🌸 AMA ~ Honey 🌸

Less dependant on others, better with boundaries. Less inclined to invest energy into things that clearly aren't working, more likely to let go and walk away. Less motivated to make relationships right or perfect or how I'd want them ideally, better at allowing for imperfection and disappointment and accepting that we're all flawed. I'd say that I've raised my standards and lowered my expectations and that I'm working on learning to be content with my own company.

This is a lesson so many of us could stand to learn. I know that knowledge was hard-earned and came with a cost. But there is real wisdom there.

We're all flawed, and many of us damaged. But the ideal here is to pretend that we and our prospective partners aren't either of those things and to forget that there are real people and real emotions and real issues on the other end.

That is not something to forget, unless both parties are just looking for an orgasm outlet.
This is a lesson so many of us could stand to learn. I know that knowledge was hard-earned and came with a cost. But there is real wisdom there.

We're all flawed, and many of us damaged. But the ideal here is to pretend that we and our prospective partners aren't either of those things and to forget that there are real people and real emotions and real issues on the other end.

That is not something to forget, unless both parties are just looking for an orgasm outlet.

And many are, which is fine. I think it just makes for a better experience to understand that we’re real people. Every action has a reaction that either helps or hurts someone else.
I’ll engage. Whatcha wanna talk about? 😌

Okay, what am I doing wrong? Anyone? Why isn't my thread inspiring conversation? It's just question, answer - question, answer - question, answer. Thoughts?

Genuinely open to constructive input. Halp!

cuz I think that's how these things work.

We ask a question, you answer. I mostly nod my head and go yeah, that's really cool to know and then that's that.

You aren't doing anything wrong. If there was more conversation, it would probably be more answers to questions about something you said.

I think what's hard is these things aren't - what's the word? - linear? It's like we're sitting at your house, having a cocktail, chatting when zing - someone puts there head in the window and asks a question and then zing - someone calls and asks you a question and... you get the picture.

Do you feel too much like you're being interviewed and it's all one sided??
Of all the threads you began, which are your favorite?

What is it that you like most and least about Lit?

What Litster(s) impacted you enough to inspire change in your personal life?
Yes. Yes, you should. :D

I'll chop the veg, and set the table, and admire your handiwork as you cook, but I don't want to be in charge. :eek:

Of all the threads you began, which are your favorite?

What is it that you like most and least about Lit?

What Litster(s) impacted you enough to inspire change in your personal life?

oooooh - good questions

Honey? Honey? Honey? :cattail:
Don't be skerred to answer my questions...I'm always inquisitive:rose:

What is something about learned about yourself that you've had to learn to appreciate?
cuz I think that's how these things work.

We ask a question, you answer. I mostly nod my head and go yeah, that's really cool to know and then that's that.

You aren't doing anything wrong. If there was more conversation, it would probably be more answers to questions about something you said.

I think what's hard is these things aren't - what's the word? - linear? It's like we're sitting at your house, having a cocktail, chatting when zing - someone puts there head in the window and asks a question and then zing - someone calls and asks you a question and... you get the picture.

Do you feel too much like you're being interviewed and it's all one sided??

Hmm. I think my expectations may be off. I'll come back to this one.

What are some of the meals your mom cooked that you really like?

I pretty much liked everything except for artichoke. 🤮

Chicken salad
Porcupine meatballs
Taco salad
Turkey tetrazzini
Tuna salad

Why is that all I can think of? Lol

Of all the threads you began, which are your favorite?

What is it that you like most and least about Lit?

What Litster(s) impacted you enough to inspire change in your personal life?

Favorite threads? I don't really do favorites. I like the ones in which there was good conversation, good energy, good momentum, good exchange of various opinions and ideas. I like threads in which people feel seen and heard, I like threads in which my friends and I had a lot of fun, I like threads that pull in people I haven't crossed paths with a lot, I like threads in which I learn new things, I like threads which hold memories of people who are dear to me. I'll compile a list of some threads that meet those criteria for me, and let you know.

What do I like most and least? I like having the opportunities to meet people and engage in conversations that I would never have had the chance to meet and participate in offline. I like how I've grown because of my time here. I dislike the fact that my online friends don't live within driving distance of me.

