X-Men, take two.

I cum to a bend in the hall way. I sens nowone els so I step out in to the hallway right in frunt off them. I look them over relising ther bothe weke. I wave silk over to help. I ask wer is nomad. Waves of anger still eminating from me. He will pay for rapeing her if he just grabed hem I would not be her right now.

Nightray and Silk reached me and Lave just in time. Both of us were weak from everything we had been through and could barely keep moving. Nomad had surrendered to the others in hopes that the mutants would kill him before the other assasions got to him.

I yell to the others "Dont kill him! Death is to easy for what he has done to all of you. But I do think we should get going soon. The others could try something at anytime. They could even be watching us as we speak, waiting for the right time to attack." With that we prepared to move out before anything else happened.
I pick lava up as she lusis conchisns. wyl silk suports renegade.
Small note

Nightray no disrespect but could you please spell check before you post I am having a EXTREMELY hard time understanding what you are writing. I mean I am not perfect but honestly I am having a hard time and don't worry I may be a lil busy but I am gonna join in the fun soon y'all
IC: "well boys its been fun and all, but the reaper been deniied too many times of my death" i take out a vial uunder my sleeve and stick myself with it. i die quite quickly.

OOC: its been fun, but too busy for me by far. i may come back, who knows. oh and pheniox take it easy on nightstray, hes trying

Nomad had taken the easy way out of this situation but perhaps it was also the smart thing for him to do at this point. His lifeless body fell to the floor as the four of us watched on. Nightray seemed to be happy because of what Nomad did to Silk. Cant say I blamed Nightray for that.

I knew that this would either make the other assasins leave me alone or send someone else. Either way things were going to be different for me for now on.

Looking at Silk and Lava, I could only think that what they went through was more my fault then Nomads. If I had just kept running then Silk would have never been raped and Lava wouldn't have had to find a lost love only to see him commit suicide.

We had to go but we all knew that Lava was going to need a moment to deal with Nomads death so we waited as the day slowly began to turn to night around us. The night that could hide any other threats that could be waiting for us in the shadows of darkness...
Silk looked at the lifeless body lying on the ground. "He's... he's really dead isn't he?" She whispered. Nightray nodded the affirmative in silence. She took a deep breath. She was still supporting Renegade... her hair winding about his waist for added strength.

She noted that it was getting dark. "We better get moving... Xavier will be close to sending out others if we don't return soon." She said matter of fact.

The others agreed and they carefully made their way back outside. Renegade and Lava where helped into Silk's porche while Nightray led the way on his motorbike. Silk slowed the care down before she reached the gates and turned to Renegade and Lava. "Lava, you're still a new student... and it looks like Nomad had a history with you you couldn't ignore... talk to Xavier... I'm sure he'll understand. Renegade... I can tell you're blaming yourself for everything that's happened... I want you to know... I... I don't blame you... but you can't keep running. Xavier can help you... he really can... please give him a chance."
I look at nomads lifeless boby and I fell my anger finly leve I look at the others as the sun gos doun then I go to my bike and ter out of ther. When I git to the gerog I park the bike and hed for my room whem a bunch of students srownd me. I tell them ask silk she's righet behind me then I teliport my self to my room away from the strangers I foll face down on my bed and I sleep.

Sitting there, struggling to stay awake, I think of what Silk said to me. Maybe this Xavier guy could help me with my problems. He sure seemed to be popular with other mutants that needed help.

I tell Silk in a tired voice "I'll think about it Silk. Maybe he could help me with my problems."

We pulled up into the Mansion as got out of the car. Nightray had already gotten inside of the base so Silk helped Lava into the mansion as I pulled myself in on my own.

Once inside I looked at all of the other students that looked at me like I was some kind of threat. I was beginning to wonder if me staying here is a good idea.

i couldnt believe what he did, he actually killed himself, the second he put the syringe in his arm, i lunged my body towards him. trying to stop him, he fell to the floor, me above him. all he did was just stare at me, i just burst into tears, and layed my head on his chest, listening to the last beats of his heart, trying to think, i thought maybe i could heal him, raising my hands above my chest, i started to use all my energy. my hands glowing red, my body growing weak, i felt renegade pull me away, struggling to get back to nomad, all three of them held me away. after i stoped struggling, i pushed all of them off of me, and kneeled by nomad. kissing his eye lids and then his lips, i turned my back and walked away, only getting a few feet before i collapsed. the next thing i knew, we were back at the mutant school. still in a sort of trance state, they take me and renegade to xavier. setting me in a chair, with renegade on my right and silk and the nightray on my other side, i just stare forward, no emotion showing in my eyes. just pure anger. i hear renegade shifting nervously in his chair, bringing my knees up to my chin, i put my head down,touching my knees, and just cry silently. i feel renegade put a hand on my back, and xavier begins to talk.

