✨📬✨ The FOURTH Annual 🔹July PM Challenge🔹: Celebrating Four Years of Fun, Friendship and Fuckery. ✨📬✨

DAY 30!!

PM 2 Litsters for whom you are thankful.
Are you thankful for their
friendship, for something they've taught you, have they helped you make an informed decision or have they just helped you bust that ever elusive nut. Go say thank you!

This challenge has a second public part. It's time for challenge feedback! (Hi, just me! Your friendly mall poll gatherer here!)

Let us know - What's been your favorite challenge so far?
Day 1, it got me started on a couple actual new friendships here, which is the best thing that can happen from this.
Well guys... this is the end of the road.
Everyone that sent some thankfulness gets 30 points and a gold star.

One last challenge to come but before I go for this year....
I would like to thank everyone for their participation and enthusiasm. Many of you have been very kind to thank and appreciate me and, well I'm a good southern girl, so that makes me super twitchy but I do appreciate all of your kind words. However, this month and these challenges aren't anything if no one plays along, if no one posts and no one PMs. So thank YOU! Each and every one of you who even played just one day. It makes Lit a more open community and helps the quieter (and often more interesting) people have a chance to shine. I hope you take the spirit of the challenge moving forward.

As for me... well my brain is tired!! I have steam coming out my ears. I'll leave one more challenge and then leave it up to you all. I'll be around but I hope after 31 days you'll know where to find me.
Congrats everyone. I'm proud to share this place with all of you.

DAY 31!!!!!

You've made it to the end and there's no better way to celebrate than to PM the new friends you've made along the way.
PM anyone you've forged a new friendship with this month and make plans to grow that seed in to a beautiful friendship rose. (Ok... that was cheesy even for me!)



DAY 31!!!!!

You've made it to the end and there's no better way to celebrate than to PM the new friends you've made along the way.
PM anyone you've forged a new friendship with this month and make plans to grow that seed in to a beautiful friendship rose. (Ok... that was cheesy even for me!)



Well, the new friends I've made will be getting Pms till they finally see sense and block me, so I'm saying

Day 31 ✅
Well guys... this is the end of the road.
Everyone that sent some thankfulness gets 30 points and a gold star.

One last challenge to come but before I go for this year....
I would like to thank everyone for their participation and enthusiasm. Many of you have been very kind to thank and appreciate me and, well I'm a good southern girl, so that makes me super twitchy but I do appreciate all of your kind words. However, this month and these challenges aren't anything if no one plays along, if no one posts and no one PMs. So thank YOU! Each and every one of you who even played just one day. It makes Lit a more open community and helps the quieter (and often more interesting) people have a chance to shine. I hope you take the spirit of the challenge moving forward.

As for me... well my brain is tired!! I have steam coming out my ears. I'll leave one more challenge and then leave it up to you all. I'll be around but I hope after 31 days you'll know where to find me.
Congrats everyone. I'm proud to share this place with all of you.
