X-Men, take two.

I go to xaviers ofis and I grab one of the tracers and hed out on the bike. My anger berst out of cunterol thes fucks killid my wife 30 years ago now they are going to pay. Ther going to wish they wer never boren.

When I git ther I take out the gards esily. so I stop nowing that wos to esy. I tern to mist and and go on so I mist triping the laser alarms that are every wher and I git to the lab in time to see the esders start after renigad and lava.
See you when you get back Phoenix

OOC: Have fun you two. Looking forword to your return.:)
I'd been experimenting in my room after class. I'd finally gotten close to the combination of elements to use to teleport myself, but it was still unstable. When I got the message from Xavier, though, I forgot asll about caution, zeroed in on Lava and Renegade, and teleported.

I arrived translucent, and as I looked down at myself, I noticed that I could see right through myself as long as I didn't move. I started running through the air towards the two...

(scenario, please?)

(k, i have been working and school has taken up a lot of time, i wont let a post go on that long without replieing...sorry. k, so i understand that everyone is in the building, but...me and renegade just broke out of the main lab.)

wow, the guy has stamina. that may be a .....no i have to concentrate. after he beautifully diverts the elders attack, i help him break away at the steel walls. i hope he doesnt want me to follow him. i have to go see what they are doing with nomad, and i need to finish them all off. even if it kills me. turning around, i enter the room again, nomad is in the corner. i don't know what htey would want with his body, but i am not going to let them disturb it. reaching nomad by sheer luck, i shield his body concentrating hard, i focus all my energy to the center of my body, forming a small heat-resistant 'bubble' around nomad, my body lets out all the energy i have. a huge blast of red fills the room, i know this wont kill all of them, but it will kill the weak ones. even if their is no such thing as a weak elder. a continuous flow of red lava fills the room, sort of like beams of lava striking the walls and reflecting off. my body trembling in the exhaustion. i am beginning to get dizzy, they are using telepathic powers to weaken me, after sending out a brilliantly bright flow of lava around the room, everything is coated with it, and melting fast. the elders are covered with it too. but they wont die. suddenly all of them use mental attacks upon me, and trying to keep bombarding them with attacks. a few of them are unconcious, i can feel it. but the strong ones are as strong as ever. eventually they reach me, using mental and physical powers, my energy is all drained. my body unmorphs from lava state, and collapses on nomad's body. seconds before i realize what is happening i feel a weak heart beat in his chest. then, the head elder whispers something in my ear, my body shudders, then seems to cease. my heart barely beating.
I gaped at the light filling the room. I suddenly started absorbing power, sucking the life right out of those elders. One by one they fell, first dazed, then unconscious, then dead...

After the first fell, a few turned their attacks on me. I used the power I'd stolen from them and their brethren to wrap myself up in walls so thick they'd be dead before they'd get through. I guess they noticed, because they started attacking Lava and Nomad again. I spread my own shield over those two...

(sorry if I kill the elders here...)
I see the light frum lavas attack I follow it and git ther in time to see the new girl cuver lava and nomad. The elders see me and ther mouthes drop they thot I wos ded. I grab one by the therout and rip it out with on floed moshin. I aper behind anuther and I grab hem around hes chest and squiz hering hes bouns snap and seeing blood gosh from hes mouth. Anuther elder hits me frum behind I tern pulling my sword out I cut hes hed of. I look around and see the rest wer runing.

I look at the outhers and say we hav got to stop meting thes way. They just gler at me. I smerk and say lets go be four they regrup.

I know the others might think me a coward for leaving but I had a reason to do this. Once outside, away from the distractions, I use my full concentration and focus on the mansion and the inside of the Elders HQ. Beads of sweat roll down my face as slowly I walk back into the building with my hands clamped closed.

Once inside I pull my hands apart and from one fist I fire a huge energy ball at the elders! The ball knocks the elders back and kills a couple of them in the front as they yell in pain. With my second fist I create a small shadow portal against the wall for the others to pass through.

I explain "Hurry and pass through my shadow portal! It takes alot out of me to use one of my portals for others to use so I cant keep it open for long! Move!" With that Lava pulled Nomad through the portal first followed by the others.

Then with the last of my strength I used the portal to send myself back with them to the mansion. Once we arrive back at the mansion through the portal I pass out on the floor from the exhaustion as the others gathered themselfs from the battle.


[Meanwhile back with the elders]

Elder 1: "Well it looks like they slipped out of our grasps again. And Renegade killed four of us with that blast of his."

Elder 2: "He sure has gotten stronger. He was our most promising student killer."

Elder 3: "I suppose it runs in his family."

Elder 2: "Yes but now what do we do? This outrage cannot go without some payback."

Elder 1: "I agree. We shall use our resources to gather a group to hunt them down and kill them for us."

Elder 4: "Who shall we use for the group?"

Elder 1: "The group shall consist of the following paid assasins that we have connections with: Sabretooth, Juggernaut, Pyro, The Blob, Avelanche(sp?), and Toad."

