Your 50+ hot grandma body for the lovers (Dressed/undressed)

So here's a question ... has your best sexual experiences been with someone younger than you or older than you? For me, older.
... the highs of sexual experience with my spouse have been amazing -- and she's a "younger woman" -- exactly 10 weeks younger.
... the highs of sexual experience with others have been with "younger." Biggest difference in age for anything I consider a "high" is about 10 years, when I was in my late 30s.

... the highs with "older" are limited -- a one-weekend escapade with a friend.
... I also had a "first time" with someone about 5 years older than I was -- in retrospect, NOT a "high" beyond being "the first".
Wife said to post this.

Your wife is a babe! Lucky man!