“There is No Climate Emergency”

Shut up with the demented bullshit. I know as much about this as you do and more.

The proposed "actions" are destroying civilization. What's happening in Sri Lanka is a harbinger of what is going to happen everywhere else people like you buy into this utter bullshit that our civilization can survive without fossil fuels and the imposition of the Green New Deal.
The only demented one in this thread is YOU. You are attributing statements from me about fossil fuels and 'The Green new Deal' that I have NEVER made. False ascription is the sign that you lost the argument - over and over again.

I have relevant qualifications.

You have NONE. Your posts are just laughable.

Sri Lanka? You don't understand that country either.
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Otherwise you are using a strawman argument that the US is the problem.
Who said the USA is "the problem". Greenhouse gas emissions is a world wide problem, China, the USA India, Russia, Canada....right down to the 194th country.

We all share the same air........every country needs to make the effort. The US is making an effort, China is making the effort.....where the problems lies is with dumbfucks like you and icant and wrongway. Preaching your gospel of ignorance and bullshit.

The world needs to clean up it's act....now, not ten fucking years down the road. Every country needs to do what it can, in ways that make sense, and are affordable.

Switching to "green" is not a job killer, or money pit, it is a job creator, and opens up whole new opportunities for business. Not acting on Climate change will bankrupt the USA ( and every other country in the world) in less than 50 years....you have children Domn? Grandchildren? If you do and if you care about them, you better change trolleys....the one you're riding is heading (us all) for disaster!!
Manufacturing solar panel, wind turbines, EVs requires preparation, first a coordinated supply chain that doesn't increase greenhouse gases as part of the manufacturing process as well as a manufacturing process that also doesn't increases greenhouse gasses as a byproduct. If we're to minimise our carbon footprint then we have to use renewable carbon free energy sources but no one seems to be interested in nuclear as demonstrated by Germany shutting down their nuclear power plants. Nuclear, solar geothermal, wind, biofuels to a certain extent, LNG, energy storage capacity combined with CO2 absorption, making the planet greener, carbon capture technology, controlled burning of forest and socially responsible manufacturing will be key going forward.
See your post above is sensible, with the exception of your comment about German, it is factually incorrect. However Nukes are not the answer in the long run. The cost of storging spent fuel, alone is a major problem, making more for the long term future is a poor plan. Moving to a Hydrogen based energy system should be the goal. EV's and solar etc, should be a bridging system between Carbon fuels and Hydrogen fuels.
Buying shit from China because they can make the shit and because they don't care about greenhouse gas emissions is just plain stupid. China agreed to peek emissions by 2030. China's been lying to us for 50 years, I don't believe a fucking word out of China or India for that matter.
Now when you start off on this "vileness" towards China, what does it do? The world needs China to do what it can to reduce it's emissions, and contrary to your claims it has kept up doing it ( Trump on the other hand pulled out of the Paris Accord....to your cheering agreement I will also point out).

China is it's own country, and like it or not, China can and will do what ever it wants, in the way it wants. The best we in the "west" can do is work out the best deals with China ( and India) to make it worth their effort to cooperate. You don't like China, cool, no problems, stop buying Chinese shit....pay the extra to buy made in the USA. (Though I bet you were jumping up and down in glee when Nixon and Kissinger brought China into the fold back in the 70's and all that cheap Chinese manufactured products started showing up at half the price of made in the USA products..)

While I don't agree with China on many fronts, I am smart enough to understand we in the west can't just make them do what ever the fuck we want anymore. China put up with that attitude from the West for decades, they are now powerful enough to not have to kowtow to us....and that seems to piss you right off......*chuckles*
See your post above is sensible, with the exception of your comment about German, it is factually incorrect. However Nukes are not the answer in the long run. The cost of storging spent fuel, alone is a major problem, making more for the long term future is a poor plan. Moving to a Hydrogen based energy system should be the goal. EV's and solar etc, should be a bridging system between Carbon fuels and Hydrogen fuels.

Now when you start off on this "vileness" towards China, what does it do? The world needs China to do what it can to reduce it's emissions, and contrary to your claims it has kept up doing it ( Trump on the other hand pulled out of the Paris Accord....to your cheering agreement I will also point out).

China is it's own country, and like it or not, China can and will do what ever it wants, in the way it wants. The best we in the "west" can do is work out the best deals with China ( and India) to make it worth their effort to cooperate. You don't like China, cool, no problems, stop buying Chinese shit....pay the extra to buy made in the USA. (Though I bet you were jumping up and down in glee when Nixon and Kissinger brought China into the fold back in the 70's and all that cheap Chinese manufactured products started showing up at half the price of made in the USA products..)