Inspiring Litsters? there have been several. Some have inspired me through their kindness and generosity and patient wisdom, and some have inspired me through the hard life lessons that I took away from knowing them. But I think the ones that have inspired the most change in me have been the Litsters who have made me really angry. Anger isn't an emotion I feel easily - irritation, yes, but not anger. I would say that the personal growth I've done in terms of setting boundaries and learning to value myself has, for the most part, happened as a result of relationships that left me feeling not just hurt, but angry.
Thank you for answering my questions. I do appreciate your honesty and you sharing:rose::heart:
oooooh - good questions

Honey? Honey? Honey? :cattail:

I'm here! I'm here! :nana:

Don't be skerred to answer my questions...I'm always inquisitive:rose:

What is something about learned about yourself that you've had to learn to appreciate?

That I'm sensitive, and that I want deepness in my life. They're both kind of inconvenient for others, or can be. I spent a lot of time feeling as though I should apologize and try to change, but I've gotten over that and grown to see them as strengths instead of weaknesses.

When someone sends you a dick pic, do you prefer to see the balls, or not?

😂 Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha
Quit asking me questions you already know the answer to!

Balls. 😍

You win the internet today with this question.

Hand on dick or just dick?

Come on you guys! 🤣🤣

Dick, balls, hands, thighs... you know I love it all. :heart:
For some reason, there are some who don't appreciate sensitivity. They don't appreciate what it means to have emotion when expressing oneself. I've had to grow to accept that side of me as well.

Example: Crying is natural, but somehow it has become confused with weakness. The ability to express ourselves has not been viewed kindly by others who aren't as sensitive. It's not merely done to gain sympathy, but can be accepted as a form of release.
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Of all the threads you began, which are your favorite?

Here are a few from the most current 8 pages worth of my threads:

Suit Porn Thread: The Litster Edition
Wild Honey's Garden Party Frolic
the Blanket Fort threads
101 Things We Love About Our Brit Lovers
Ask A Sexy Brit A Question/Ask A Sexy Nerd A Question
Litsters As Cats!
Sexxxy Lit Men With Facial Hair
What's Your Kryptonite/How To Seduce A LIt Man/Woman/Name Something A Lit Man Did Right Today
'Let's Talk About' series
The Real Chubby Tummies Of Lit/The Real Thick Thighs And Curvy Hips Of Lit/Zaftig
Any of my threads about BDSM
Reflections On Gentleman Doms (this was probably my first really well-received discussion thread, and on a topic that typically doesn't go over well on the PG)
'Kinks We Don't Understand' series
For The Love Of Dad Bods
The Allure Of Men's Accessories

That should be enough to get you started. :D
Here are a few from the most current 8 pages worth of my threads:

Suit Porn Thread: The Litster Edition
Wild Honey's Garden Party Frolic
the Blanket Fort threads
101 Things We Love About Our Brit Lovers
Ask A Sexy Brit A Question/Ask A Sexy Nerd A Question
Litsters As Cats!
Sexxxy Lit Men With Facial Hair
What's Your Kryptonite/How To Seduce A LIt Man/Woman/Name Something A Lit Man Did Right Today
'Let's Talk About' series
The Real Chubby Tummies Of Lit/The Real Thick Thighs And Curvy Hips Of Lit/Zaftig
Any of my threads about BDSM
Reflections On Gentleman Doms (this was probably my first really well-received discussion thread, and on a topic that typically doesn't go over well on the PG)
'Kinks We Don't Understand' series
For The Love Of Dad Bods
The Allure Of Men's Accessories

That should be enough to get you started. :D

I have joined in on and seen many of these threads already. Thank you:rose:
cuz I think that's how these things work.

We ask a question, you answer. I mostly nod my head and go yeah, that's really cool to know and then that's that.

You aren't doing anything wrong. If there was more conversation, it would probably be more answers to questions about something you said.

I think what's hard is these things aren't - what's the word? - linear? It's like we're sitting at your house, having a cocktail, chatting when zing - someone puts there head in the window and asks a question and then zing - someone calls and asks you a question and... you get the picture.

Do you feel too much like you're being interviewed and it's all one sided??

i actually like being interviewed, but yes, i think it's bothering me on a subconcious level that there's not more balance. i think i'm expecting (without realizing it) that after i share my in-depth answers, i'll get in-depth responses.

No worries, it's a good opportunity for me to practice giving shorter answers.
Balls was very concise, especially since you know I agree. I just wanted to make you laugh.

