Less dependant on others, better with boundaries. Less inclined to invest energy into things that clearly aren't working, more likely to let go and walk away. Less motivated to make relationships right or perfect or how I'd want them ideally, better at allowing for imperfection and disappointment and accepting that we're all flawed. I'd say that I've raised my standards and lowered my expectations and that I'm working on learning to be content with my own company.
This is a lesson so many of us could stand to learn. I know that knowledge was hard-earned and came with a cost. But there is real wisdom there.
We're all flawed, and many of us damaged. But the ideal here is to pretend that we and our prospective partners aren't either of those things and to forget that there are real people and real emotions and real issues on the other end.
That is not something to forget, unless both parties are just looking for an orgasm outlet.