🚫 Time to start reporting posts. Link to violations by Deplorables here, and help report them

You don't deny being a deeply closeted gay incel under the age required to participate in this site. Good. Self awareness begins with acceptance. Now see if RoryNarcissist can set you up at Scientology for some auditing. Xenu and the engrams have rilly messed you up.

But watch it. Danny Masterson won't be happy with you as his cellie.

( O )( O )
Settle down, Mr Cooper, you're bound to break a hip dancing around trying for something that sticks. Stick to child grooming and aids spreading, two things I've heard you've done well with in life. How long has your son been a cock dealer? Like you, was he (?) also born with a defective brain? Are you still in the safe house where the SFPD put you in after the attack or are you back in your tent?
It was nice to hear you state a concise "Thank you" in a post. But actually what I was saying is that I'm not qualified to address why you talk so much about how important you think you are.

I hope that still qualifies as a cold beer.
I keep trying to tell him that he is a nobody and that nobody gives a shit about his dumb ass, but he is too delusional and mentally challenged. I feel sorry for his gay son.

I was effectively compelled to out or doxx myself, I am deprived of the vaunted confidentially promised here.

( O )( O )
Stevey, baby. Care to elaborate on this? How were you compelled to out yourself? Was it your fragile ego that forced you to out yourself, thinking that doing so people would respect you?
I keep trying to tell him that he is a nobody and that nobody gives a shit about his dumb ass, but he is too delusional and mentally challenged. I feel sorry for his gay son.
I wish BTB no harm. This might even be performance art, for all I know.

This site claimed to be literary.

I am a successful author.

I approached this site in the interest of research.

I objected when some kind of community college dropout posted the most ridiculous guff I ever saw about Weimar history, which happens to be a topic of considerable weight to historians, including me.

And when I commented in a rational
quoted for posterity, 🤦

what a way to end the post. soooooo rational!
It was nice to hear you state a concise "Thank you" in a post. But actually what I was saying is that I'm not qualified to address why you talk so much about how important you think you are.

I hope that still qualifies as a cold beer.

This site claimed to be literary.

I am a successful author.

I approached this site in the interest of research.

I objected when some kind of community college dropout posted the most ridiculous guff I ever saw about Weimar history, which happens to be a topic of considerable weight to historians, including me.

That was followed by an insane sort of Stalinocultist claim that I am faking being trans to undermine the trans movement, of which the Dork Web 4chan losers on this site know nothing.

I respond. I also post poetry and criticism. A thread on which I discussed my involvement in the Paris Surrealist Group has been removed. Welcome to Ukraine!

Get a beer and pour it on your head, amateur smartass.

( O )( O )
I wish BTB no harm. This might even be performance art, for all I know.
What is this supposed to mean? Of course everything I have ever done as a Surrealist poet is performance art. Since I was a child in the Beat circle.

So what? Performance artist Milan Knizak, who I knew, was locked up in the former Czechoslovakia in 1968. You dreaming of slamming the cell door? Hanging your critics? Kundera's BOOK OF LAUGHTER AND FORGETTING deals with such literary adventures.

None of you has the wit to answer me.

( O )( O )
Stevey, baby. Care to elaborate on this? How were you compelled to out yourself? Was it your fragile ego that forced you to out yourself, thinking that doing so people would respect you?
I don't discuss with advocates of violence against children.

( O )( O )
Settle down, Mr Cooper, you're bound to break a hip dancing around trying for something that sticks. Stick to child grooming and aids spreading, two things I've heard you've done well with in life. How long has your son been a cock dealer? Like you, was he (?) also born with a defective brain? Are you still in the safe house where the SFPD put you in after the attack or are you back in your tent?
I don't discuss with advocates of violence against children.

But the safe house is CIA property and the street attacks ended when the woman's meds kicked in. The child was not involved.

Have you thought of treatment for what appears to be Tourette's coprolalia worsened by fentanyl? Is DJT aware of your case? He could use it against Biden. Indeed, although I will vote Dem, Joe hasn't got the fentanyl plague under control.

I'll copy your comments to Child Protective Services here in SF tomorrow. The security of a child is nothing to joke about. The ShitPsychotica Mediocrita Snowflake Brigade bars people from writing about their victimization by predators as minors while promoting you, an obvious predator, if not a minor lying about your age.

The policy of this site in encouraging such nonsense is as bad as that of fostering libel. One of the many reasons nobody on this site will ever publish anything in the media and literary world, except me and Wat Tyler and the poets.

Stay away from school properties, perv.

( O )( O )
I keep trying to tell him that he is a nobody and that nobody gives a shit about his dumb ass, but he is too delusional and mentally challenged. I feel sorry for his gay son.
But you haven't told me why I should care about your Tourette's. The idea that you should keep trying to tell me anything is stupid enough, but the idea that it should matter to me what some derelict, i.e. you, says about me on 4chan, indicates something beyond stupid. I guess... Fascism, eternal refuge of the desperate underclass. Again, you.

