“There is No Climate Emergency”

1,200 Scientists and Professionals Declare: “There is No Climate Emergency”​


18 AUGUST 2022 3:14 PM

The political fiction that humans cause most or all climate change and the claim that the science behind this notion is ‘settled’, has been dealt a savage blow by the publication of a ‘World Climate Declaration (WCD)’ signed by over 1,100 scientists and professionals. There is no climate emergency, say the authors, who are drawn from across the world and led by the Norwegian physics Nobel Prize laureate Professor Ivar Giaever. Climate science is said to have degenerated into a discussion based on beliefs, not on sound self-critical science.

The scale of the opposition to modern day ‘settled’ climate science is remarkable, given how difficult it is in academia to raise grants for any climate research that departs from the political orthodoxy. (A full list of the signatories is available here.) Another lead author of the declaration, Professor Richard Lindzen, has called the current climate narrative “absurd”, but acknowledged that trillions of dollars and the relentless propaganda from grant-dependent academics and agenda-driven journalists currently says it is not absurd.

Particular ire in the WCD is reserved for climate models. To believe in the outcome of a climate model is to believe what the model makers have put in. Climate models are now central to today’s climate discussion and the scientists see this as a problem. “We should free ourselves from the naïve belief in immature climate models,” says the WCD. “In future, climate research must give significantly more emphasis to empirical science.”

Since emerging from the ‘Little Ice Age’ in around 1850, the world has warmed significantly less than predicted by the IPCC on the basis of modelled human influences. “The gap between the real world and the modelled world tells us that we are far from understanding climate change,” the WCD notes.

The Declaration is an event of enormous important, although it will be ignored by the mainstream media. But it is not the first time distinguished scientists have petitioned for more realism in climate science. In Italy, the discoverer of nuclear anti-matter Emeritus Professor Antonino Zichichi recently led 48 local science professors in stating that human responsibility for climate change is “unjustifiably exaggerated and catastrophic predictions are not realistic”. In their scientific view, “natural variation explains a substantial part of global warming observed since 1850”. Professor Zichichi has signed the WCD.


We always knew it was bullshit. "We" being educated people.
Tell that to the people in the southwest who have water everywhere but in the reservoirs.
Yes, you know what fox told you to think.

It was a out GMOs not the green new deal
You're an idiot who thinks what they tell you to think
Sri Lanka had multiple problems long before this year. None of them is anything like the fake news sites proposed by RG. What a surprise!

The economy hadn't recovered from years of a brutal Civil war. Even before Covid, they were short of currency to buy things from abroad. The fertiliser ban was not really caused by the desire to be a producer of organic food but simply because the country couldn't afford to buy the fertiliser. The declared reason for the ban was nonsense. They just couldn't pay.

Part of the reason was the corrupt, nepotistic government. The family members were living in mansions while the people starved and the rulers grabbed more money for themselves.

Then Covid wrecked their tourism industry, a major part of the economy generating foreign currency. Tourists didn't or couldn't come. Covid was the last straw that bankrupted the country (if the government's family members hadn't already squirrelled away large sums of cash).

Whoever takes over Sri Lanka's government, they know there is NO money. Foreign creditors have had enough of missed interest payments and an inability to pay even a small part of the existing debt.

But, of course, RG knows from his fake news sites that the 'truth ' is different. Bullshit!
Sri Lanka had multiple problems long before this year. None of them is anything like the fake news sites proposed by RG. What a surprise!

The economy hadn't recovered from years of a brutal Civil war. Even before Covid, they were short of currency to buy things from abroad. The fertiliser ban was not really caused by the desire to be a producer of organic food but simply because the country couldn't afford to buy the fertiliser. The declared reason for the ban was nonsense. They just couldn't pay.

Part of the reason was the corrupt, nepotistic government. The family members were living in mansions while the people starved and the rulers grabbed more money for themselves.

Then Covid wrecked their tourism industry, a major part of the economy generating foreign currency. Tourists didn't or couldn't come. Covid was the last straw that bankrupted the country (if the government's family members hadn't already squirrelled away large sums of cash).

Whoever takes over Sri Lanka's government, they know there is NO money. Foreign creditors have had enough of missed interest payments and an inability to pay even a small part of the existing debt.

But, of course, RG knows from his fake news sites that the 'truth ' is different. Bullshit!
The grifter who conned the government officials to go complete non GMO did a ton of damage
The grifter who conned the government officials to go complete non GMO did a ton of damage
He gave them the excuse they wanted not to buy fertiliser. If he hadn't?

In Sri Lanka, he might have 'disappeared'.
It was a she actually
A useful she idiot for Sri Lanka's corrupt rulers to use.

Food that is perfectly acceptable for US people to eat is opposed by her, causing the potential deaths of tens of thousands on the Indian subcontinent.

The world is going to need many more varieties of GMO foods if it is going to feed all those affected by the changing climate.
A useful she idiot for Sri Lanka's corrupt rulers to use.

