🎵 Monthly Song Challenge 🎵

I have no music in me today.
Maybe that will change later.
Maybe not.
I hope you find that voice inside you later on. It's cathartic. To scream and shout and wail. It's the foundation of the punk movement. The foundation of the people. The foundation which was stolen and on which monuments to little men have been built. They sit up there and shriek orders in their tiny voices and try to direct us. But they pull up the ladder behind them. Nobody else is allowed. It's them vs us. It's fucked. It's fucked. It's fucked.

build me up
tear me down
like a skryscraper
build me up
and tear down these joining walls
so they can't climb at all

I wish I could remember for sure who introduced me to this song here in the thread. It's been in my back pocket ever since, a reminder that collectively we still hold more power than the few.

The Coup - The Guillotine