📮 The 3rd Annual ✨July✨ PM Challenge 📮

Done 🇩🇰 That link thing you are doing with the numbers is a cute upgrade

It's supposed to be an Easter egg for the observant but... as the Literotica Herold you've generously given a hint. Lol

I'm gonna blame it on old eyes, but I apparently needed that hint. 😊
And thanks for holding the challenge again this year, PLP. ❤️
Day 2:

Your challenge if you choose to accept it - PM at least 1 Litster from another country. Let's build those international relationships!
Done that!

I avoided the dick pic and RP this time. This time I got a strange reply that seemed to be in all caps (yelling?) It was in German so I didn't understand and frankly, kinda scared me.