Food that is perfectly acceptable for US people to eat is opposed by her, causing the potential deaths of tens of thousands on the Indian sub-continet.
She was the main activist that drove the movement.
She was the main activist that drove the movement.
It doesn't change the reality that Sri Lanka couldn't afford to buy fertiliser.

Edited for PS: Sri Lanka's problems are NOTHING to do with climate emergency. It is just RG's deflection from his climatology ignorance.
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Tell that to the people in the southwest who have water everywhere but in the reservoirs.
Severe weather isn't climate change, it's just severe weather. it isn't as if it never happened before, or that's it's caused by the activities
He gave them the excuse they wanted not to buy fertiliser. If he hadn't?

In Sri Lanka, he might have 'disappeared'.
A useful she idiot for Sri Lanka's corrupt rulers to use.

Food that is perfectly acceptable for US people to eat is opposed by her, causing the potential deaths of tens of thousands on the Indian subcontinent.

The world is going to need many more varieties of GMO foods if it is going to feed all those affected by the changing climate.
It doesn't change the reality that Sri Lanka couldn't afford to buy fertiliser.

Edited for PS: Sri Lanka's problems are NOTHING to do with climate emergency. It is just RG's deflection from his climatology ignorance.
As I just posited in another thread:

What we see here from the left is ideological motivated reasoning, that is when facts are presented they reply with the latest theory they religiously believe to be fact. When philosophers involve themselves in politics we always have a narrative in search of facts, a conclusion lacking evidence. We find this to be true in almost every interpretation of events they put forward, they are always shaped by their pre-conceived biases. It's especially true in the sanctimonious pronouncements of Ogg in obedience to his theological understanding of the weather.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

PS: There is no climate emergency.
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Severe weather isn't climate change, it's just severe weather. it isn't as if it never happened before, or that's it's caused by the activities
Changes to severe weather patterns over time is climate change.
you're soooo blissful :giggle:
Changes to severe weather patterns over time is climate change.
Yes, the climate has changed we've had five friggin' ice ages. None of which was caused by man, which is the primary point. There is "ZERO proof the present climate is caused by man, nor is there any proof we can do a thing about it.
Yes, the climate has changed we've had five friggin' ice ages. None of which was caused by man, which is the primary point. There is "ZERO proof the present climate is caused by man, nor is there any proof we can do a thing about it.
Yes, I get that you believe that.
Yes, I get that you can't prove otherwise as well.
Whatever works for you. You're the one who seems to need other people to believe your bullshit. I've got climate scientists on my side...not a list of 1500 random douches with business, finance and various non climate backgrounds.
Whatever works for you. You're the one who seems to need other people to believe your bullshit. I've got climate scientists on my side...not a list of 1500 random douches with business, finance and various non climate backgrounds.
You have elitists on your side drumming a narrative designed to reshape the international order and destroy the constitutional covenant between the United States government and its people. It has nothing to do with Nature's "climate," it has all to do with the political climate in the free world and the sovereignty of the people of the United States. Tell me something all of these elitists who run around the world complaining about the excesses of the human race and their effects on the climate all do so in private jets, the biggest and heaviest SUVs, live the most extravagant lives, and consume the most of everything?
You have elitists on your side drumming a narrative designed to reshape the international order and destroy the constitutional covenant between the United States government and its people. It has nothing to do with Nature's "climate," it has all to do with the political climate in the free world and the sovereignty of the people of the United States. Tell me something all of these elitists who run around the world complaining about the excesses of the human race and their effects on the climate all do so in private jets, the biggest and heaviest SUVs, live the most extravagant lives, and consume the most of everything?
Yes, I get that you believe that.

Sorry that people make you angry.
Perhaps Rightguide actually ought to listen to Greta.

She isn't, nor does she claim to be, a climate scientist. What she is saying is that people like Rightguide with their head buried so far in the sand that even their assholes are in the sand need to listen to the reality that the world is in danger and unless they do something now, their children and grandchildren will pay heavily for their intolerant ignorance.
Whatever works for you. You're the one who seems to need other people to believe your bullshit. I've got climate scientists on my side...not a list of 1500 random douches with business, finance and various non climate backgrounds.
I don't care what you believe or if you believe what I have to say. I'm just here to ridicule the Lemming-like manner in which you accept the ideas of others for which are produced no solutions except a return to the 17th Century, or any understanding of their calamitous portent.
I don't care what you believe or if you believe what I have to say. I'm just here to ridicule the Lemming-like manner in which you accept the ideas of others for which are produced no solutions except a return to the 17th Century, or any understanding of their calamitous portent.
Got it. Thanks for clarifying. I look forward to your next ten posts complaining about climate change. 👍
Perhaps Rightguide actually ought to listen to Greta.

She isn't, nor does she claim to be, a climate scientist. What she is saying is that people like Rightguide with their head buried so far in the sand that even their assholes are in the sand need to listen to the reality that the world is in danger and unless they do something now, their children and grandchildren will pay heavily for their intolerant ignorance.
What she said was the real bullshit, that's why Europe is moving away from it and why she's left the national scene for some rants in the depths of obscure public libraries. She, a mere child, who drove Europe's leaders before her like a bunch of sheep to their near doom.:rolleyes: