defying expectations

we defied time and space
rode the science of cosmic beams

was it that i spent too long
staring at that London orb
or is it just i forget now
to look up
often enough?