While I don't agree with China on many fronts, I am smart enough to understand we in the west can't just make them do what ever the fuck we want anymore. China put up with that attitude from the West for decades, they are now powerful enough to not have to kowtow to us....and that seems to piss you right off......*chuckles*
So, using your logic, lets keep bailing water in the front of the boat while a big freaking hole is in the back with nothing being done. I don't think so dude. I will bring jobs back HERE to America and tell China to Piss off, just like, oh yeah, Trump! We support their economy. Screw em. And they released the China virus on us, and nothing happened from your pussified, China owned current administration. * chuckles *
And they released the China virus on us, and nothing happened from your pussified, China owned current administration. * chuckles *
First off, you're an idiot. Secondly, who was pretending to be president when COVID broke and the response was so poor that 1 million Americans have died? Hint: it wasn't the current administration.
Shut up with the demented bullshit. I know as much about this as you do and more.

The proposed "actions" are destroying civilization. What's happening in Sri Lanka is a harbinger of what is going to happen everywhere else people like you buy into this utter bullshit that our civilization can survive without fossil fuels and the imposition of the Green New Deal.
In this post, RG claims "I know as much about this as you do and more."

That is the posting equivalent of a schoolyard kid putting his hands beside his face, waggling his fingers, sticking his tongue out and saying 'Yah Boo Sucks!'

It isn't an argument.

But it gives me the opportunity to play the silly game of academic oneupmanship to prove that RG lies.

1. I am an FRGS (Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society) an internationally renowned centre of excellence for geographical subjects.

Is RG a member of that or a similar US organisation for geography?

No. Fail 1 RG.

Is he a member of any prestigious academic organisation for anything?

No. Fail 2 RG.

I have published 126 academic papers on geographical subjects (about 40 with co-authors).

Has RG produced any academic papers on geography?

No. Fail 3 RG.

Has RG produced any academic papers on anything?

No. Fail 4 RG.

I have had published twelve textbooks on Geographical subjects (four with a co-author). They were aimed at Senior High and 1st-year university students.

Has RG produced any textbooks on Geography?

No. Fail 5 RG.

Has RG produced any textbooks on anything?

No. Fail 6 RG.

I have produced two software manuals showing how to use programs for geographical data.

Has RG produced any software manuals?

No. Fail 7 RG.

I have held two (minor) academic posts as a visiting lecturer on geographical subjects. Minor because my employer wouldn't release me for more time-consuming academic work.

How many academic posts in Geography has RG held?

None? Fail 8 RG.

How many academic posts in anything has RG held?

None? Fail 9 RG.

I could go on and on but why should I? Rg's statement:

"I know as much about this as you do and more." is just his bluster.

RG is just a blowhard trying to prove he is greater than anyone.

That and his posts show his ignorance.
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So, using your logic, lets keep bailing water in the front of the boat while a big freaking hole is in the back with nothing being done. I don't think so dude. I will bring jobs back HERE to America and tell China to Piss off, just like, oh yeah, Trump! We support their economy. Screw em. And they released the China virus on us, and nothing happened from your pussified, China owned current administration. * chuckles *
Your analogy is shitty and wrong. We don't live in a boat, we live in biosphere. Yes eliminating some greenhouse gas emission from the total emitted helps. You do understand, the carbon cycle right? I ask because every post you make, gives me the impression you don't.

25) He pulled us out of the Paris Climate Accords thus saving us millions of dollars every year.

Right China....and when I search your posts, I find you were another dumbass American fool cheering for Trump when he pulled the US out of the Paris accords too. Saving millions today, and costing Trillions in the near future....you're a fucking financial wizard, I tells yah...
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The only demented one in this thread is YOU. You are attributing statements from me about fossil fuels and 'The Green new Deal' that I have NEVER made. False ascription is the sign that you lost the argument - over and over again.

I have relevant qualifications.

You have NONE. Your posts are just laughable.

Sri Lanka? You don't understand that country either.
Here's what I understand about Sri Lanka and you don't:



The only demented one in this thread is YOU. You are attributing statements from me about fossil fuels and 'The Green new Deal' that I have NEVER made. False ascription is the sign that you lost the argument - over and over again.

I have relevant qualifications.

You have NONE. Your posts are just laughable.

Sri Lanka? You don't understand that country either.
Here's what I understand about Sri Lanka and you don't:



RG's expected deflection and no answer to my querying his academic qualifications about anything.

Yes, I know about Sri Lanka. I have been there; I have friends there. And you, RG?
I could've googled that in 4 minutes lmao
I couldn't. Lit has been running very slowly in the UK today. It takes me about 15 minutes for a simple post.

Hurrah! It is speeding up. Only five minutes for that one.