Elder 2: "Thats good for now. Send them in right away. Renegade and his new friends will pay for this."
ooc: one thing guys you all are in a hologram and don't know it so how can you kill elders?
OOC: Ok how about we killed the hologram images of the elders thinking they were the real deal? And now we got out because of my portal but are going to be hunted by the above mentioned team of villians sent by the real elders that are still alive?
(nobody TOLD me we were in a hologram! that's why I asked for the scenario! and if the elder's mental attacks could penetrate through the hologram, the same link they used to send power through the images could be turned back on them. I could channel energy right into them... the real them! but Elementa doesn't know that... she just sees people being attacked and she knows at least one is a good guy, and so she's helping. Oh, and by the way... the aforementioned link would have provided sufficient passage for Elementa to suck the life out of the elders anyway, but she's concentrating on the images, so once again you're lucky. However, if she figured it out, ye'd be screwed. And the holoimages, from the link, are still giving off the energy vibes of the living, and she's not stupid, so it wll not be long before she'll figure it out. Just a logical little warning here! *smiles innocently* Oh, yeah, and the assassins? Consider them toasted!! Or moon-dusted... *evil grin*)

I could feel something strange... the mutants I knew I'd sucked dry weren't... well, dry! Something was wrong, but I wasn't sure. I concentrated more on absorbing those life-vibrations than the mutants themselves...

(the elders would, very slowly, start feeling a little bit weaker... and weaker... and weaker...)

grabbing nomad, i have no clue why, i ran through his portal. when i got through i laid nomad down, sat against the wall, and awaited the others. when Renegade came through he was completely unconscious. Panicking that he was dieing i stumbled to my weary feet and kneeled next to him, he was laying on his back after i adjusted him, and using what little energy i had left i placed my hands on his chest. feeling his body lift from the floor, he began to drain my energy. im not sure if he was dead, or dieing so i figured i am not going to let any of the forementioned happen. mumbling a few words, i feel a warm sensation run through my body. feeling him stir, i send one last burst of rejuvenation through his body. i see him open his eyes, smile that suave smile of his, he watches as my eyes close and i land softly in a heap next to him. this is a normal occurance, it is my period of rejuvenation, yet this time it felt different. i have never healed two people and at the same time used all my energy to fight, without rejuvenating.

Helping Lava up to a couch for her to rest, I try to wake her up but she is out cold. Laying her down I check her heart beat which is beating a little fast but seems to be ok.

"Help me take her to her room" I ask of Nightray as we take her to the room and lay her on the bed to rest.

"Your going to be ok Lava, just rest for awhile." I tell her as my hands feel her head.
She doesnt seem to be burning up or anything so she should be ok. Just then the mansions alarms went off. The elders had sent a group to attack us!

im in rejuvenation phase, but i still know what is going on, i am moved to a couch somwhere, and i feel a few people in the room. the alarms go off, but i can't wake myself up. i try desperately but im like locked in a cage. my body, finally gives in and unmorphs. i hope that everyone is alright, i hear rustling in the room. not sure what it is, i still can't seem to even open my eyes.

I phased back out, appearing in the mansion. I was overbrimming with energy and had to use it somewhere, so I flew towards the entrance as I heard the alarms...
I look up wen the alarms start. I grin looks like the fun isn't over. I telaport to the frunt gat and see sabertooth. I tern wolf and leep at hem he dogis and hits me in the side I fly therw the are and hit a tree. I tern back to humen fourm winsing at the pane. I smile at hem and say very good boy. I crack my neck and aper behind hem puting hem in a bearhug. I sqez but he's stronger than I thot and trose me off. I smile evily thes is going to be mor fun than I thot. I crouch and tacil hem sinking my teeth in hes trote and I drink deeply. Fore the ferst time in 30 years. I fell hes strangth poring in to me as he culapses at my feet. I look down and see that he is still alive.

Jumping out of an open window I can see Nightray sucking the energy out of the still struggling Sabertooth. I see Juggernaut charging at me and am barely able to jump out of his way as he crashes into a wall. Firing a few blasts at him that dont phase him I back away when I notice the Blob behind me and try to get away but am cought in his arms.

"Now what have we got here? Trying to make the elders look like fools huh boy?" said Juggernaut as he delivered a number of punches to my gut as the blob squeezed me in his grip.
elder1: hahahaha they fell for it hook, line and sinker. hahahahahha. now we send in our associates in.

elite 1: i kidnap elementa, lava, and silk and bring them to the elders, and while i was there i left them a note..
saying that we no longer need your services, in fact your friends; now our playthings will do nicely.
the elders
they have me lay each of them on a table and drug them well.

elder1:" well girls you caused us a lot of trouble, but i think we can clear your account" we strip them comepletely. oh i forgot to mention our HQ has moved

ooc; now remeber nightray that you don't know what we did so don't write about kicking our asses yet.