( O )( O )
But you haven't told me why I should care about your Tourette's. The idea that you should keep trying to tell me anything is stupid enough, but the idea that it should matter to me what some derelict, i.e. you, says about me on 4chan, indicates something beyond stupid. I guess... Fascism, eternal refuge of the desperate underclass. Again, you.

( O )( O )
In general. I never liked the cultures of BDSM, either at Folsom or vs. Israel. But I had no idea how much fun it be for me to have so many bitches. Thanks, ShitPsychotica Mediocrita!

( O )( O )
quoted for posterity, 🤦

what a way to end the post. soooooo rational!

Quoting, in a meme, a TV show entirely dominated by Scientologists and featuring everyone's favorite perv, Danny Masterson, is a tell.

How anybody could imagine that this website would ever have anything to do with the literary world... To quote Pound... It "troubles my sleep."

But as RoryNarcissist's new dom, I'm pleased to have triggered him. Being in control is such fun.

( O )( O )
I don't discuss with advocates of violence against children.

But the safe house is CIA property and the street attacks ended when the woman's meds kicked in. The child was not involved.

Have you thought of treatment for what appears to be Tourette's coprolalia worsened by fentanyl? Is DJT aware of your case? He could use it against Biden. Indeed, although I will vote Dem, Joe hasn't got the fentanyl plague under control.

I'll copy your comments to Child Protective Services here in SF tomorrow. The security of a child is nothing to joke about. The ShitPsychotica Mediocrita Snowflake Brigade bars people from writing about their victimization by predators as minors while promoting you, an obvious predator, if not a minor lying about your age.

The policy of this site in encouraging such nonsense is as bad as that of fostering libel. One of the many reasons nobody on this site will ever publish anything in the media and literary world, except me and Wat Tyler and the poets.

Stay away from school properties, perv.

( O )( O )
As it happened, SF Adult Protective Services' assigned case worker in my case, who cannot be identified under the policies of this site, has been pursuing the matter of the attacks on me by a demented, transphobic woman, who has also incited assault by her minor daughter on passersby in San Francisco. I do not know the daughter, having only seen her once, from a distance, years ago.

I was frightened by the depredations of the mother, who is well known to the San Francisco Police. The crisis appears to have passed.

Nevertheless I am proceeding with a complaint to the FBI about the posting on this site of fantasies as noted above about violence against minors, adding the dual contextual elements of hate speech against me and probable collaboration with Russians spying on me.

I have no idea if the bureau will act expeditiously on this but the frenzied tone of the postings by The Filthy One may move them. I had noted on the basis of my work with the U.S. Intelligence community that the Bureau does not pursue preventive surveillance but acts after the commission of crimes.

The posting of material advocating or justifying violence against a child is, in my view, criminal. SF Child Protective Services have been involved with the case of this child for years.

The background of exceptionally violent hate language is of great concern to the FBI. As is the Russian aspect.

I submit that it is time for participants in this site to face facts about the First Amendment, online hate speech, and libel. The 9th Circuit Court decision on internet liability for posted comments does not protect the malefactors on this site.

( O )( O )
As it happened, SF Adult Protective Services' assigned case worker in my case, who cannot be identified under the policies of this site, has been pursuing the matter of the attacks on me by a demented, transphobic woman, who has also incited assault by her minor daughter on passersby in San Francisco. I do not know the daughter, having only seen her once, from a distance, years ago.

I was frightened by the depredations of the mother, who is well known to the San Francisco Police. The crisis appears to have passed.

Nevertheless I am proceeding with a complaint to the FBI about the posting on this site of fantasies as noted above about violence against minors, adding the dual contextual elements of hate speech against me and probable collaboration with Russians spying on me.

I have no idea if the bureau will act expeditiously on this but the frenzied tone of the postings by The Filthy One may move them. I had noted on the basis of my work with the U.S. Intelligence community that the Bureau does not pursue preventive surveillance but acts after the commission of crimes.

The posting of material advocating or justifying violence against a child is, in my view, criminal. SF Child Protective Services have been involved with the case of this child for years.

The background of exceptionally violent hate language is of great concern to the FBI. As is the Russian aspect.

I submit that it is time for participants in this site to face facts about the First Amendment, online hate speech, and libel. The 9th Circuit Court decision on internet liability for posted comments does not protect the malefactors on this site.

( O )( O )
You're a retard. lmao

Nobody cares.
I don't correspond with those who incite or justify violence against children.

That said, you care. Why?

( O )( O )
I'm glad you agree I don't incite or justify violence against children as proven by your follow up correspondence.

I don't care, I like bruising your fragile ego and watching you holler like a hit dog.