🔮 What are you doing right now? 🔮

Watching the Yankees-Rockies game (for lack of any other game on) as I set up my brand new phone.
That sounds like a relaxing evening! It’s always a pleasant surprise to receive high-quality work, especially when you’re balancing it with some downtime. I’m glad to hear that the paper from https://ukwritings.com/assignment-service exceeded your expectations. Enjoy your Netflix browsing and the paper review! If you need any recommendations for shows or need to discuss anything about your paper, feel free to ask.
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Wish I could commit to it but it gives me anxiety in a weird way so I just actively ignore without hiding posts.
Some people are easy to handle that way. But, there's always a but! But, I have found that hitting that button for those people whose posts annoy tf out of me is better for my peace of mind. It keeps me from writing a scathing post about what I think about them. 😂
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Some people are easy to handle that way. But, there's always a but! But, I have found that hitting that button for those people who's posts annoy tf out of me is better for my peace of mind. It keeps me from writing a scathing post about what I think about them. 😂
Oh but then you deprive us of trying to guess at who has pissed you off 😂

No you do right!
Some people are easy to handle that way. But, there's always a but! But, I have found that hitting that button for those people who's posts annoy tf out of me is better for my peace of mind. It keeps me from writing a scathing post about what I think about them. 😂
I'd do that if it stopped me seeing them react to stuff too.
Ive been edging myself for 2 hours I reckon, talking to girls and doing my best to make them all soaking wet, I believe there has been only two who have loved it! And I’m well happy with that as the chat and build up with them has been out of this world, looking now for the next as I’m in need of exploding