What do you like best about balls? I think I know... but let’s hear it.

:heart::heart::heart: You did!

Omg, okay. :eek:

I like the way they feel in my hands. i like the way they feel in my mouth. i like the way they smell. i like the way they taste. I like the way my man responds when i touch them and lick them and roll them around in my mouth. And i like the way they feel slapping against my pussy when i'm getting pounded hard from behind. :devil::catroar:
I dated someone who had a weird smell.

Ever since then, I just don't inhale too deeply.

Other things I do deeply though.


Don't shorten your answers. That's why we love you!

Do you have any bad habits?
What traits of your personality are you proud and heartwarmed to see in each of your children?

When was the last time you had a gut busting belly laugh?
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I dated someone who had a weird smell.

Ever since then, I just don't inhale too deeply.

Other things I do deeply though.


Don't shorten your answers. That's why we love you!

Do you have any bad habits?


Hold your nose and stick out your tongue?


Ugh, yes. Lots. Avoiding things that seem overwhelming. Not taking care of my body properly. Too much screen time. Not making room in my day for hobbies and creative pursuits. Not walking my dog enough. I think I've improved in all of those areas, there's just still lots of room left.

What traits of your personality are you proud and heartwarmed to see in each of your children?

When was the last time you had a gut busting belly laugh?

Oh, gosh. I see my passion, my tenacity, my resilience in them. I see my empathy and creativity and resourcefulness. I see my ability to nurture, my love of both teaching and learning, and my strong moral convictions. I see my extroversion and my sensitivity and my fearlessness when the rubber hits the road. I see my playfulness and my sense of adventure, my critical thinking and my sarcasm. I see my disinclination to let somebody else do my thinking for me. The great thing is seeing each kid end up with a different combination of those traits. All mini-mes in some way, and yet, all unique.

Belly laugh, eh? My youngest said something yesterday during school, I don't remember what, but she's quite precocious and is forever spouting off the most unexpected observations using vocab that she learned... where? We're constantly asking her, 'How do you even know that word??'. I mean, I'm reasonably articulate, and I don't dumb things down for my kids, but sometimes she comes across like a tenured professor of philosophy and it's just so incongruous, coming out of her chubby little pink face and her squeaky little girl voice. I remember my older daughter and I sat there for a moment, dumbstruck as usual, before shaking our heads and slapping the table in our amusement. That kid. ❣️
Which five objects would you save if your house caught fire? Let's assume all living beings, bipeds and quadripeds, are safe and phone and money and such are safe as well.
Hmm. I think my expectations may be off. I'll come back to this one.

I pretty much liked everything except for artichoke. 🤮

Chicken salad
Porcupine meatballs
Taco salad
Turkey tetrazzini
Tuna salad

Why is that all I can think of? Lol

Those all sound delicious. I tried thinking of stuff my mom used to cook while I was growing up and I don't remember a lot of specifics. She cooks well though. She's also a pretty creative cook so maybe there were things that I don't remember just because they didn't have a name?

To echo everyone else, I like in depth responses too. I haven't been on here much the last couple of weeks or I'd have been adding more questions.

What are three things (doesn't have to be the most important three) that you can't live without?
Not a question, just popping in to say that Hiney has given me one of my biggest laughs ever.

I have my moments. :rolleyes:

Which five objects would you save if your house caught fire? Let's assume all living beings, bipeds and quadripeds, are safe and phone and money and such are safe as well.

I've lost a significant portion of my belongings several times over the years, it teaches you to stop caring about stuff. I'd probably grab a few things that I find comforting when I'm stressed - my robe, slippers, fuzzy blanket, favorite thermos, current book.

Those all sound delicious. I tried thinking of stuff my mom used to cook while I was growing up and I don't remember a lot of specifics. She cooks well though. She's also a pretty creative cook so maybe there were things that I don't remember just because they didn't have a name?

To echo everyone else, I like in depth responses too. I haven't been on here much the last couple of weeks or I'd have been adding more questions.

What are three things (doesn't have to be the most important three) that you can't live without?

(Excluding the five I listed above) Lip balm, reading glasses, iced coffee.

How many Lit people have you met in real life?

Two! Kat73 and her hub. We've met up three times, I think. They're wonderful parents. :heart: