🚫 Time to start reporting posts. Link to violations by Deplorables here, and help report them

Lovey is one of those who is immune for some reason. He's been cautioned and vacationed more than once.
The two main tactics of a Lit Deplorable who promotes violence:

1) Develop throw-away alts, one after another. Never try to develop meaningful relationships in real life, so you never learn how to relate to others online in a way that is beneficial to society.

2) Take the approach of Hamas or ISIS. Hide among the women and children while you promote violence outside of your bunker.
The two main tactics of a Lit Deplorable who promotes violence:

1) Develop throw-away alts, one after another. Never try to develop meaningful relationships in real life, so you never learn how to relate to others online in a way that is beneficial to society.

2) Take the approach of Hamas or ISIS. Hide among the women and children while you promote violence outside of your bunker.


"Everything posted on this politics board is archived by federal law enforcement officials."

No. It's not. Federal law enforcement has more pressing priorities right now. Like possible Hamas activity on U.S. soil.

A FOIA request on Literotica would take about six months to process. Wanna try? I'm leaving this all up to the San Francisco District Attorney's office regarding libel and threats to harm a child.

I don't think the libel action will have much real traction. I would have to show harm to my reputation and Literotica has about as much impact on my rep as a personals ad reading "Thank you, St. Jude" in a weekly published in the Aleutian Islands.

But the promiscuous use of Russian-originated slurs is obviously an issue.

The hysterical tone of the defamatory attacks on me, especially in relation to a posted threat to the security of a minor, is relevant. It shows that internet chatter affects the lives of children in unexpected ways.

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Shut the fuck up you dumb shit. You are just a senile old fag.
It says perma banning, but it still looks like he is active.

It appears that seniority / "tenure" protections are in place.

How apropos for those right wing hypocrites who claim (whine) that others get special treatment due to some institutional practice.

It appears that seniority / "tenure" protections are in place.

How apropos for those right wing hypocrites who claim (whine) that others get special treatment due to some institutional practice.

Why is that, exactly? Seriously, a quick search of the word permanent sorted by date shows how many times Wat’s been pinged.
I thought you had a Big Domme. So which part are you lying about?
I do not lie about anything. IRL I am a famous author and cannot indulge the Internet habit of fantasy.

I am also a stylist and pride myself on my sophistication. I am averse generally to explaining myself to adolescents.

My Big Domme, a figure known in the film industry, but who does not want to be doxxed as I was here, controls everything important in my life.

She does not control who fucks me. Fate and the luck of the streets dictates that.

She does not control how I get fucked. I have the freedom to suck cock and to open up my pussy.

This is a contradiction. I am attempting to resolve these issues in my life and my work.

And you?

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I do not lie about anything. IRL I am a famous author and cannot indulge the Internet habit of fantasy.

I am also a stylist and pride myself on my sophistication. I am averse generally to explaining myself to adolescents.

My Big Domme, a figure known in the film industry, but who does not want to be doxxed as I was here, controls everything important in my life.

She does not control who fucks me. Fate and the luck of the streets dictates that.

She does not control how I get fucked. I have the freedom to suck cock and to open up my pussy.

This is a contradiction. I am attempting to resolve these issues in my life and my work.

And you?

( O )( O )
Doesn't really sound like a Big Domme then.

And me what?
Shut the fuck up you dumb shit. You are just a senile old fag.
PeePee, so sorry to have neglected you!!! Mama BTB got in a bit of a legal scrape. Hope you're getting ready for your debut as a thong dancer!!!

Meanwhile. I'm sorry about your being hacked on this site!!! So unfair!!!

( O )( O )
Doesn't really sound like a Big Domme then.

And me what?
So you, an unknown and anonymous troll, presume to dictate to me, a recognized scholar on DeSade and other aspects of the sexuality of power, rules on how to be submissive?

Chew on this, Chester:

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So you, an unknown and anonymous troll, presume to dictate to me, a recognized scholar on DeSade and other aspects of the sexuality of power, rules on how to be submissive

Chew on this, Chester:

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I give less than a single fuck about your little video. But how can you be submissive if your Big Domme isn't making you do anything? Need to work on those contradictions, bitch.
The idea of discussing an intellectual set of problems to which I have dedicated decades of my life as well as aspects of a rich literary career with some variety of misbegotten post teenager such as yourself is unappetizing.

You can invent and "win" flame-war insult tournaments all you want. I have a Wikipedia page. You don't.

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I thought you had a Big Domme. So which part are you lying about?
Just so you can have something to think about:

As a transwoman I have asserted control over my body and myself.

As an individual in society I have expressed this control over myself by surrendering to the control of another person.

Both are totalistic. The roots of the concept are found in troubadour literature.

These are features of life away from GTA. Doing ESL and getting a GED help in getting into community college and taking classes on such topics.

I fail to grasp why the nature of my relationship with my main partner should be discussed on this thread.

I am preparing to meet with the Harris-Walz team to discuss employment as a speechwriter. If that makes me a Deplorable then the term has no meaning.

I am well aware that the chief form of entertainment on this site consists in spewing flame-war accusations that participants are lying about themselves.

This fixation is sociopsychotic and may, IMHO, be considered essential to the functioning of this and all such variants on 4chan.

Unfortunately for the online lynch mob here, nothing I write or post anywhere can be challenged factually. That is, IRL. You can use this graffiti wall to describe me as a fucking kangaroo, but you can't convince anybody that it's accurate. I was doxxed and anybody can look up who and what I am.