[Edited by nomad on 09-25-2000 at 09:08 AM]
I look around and see juggernoat beting the shit out of renagade. I hit jugghed as hard as I can noking hem in to the woll. I shake my hand and say that hert. Next thing I know thers some thing raped arond my waste. I look down and see a toug. I grab it and swing toad as hard as I can in to the wall hearing hes bones snap like twegs. I grin evilly. juggernoat grabs me frum behind wile I wos woching toad twich in pain. He starts squezing me and I'm berly abill to keep hem from croshing me.

(im sick of being kick-ass woman, so im gonna be the damsel in distress ;P so guys come and save me.)

still not able to move my body or open my eyes, i feel my limp body being picked up and moved, after some sort of transport i feel myself stripped of my clothes. i struggle to regain some sort of control over my body, i can't. i hear the elders talking, how on EARTH did i get here? and why aren't they all dead?

elder 1: "i believe we have some tests today, would you please prepare the examination lab."

my heart felt like it was going to leap out of my chest, i didnt know what to do, i couldn't move. maybe my mental powers would work, even though they aren't my strong suit. i try moving my body using my telekenesis, all i manage to do was to attract attention and have restraints put on me.

elder 2: "inject her with that needle over there"

a few moments passed, the rustling of papers and the clinking of glass...then i felt them insert the needle in my arm, i started to get sleepy. i struggled to stay awake.

Finaly getting back up from the number Juggernaut and Blob were doing on me I can see Nightray being crushed in Juggernauts grip. I charge up my fist and fire at the back of Juggernauts knees, forcing him to lose his balance enough for Nightray to break free of his grip.

Juggernaut turns to me and charges "That was a big mistake kid!" Stanind my ground I await for his punch. Then just when he was about to hit me I quickly open a shadow portal infront of me that he falls into.

Quickly I close the portal behind him as Nightray asks "Where did you send him?"

With a smirk I tell him "Antartica."

Just then some of the real X-Men show up(Cyclops, Rogue, Storm, Wolverine, Jean Grey, Gambit) and help the students clean up the rest of the attackers. Seeing that things were starting to get under control I head back to check on Lava. When I get to where I left her see was gone without a trace! As fast as I could, I ran upstairs to check on Silk to find that she was also missing.

Punching the wall in frustration I yelled out "Shit! They got Silk and Lava!"

I heard Nightray behind me "Looks like they got elementa as well. She's missing."

i remember this lab all too well, at the age of ten they kidnaped me, at the age of 12 they found out that i had powers, then at fifteen they munipulated my mind, i thought i got over it, and apparently they thought so too. attaching wires to my body, they were testing my powers, i had no control and had no clue how to stop them. i tried with all my minght to lift and arm, or something, but they gave me some sort of hypnotic drug. my body draped over a table, wires all over, they began the tests, some painful, some i remember having done before. i hear the elders talking, something about putting the two girls in confinement. i remember that room too, a small black room, nothing in it, at least they'll leave them alone. suddenly i feel a jolt of something through my body, my back arcs, tears streaming down my face, i black out.
Nomad: arrghh no no!!! mom!!! help!!! let me die!!!

Elder1: ahh nomad is coming along beatifully i turn off all the pain inducing machinery on the one called lava" well darling you'll be getting a playmate soon" i laughingly say through a loud speaker. me and co-conspiraters push a button and a door opens in the darkeness red eyes glow

I'd sucked the life right out of the first attackers, but more kept coming. I hadn't quite been prepared for battle, but as they tied me to the table and stripped my clothes off, I pulled in the heat from the flourescent lights above my head, the pressure from the air around me, and the water out of some poor worker's blood. I held the energy inside until the last second...
I pushed it all together and it exploded, kind of like a bomb - everything caught on fire. the elders were screaming, and I forced the air around me to squeeze my bonds until they popped out of existence. I teleported my ass out of there.

I ended up in a park, tall trees growing around me. I felt groggy - I slipepd to the ground, totally exhausted. The drugs worked faster...

(Back at Elder's HQ)


Underling: "We had no idea she was so powerful, Lord..."

Elder 2: "And now, due to your foolishness, this incredibly powerful mutnat girl knows our location! aND WE JUST MOVED AGAIN!!!!"

Elder 3: "At least we didn't lose nomad or the Lava one... And we know she'll come back for them..."

[Edited by Shila on 09-25-2000 at 06:52 PM]

As the last of the attackers were rounded up by the X-Men I asked Xavier "Cant you find there hideout with your powers?"

Xavier explained "The Elders seem to be able to block me from finding the minds of the students in their base and... wait..." Xavier used his powers again as the rest of us watched on.

Without opening his eyes he tells me and Nightray "Elementa is at a park. I cant tell which one but Rogue, I want you to go on and I will lead you to her with my mind. Go!"

Without another word Rogue took off without us as Xavier continued to talk to her through his mind. The rest of us paced around the base for the next few hours when we heard Xavier "She has found her." All of us turned to Xavier when Rogue flew into the mansion with a sleeping Elementa.

I was about to try and talk to her when Xavier stopped me "Not now Renegade, she needs time to rest before we try to find out where the Elders are at. Give her time." So we waited for Elementa to awaken from her slumber...