“Mystery Woman” sub-challenge within 750 words

Hi all,

I’m kinda behind. But will read / rate / comment on all of these as I can.

Thank you so much for the creativity 😊

I didn’t tag my first story inspired by your challenge with the Mystery Woman tag- I forgot. I did remember to properly tag the second one. Hope Laurel approves it soon.
I didn’t tag my first story inspired by your challenge with the Mystery Woman tag- I forgot. I did remember to properly tag the second one. Hope Laurel approves it soon.
No worries. Wasn’t the first over 750 worst, or am I misremembering?

My mystery woman should post tomorrow. I think. Maybe. The pending story shows "NEW" like a story ready to publish but there is no date.
...sigh... You guys.

Okay, I couldn't contain it until next week. Shame on me. I just uploaded a "Mystery Woman" story. I'll post when it's up.

Pretty sure I got the tags right. Don't want the schoolmarm to rap my knuckles with that goddamn ruler of hers.
...sigh... You guys.

Okay, I couldn't contain it until next week. Shame on me. I just uploaded a "Mystery Woman" story. I'll post when it's up.

Pretty sure I got the tags right. Don't want the schoolmarm to rap my knuckles with that goddamn ruler of hers.
OH, out won't be your knuckles. :ROFLMAO:
Pretty sure I got the tags right. Don't want the schoolmarm to rap my knuckles with that goddamn ruler of hers.
Schoolmarm won’t be able to try that with me. The days when I’d bend over and let any adult hit me with a blunt object _anywhere_ are long gone. I’m also very well versed in Joy Voyevoda CQC disarm techniques and other similar mixed martial arts along with a significant majority of my original and celebrity-inspired FMCs… so if you try it, your weapon will be snatched from your hand, broken into several pieces if possible, and tossed away. Then hopefully you’ll be smart enough to back down and we can come to an understanding.

That’s in realities that match the canon version of my ficverse anyway.
OK, go on... 😛
I just submitted a 750 word piece based on the blonde in the black pencil skirt and white blouse with the high pony tail. It's called Detention. It should explain everything. ;)

The Literotica story file is a rolling anthology. The stories aren't supposed to be noticeably different from each other. To keep the reader from being distracted, they are all supposed to have closely the same presentation formatting. So, if you're finding it hard to establish some sort of fancy bells and whistles with your story presentation, you're going counter to site style.
I was being a bit facetious. The fancy formating in question, is using bold or italics.
Agree. There is a purpose to simple and/or uniform styling.

I have written for years on a number of roleplay forum sites (go ahead look down on me, I don't give a shit) and these sites invariably to keep the community happy and attract users allow all manner of customization to format and appearance. I cannot describe how pretentious and irritating some people can be with their styles and formatting. They use html frames and panes that you have to scroll within, with their text copy in kooky annoying fonts in unreadable colors laid over graphics and photos. Vampire stories covered in blood spatters, gay and trans stories streaked with rainbows, romances drowning in flower petals, fanfics plastered in manga. It's absolutely insane. If lit allowed any of this I'm sure that thousands of us would lose our minds.

If you can't set the tone and the mood without colors and fonts and graphics, you probably just don't believe enough in your prose to get the job done on its own.
I'm 6'4", I practically look down on everybody. You're all beneath me.