I'm not you. I am very glad of that.

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Loves Spam​

JoinedJul 2006Posts1,743
You are ignoring content by this member.
Soon, Dims. Verry soon. Just remember. You wanted

Maybe I missed this? Not sure which one brought down the hammer.


He was obviously a disposable spreadsheet alt, made so that one of our resident white supremacists in hiding could be an anonymous prick for a bit. 😏
No communication is required by me with an advocate of gratuitous physical violence toward children.

Just for ducks, here's an abstract question:

If a law abiding adult and prominent community member is concerned about a minor child being incited to violent attacks on strangers, what is the appropriate response?

A. Let the child batter people.

B. Beat up the child.

C. Liaise with police and social welfare agencies to assist the family in resolving its problems.

My reply: C is the only appropriate action. The indignity of being forced to avoid certain loci is preferable to the primitive 4chan fantasy of physically beating a minor child, or physically abusing a minor and the minor's psychologically impaired parent.

In the criminal subculture of 4chan, which has extended itself here, beating sick women and children is what men do when their fantasies about control over themselves and their surroundings have failed completely.

I don't do these things.

I hate violence against women. I have no history of this. Rather, I worked at a battered women's shelter and right now am working to place another young female in a safehouse.

I cannot conceive of striking a child. I will run away every time to avoid such.

I am not male. According to American law, I am female. If anybody refuses to accept this, what other laws do you flout? IRS?

I control.my body and my life. Totally.

I don't need to prove my capacity for self-defense by threatening children. And I will demand that these threats be dealt with consequently.

4chan sites like this must not be permitted to foster violence against minors by individuals incapable of writing or posting coherent statements in English.

The incapacity of the poster known as Filthy to clean up his act shows that this is not an incidental matter. This malefactor is incapable of forming an explanation for his bizarre behavior. He is beyond the kind of help available to the general public.

I go to Sephora, not a gym. I press on nails now and then. I don't press weights.

Butt I'm in excellent physical condition. I don't brawl in the streets with drunks, disadvantaged children, or poor women who have been defeated by a system that does not protect the vulnerable.

I protest such injustices. I organize against them. I wear fragrance. My garments are spotless and tasteful. My body is beautiful and very desirable. I take care of my body and avoid physical confrontation.

I am a transwoman. I am the future. Your future. If anybody reading this has the capacity to reproduce, I as a poet, spiritual exponent, historian, and neighbor declare: your children and grandchildren are already lost to you.

See Dick and Jane. See Dick run from the patriarchy. See Dick put on a cute skirt and a terrif top. See Dick change names to Darla. See Darla at Sephora trying Danessa Myricks. But leave her alone. She's just a kid.

My world. You're not welcome here. Try Antarctica. As I've noted my family name is Schwartz. Millions of Schwartzes seem untroubled by me. But we transwomen change our names, and Ms. Bitch would be swell.

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In a stunning and unanswerable example of everything wrong with this site, a bootless troll decided, apparently between slugs of Everclear and hits of meth, to challenge my statement here about control over myself as an alleged lie, since i profess to have a Big Domme.

My post had to do with how I relate to a physical threat IRL, and how I deal with online incitement to violence against a child. It has nothing to do with my Domme/sub experience.

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In a stunning and unanswerable example of everything wrong with this site, a bootless troll decided, apparently between slugs of Everclear and hits of meth, to challenge my statement here about control over myself as an alleged lie, since i profess to have a Big Donne.

My post had to do with how I relate to a physical threat IRL, and how I deal with online incitement to violence against a child. It has nothing to do with my Domme/sub experience.

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I'm not you. I am very glad of that.

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I couldn't be happier not to be you, you confused, narcissistic, psychotic ugly skank. And please hide that mutated Tammy Faye Bakker face and the sandbags you call tits from those of us with functional gastrointestinal tracts.
I couldn't be happier not to be you, you confused, narcissistic, psychotic ugly skank. And please hide that mutated Tammy Faye Bakker face and the sandbags you call tits from those of us with functional gastrointestinal tracts.
I have a real life married to two beautiful women.

The world loves me:

You have the imagination of a kindergarten child. You don't have the brains to get a driver's license yet you consider yourself clever for recycling terms you don't understand.

You calling me all these internet pop psych terms, not one of which you could use in a sentence in discussion with a therapist, is like me accusing you of cheating to get on this site by lying about your age. It don't matter, Chester. This is the Dork Web, not CNN.

My makeup is popular with the kind of nice young women that would call a cop if you looked at them.

Nobody today knows or cares about Tammy Faye Bakker.

You have never seen my lovely rack IRL. You're blowing smoke up your own ass. Quite a feat. But not as good as giving yourself a blowjob. That saves a lot of time.

Let me know when you finish the ESL course. Get the GED and sign up for a class in Schopenhauer at your local community college.

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I thought you had a Big Domme. So which part are you lying about?
Which part of your existence are you lying about?

Your age?

Your misery as an incel?

Your disappointment at being turned down by the Proud Boys?

Your unemployability?

Your illiteracy?

Your failure to understand the term "@ntifa?"

The looming spectre of being charged for welfare fraud?

It's ok. Mama BTB's here to help. First, give up Trent Reznor.

Try this:

Second, don't waste condoms using them as water balloons.

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