“There is No Climate Emergency”

Yes, the climate has changed we've had five friggin' ice ages. None of which was caused by man, which is the primary point. There is "ZERO proof the present climate is caused by man, nor is there any proof we can do a thing about it.
None were caused by man? Are you saying early man didn't damage the earth as much as the 7+billion people are doing right now?

No way! That's a stable genius conclusion.
None were caused by man? Are you saying early man didn't damage the earth as much as the 7+billion people are doing right now?

No way! That's a stable genius conclusion.
There's no way. Show me the evidence of early man's destruction of the earth besides ordinary living. He did no more damage to the earth than the whale's layers of shit on the ocean floor. Man himself is an integral part of nature.
There's no way. Show me the evidence of early man's destruction of the earth besides ordinary living. He did no more damage to the earth than the whale's layers of shit on the ocean floor. Man himself is an integral part of nature.
The more you explain "nature", the easier it is to understand why you're an idiot.
Oh look at that natural progression ¯\(°_o)/¯

There's no way. Show me the evidence of early man's destruction of the earth besides ordinary living. He did no more damage to the earth than the whale's layers of shit on the ocean floor. Man himself is an integral part of nature.
I try to tell myself that there is no way that a single person could display such ignorance but you always do your best to prove me wrong.

Whales were here before humans and the (man-made) industrial revolution isn't a part of nature which is what i damaging the earth.

Why do you deny basic logic in these weird attempts to deny reality?
I try to tell myself that there is no way that a single person could display such ignorance but you always do your best to prove me wrong.

Whales were here before humans and the (man-made) industrial revolution isn't a part of nature which is what i damaging the earth.

Why do you deny basic logic in these weird attempts to deny reality?
So, lots of bloviating but no evidence, right?
So, lots of bloviating but no evidence, right?
The Republicans who invented the EPA found so much scientific evidence that they created an entire government program to combat climate change.

But what do Republicans know :unsure:
The Republicans who invented the EPA found so much scientific evidence that they created an entire government program to combat climate change.

But what do Republicans know :unsure:
No, the left did that when they took over the EPA. There is nobody in the EPA that has a clue about what to do with the climate, not a soul. All they're after is power and your freedom.

Winter of Discontent: Germany to Implement Energy Rationing Amid Fears of Gas Riots​


As officials in the country express their fears about future gas riots this winter, the German government has announced a host of new energy rationing rules that will come into effect from next Thursday.

In what appears to be the latest attempt to avoid energy shortages this winter, the German government is to implement restrictions limiting the use of energy in the country.

Ministers appear to be hoping that the rationing efforts will help reduce the risk of energy shortages this coming winter, with a number of bigwigs now openly fearful of a future of public unrest and gas riots should people be left unable to adequately heat their homes.

According to a report by Stern, limits on how hot public buildings and offices can be heated to are to come into effect on September 1st, with such buildings now being legally restricted to no more than 19 degrees Celsius (~66 degrees Fahrenheit).

Public buildings will also no longer be allowed to heat their hallways — though some exceptions are to be given for the likes of hospitals — while tap water used for washing hands will also no longer be allowed to be heated using a boiler or instant heating device.


We don't have a climate emergency, we have an energy emergency because people listened to the clueless left and children like Greta Thunberg.

Winter of Discontent: Germany to Implement Energy Rationing Amid Fears of Gas Riots​


As officials in the country express their fears about future gas riots this winter, the German government has announced a host of new energy rationing rules that will come into effect from next Thursday.

In what appears to be the latest attempt to avoid energy shortages this winter, the German government is to implement restrictions limiting the use of energy in the country.

Ministers appear to be hoping that the rationing efforts will help reduce the risk of energy shortages this coming winter, with a number of bigwigs now openly fearful of a future of public unrest and gas riots should people be left unable to adequately heat their homes.

According to a report by Stern, limits on how hot public buildings and offices can be heated to are to come into effect on September 1st, with such buildings now being legally restricted to no more than 19 degrees Celsius (~66 degrees Fahrenheit).

Public buildings will also no longer be allowed to heat their hallways — though some exceptions are to be given for the likes of hospitals — while tap water used for washing hands will also no longer be allowed to be heated using a boiler or instant heating device.


We don't have a climate emergency, we have an energy emergency because people listened to the clueless left and children like Greta Thunberg.
We have a grievance fest that you continually participate in that doesn't take into account science or logic and instead focuses on your political opposition
Now we know where Reichguide is going on "vacation."



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Winter of Discontent: Germany to Implement Energy Rationing Amid Fears of Gas Riots​


As officials in the country express their fears about future gas riots this winter, the German government has announced a host of new energy rationing rules that will come into effect from next Thursday.

In what appears to be the latest attempt to avoid energy shortages this winter, the German government is to implement restrictions limiting the use of energy in the country.

Ministers appear to be hoping that the rationing efforts will help reduce the risk of energy shortages this coming winter, with a number of bigwigs now openly fearful of a future of public unrest and gas riots should people be left unable to adequately heat their homes.

According to a report by Stern, limits on how hot public buildings and offices can be heated to are to come into effect on September 1st, with such buildings now being legally restricted to no more than 19 degrees Celsius (~66 degrees Fahrenheit).

Public buildings will also no longer be allowed to heat their hallways — though some exceptions are to be given for the likes of hospitals — while tap water used for washing hands will also no longer be allowed to be heated using a boiler or instant heating device.


We don't have a climate emergency, we have an energy emergency because people listened to the clueless left and children like Greta Thunberg.
Germany's problems are NOTHING to do with Greta and everything to do with Putin cutting Germany's gas supplies - which you would know if you had a functioning brain.
Oil spills have no environmental impact
Nuclear disasters have no environmental impact
The floating garbage pile in the ocean has no environmental impact

Do you know how ridiculously ignorant that sounds? Apparently not.
Right-wingers (unlike Rightguide) believe in small government and low taxes. That doesn't mean they are stupid or uncritical of people who post right-wing conspiracy theories.

Being right-wing is a political choice, a valid one.

You can be right-wing and intelligent. Or you can be right-wing as Rightguide claims to be, and completely fooled by propaganda that shows right-wingers to be stupid.

People like Rightguide do more damage to the Republican party than even the Jan 6 rioters. But Rightguide can't see that. His version of 'facts' makes right-wingers appear to be complete nutcases. They're not but Rightguide is.
One theory is the earth decided it had sequestered too much carbon, so it developed an animal with some talent for making tools and digging up minerals.

An early example of humans changing environment is the invention of archery. They were suddenly more lethal as hunters. That may be the cause of some large animal extinctions.

Climate change is inevitable. Calling it an emergency depends on how much we care and what we do about the effects. Florida becoming flooded and uninhabitable is no big deal if we decide the whole place sucks anyway while colder regions become more habitable. Most of the western half of the continental US, from California to west Texas, becoming as dry as the Sahara can also be a huge meh.

Your chuckles are more annoying than your comments. Must be hard to know everything with your head up your ass.
*chuckles* so you duck all the other quotes of yours, in all those other threads, which you can''t actually answer, and post here....chicken shit liar....