Putting my hand on Lavas back as she silently crys, I look at this Xavier guy as he begins to talk.

He tells us "The four of you have been through enough for one day so I'll make this short. Lava, we understand why you did what you did but you cant let your emotions for people from the past put the other students in danger like that. Your still welcomed to stay with us but in the future I hope you make better judgment calls. Silk, as usualy you did a good job bringing them home. Nightray, you also did good out there and we hope to help you learn more in the future."

Now he was going to get to me now. I was hoping I could stay here at least for now so he could help me.

Xavier continued "Renegade is it? Do you not know your real name?"

I explained "It was the only name given to me all my life. I was raised by the assasins and they never gave me a name untill I joined them fully. Then they gave me the code name Renegade."

Xavier nodded "I see, and you dont wish to continue with them anymore? Then you are welcomed to join us if you wish. You look tired, Silk, please show him to one of the empty rooms. Your all excused for the day but I want to talk to you tomorrow about these assasins you grew up with Renegade."

I told him "Yes sir." as the four of us left the office.


Meanwhile Xavier talked to Jean through his mind "Jean? You know about the new student?"

Jean replied "Yes Professor, do you think he can be trusted?"

Xavier assured her "I believe he can but I also think he is keeping something from us. Something that is eating him up inside. We'll talk about this later."

With that Xavier ended the mental chat with Jean Grey and returned to his studys.
My anger has faded but i'v still got alot of energy. I pas a room the door ses danger room I herd of it. I look at the cunterol panil next to it and set it at the hiest levil and step in the lasers fireing I duck them moving so fast that If any budy wus whoching they would only see a bler after a nice 2 hour werk out I stop as I step out of the room I see renigade wos whoching. I just look at hem and start wolking to my room feeling the brusis. I got in the danger room start to fade.

i dont remember how i got to my room, nor who brought me there. after awakening for what seemed a week long sleep, my body was still tired, and my mind reminded me of what happened. throwing on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, i go to the shower room, after cleaning up a bit, i go to find renegade, i have to apologize for putting him in danger, even though i didnt understand why xavier said i put him in danger. i tried to help. i really did. however, i guess ill apologize to renegade then find somewhere else to stay. making my way back to my room, i throw my toothbrush and any real necessities in my bag. it wasnt too difficult seeing as i hadnt really unpacked in the first place. walking out into the hall, i waited until whatever her name is left on a break at the main desk. i went to the computer and tried to access his name. i finally got the room number, and started on my way to his hall. walking up to the door, my hair still wet, and looking a tad bit disheveled, i knock on the door.
Silk lead Renegade to an empty room. She opened the door and then a window to help air it out a bit. Then she got some fresh linen for the bed and seeing as Renegade was clearly exhausted she quickly and efficiently made the bed for him.

She bit her lip when she'd finished and without facing him whispered. "I... I really hope you stay Renegade... I can feel your pain... I want you to know... if you need a friend... I'll be here for you."

She turned around and saw him sitting in a chair fast asleep. She smiled warmly. He looked suddenly younger... more vulnerable in sleep. Gently she helped him up and over to the bed and lay him down. He was still wearing pants though. Silk debated as to whether to remove them for him. Suddenly the thought of seeing that much of his body revealed was to much for her. Blushing furiously she quickly removed his boots only and pulled the covers over him.

"Sleep well Renegade.." she whispered softly to him, placing a kiss on his forehead before leaving him to rest.

She closed the door and leaned against it standing in the corridor. Suddenly, now that she had a few moments of quiet to herself she allowed herself to relive the last 24 hours. The horror of being violated... of seeing a man take his own life... everything. Sobbing silently she fell to her knees until she was exhausted and had no tears left. She considered returning to her own room, but suddenly the thought of sleeping alone was too much for her. She carefully opened the door and slipped back into Renegade's room. She stripped down to her t-shirt and panties and slid under the covers with him. Curling up beside him. Finally finding some semblance of peace she drifted off to sleep.
In character?elder 1: ahhh so the boy couldn't do it huh ahh well he did well enough to warrant a second chance. i call some servants and drag nomad into a secret room......my and my fellow elders as he would call us are here......we will need all our energies to revive and heal him.

my tiny bird was still with nomad, i left it there, maybe for all eternity. i felt my bird begin to move, someone was taking his body. sending the bird to follow, i knock again on renegade's door, i have to apologize before i leave. there is no way i can leave without saying im sorry.
ooc: i haven't said if he'd lived only that he might. i havent decided about it yet.if i decide to come back so will nomad, if i don't he'll be revived only to die a very painful death.
okay, i'm back, so i'm in.

ye're all screwed! *grins evilly*

5'6, 120lbs. 34-26-32
long blonde hair and sea green eyes
wears black leather catsuit w/ silvery shimmery swirls
powers: absorbs any elemental energy (pyro, terra, aqua, aero, and spiritu)
has learned, through use of the mind, how to hspae those powers... *still experimenting, though, so...*

While I sleep the nightmares of what I went through in my life run through my head. The killings and the battles and all of the blood that was spilled by me and the others. Why did I stay for so long?

Suddenly I am awakened by a knocking on my door. Still half asleep I yell "It's opened, come in!"

Trying to move I notice the female body resting next to me under the covers. At first I feel startled but then calm down when I notice it's Silk. What was she doing sleeping in my bed?

Just then the door opened and Lava walked inside "Renegade? I just wanted to talk to you before I...." She stoped right there in the middle of the room when she saw me and Silk in bed with each other...
Silk slowly awoke from a wonderful dream as she felt the bed move suddenly. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes and stretching she tried to come to terms with her strange surroundings. The first thing she sees is Lava standing in the middle of the room staring in surprise.

"Wha?" Silk mumbles before she realises she's not in bed alone. She reaches behind her and feels... solid flesh. "Uh ohhh" she whispers to herself as she suddenly becomes wide awake, remembering what happened the night before.

"Oh... geez... I'm so sorry... " she blushed a deep shade of pink. She turned and looked up at Renegade who looked a bit tousled from sleep. "It's... umm... oh goodness... " She stammered realising suddenly how bad the situation looked.

OOC: All right! Three-Way action!!! LOL

IC: Looking with tired eyes at Silk I asked her "What are you doing in my bed? Did something happen?"

Turning over to Lava I tell her "It's not what it looks like. Actualy I dont know what's going on."

Looking back and forth I ask them both "What are the two of you doing in my room?" Nothing like this ever happened when I was with the assasins!
Silk groaned and hid her face in Renegade's chest. She was so embarrassed. Lava must think she was some sort of horny slut. Suddenly she realised what she was doing. Renegade smelt real good... too good... and his chest... she shivered in reaction to being to close to him. How had she managed to sleep that close to him without doing ANYTHING?

She looked up suddenly realising where her thoughts were headed. She shook her head as if to clear it and tried to explain. "Umm... I... I was scared to sleep alone... and so... I kinda... kinda... slipped into bed with him... " she shrugged... "it seemed like a good idea at the time..." she finished lamely. Damn... it still felt like a good idea. She tried desperately not to look at Renegades bare chest... it was doing strange things to her libido...

Damn what happened to her earlier was still bothering her. I remember how peacefull she looked when I saw her for the first time. Now seeing her with so much sadness in her eyes was getting to me.

I put my hand on her arm as I hold her to me "Silk, if your afraid to sleep alone tonight then I wont mind you sharing the bed with me tonight."

She looked up at me "Are you sure you dont mind me sleeping with you?" I could feel her smile as she moved closer to me.

Rubbing my hand up and down her arm I tell her "I want to help you deal with what happened to you in anyway that I can." Pausing for a moment when I feel the warmth of her bare legs against me I continue "Besides I still think it's my fault for what happened to you."
Silk was struck by his tone. On the one hand thrilled that he didn't mind sharing a bed with her and saddened that he should think he was at fault. She placed her own hand on his chest, momentarily forgetting Lava's presence. "How could it possibly be your fault? Nomad was a sadist... you didn't MAKE him do what he did... anymore than I did..." She bit her lip to stop it from trembling. Not realising how much that rape had effected her. It seemed so natural to let Renegade gather her into his arms. She felt suddenly safer... calmer there. She was also very aware of the warmth and strength of him. Unbelievably she felt stirrings of... passion.

She was quickly brought back to reality by someone clearing their throat. She blushed guiltily looking back at Lava, she was pleased that Renegade continued to hold her though. "Sorry Lava... we... I mean... you never did um get to say what you came in here for?"

Lava tried to figure out what the heck was going on between the two still on the bed. "I came to... to apologize myself actually..." she started. Silk looked surprised. She finally sat up and faced Lava. "You too? What for?"
"Not to you... " she laughed... "to Renegade..."
Renegade looked just as startled this time.

oh goodness this was uncomfortable. ive never wanted so much in my life to morph and just slip away under the door. i held my ground..
"i...i..." my hands trembling. "i want to apologize for even thinking about helping nomad. um...he ....no...um...i really feel bad for getting you all into this. i tried to undo what i did..well...im sooooo sorry. im not staying around here anymore. im leaving, i dont know where im going but, i wanted to just make sure you knew that...i didnt try to hurt you, i really tried to help. it didnt work though..and .....ill just be going now. im sorry for barging in." i turn towards the door.

(renegade you naughty boy...)