🚫 Time to start reporting posts. Link to violations by Deplorables here, and help report them

I'm glad you agree I don't incite or justify violence against children as proven by your follow up correspondence.

I don't care, I like bruising your fragile ego and watching you holler like a hit dog.
You did justify and invite violence against a minor by claiming falsely that I had been beaten up by a 10 year old.

You posted on line material indicating that you have fantasies about such violence.

Literotica needs to establish legal practices like those of any other American website. It cannot function forever as a 4chan spinoff operating on a distorted reading of the 9th Circuit Court decision.

I understand that as I mentioned Adult Protective Services, Child Protective Services, the San Francisco Police, the San Francisco district attorney, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and others that have monitored and acted on the harassment case involving the demented woman and her child, you have been informed or have surmised that your conduct cannot be excused or explained away.

You're scared. You can run but you can't hide.

You live in a strange reality where you think whatever you say is truth. You are bolstered in this by the 4chan culture in which you wallow.

Any normal, reasonably educated American will understand that my career and especially my life as a public transwoman and sex worker are not the product of a fragile ego. You cannot have it both ways: either I am a strong personality who lives according to rules that conflict with your miserable existence or I am a sniveling loser who has to interact with high school dropouts on a crossdresser website.

In fact, as I have now stated multiple times, I did not come on this site seeking the approval of people who hide behind handles. I returned to this site to research the state of the sexual underground.

I was then attacked so grossly, with the plentiful use of fighting words, that I had no alternative but to respond.

You do not bruise anything. You've wasted my time. Your guff means no more to me than a dog crapping on itself.

You are a liar, a fake, and a criminal pervert. You will be the poster whipping boy for the punishment of 4chan itinerants.

( O )( O )
You did justify and invite violence against a minor by claiming falsely that I had been beaten up by a 10 year old.

You posted on line material indicating that you have fantasies about such violence.

Literotica needs to establish legal practices like those of any other American website. It cannot function forever as a 4chan spinoff operating on a distorted reading of the 9th Circuit Court decision.

I understand that as I mentioned Adult Protective Services, Child Protective Services, the San Francisco Police, the San Francisco district attorney, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and others that have monitored and acted on the harassment case involving the demented woman and her child, you have been informed or have surmised that your conduct cannot be excused or explained away.

You're scared. You can run but you can't hide.

You live in a strange reality where you think whatever you say is truth. You are bolstered in this by the 4chan culture in which you wallow.

Any normal, reasonably educated American will understand that my career and especially my life as a public transwoman and sex worker are not the product of a fragile ego. You cannot have it both ways: either I am a strong personality who lives according to rules that conflict with your miserable existence or I am a sniveling loser who has to interact with high school dropouts on a crossdresser website.

In fact, as I have now stated multiple times, I did not come on this site seeking the approval of people who hide behind handles. I returned to this site to research the state of the sexual underground.

I was then attacked so grossly, with the plentiful use of fighting words, that I had no alternative but to respond.

You do not bruise anything. You've wasted my time. Your guff means no more to me than a dog crapping on itself.

You are a liar, a fake, and a criminal pervert. You will be the poster whipping boy for the punishment of 4chan itinerants.

( O )( O )
You're even more delusional that I thought of you think for one second I am scared of anything regarding your retarded ass.
You are a fragile idiot, keep hollering and keep getting your ass kicked by children. Lol
Thank you!

Just so the uninitiated know: "WWG1WGA" is short for "I'm a QAnon-er white supremacist who wishes extreme harm to anyone who doesn't think my way & laser beams control the weather". It's very convenient code when used here = instant Report. 😄
I couldn’t even bring myself to quote that bit, but it is good to let folks k own what it stands for.
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You're even more delusional that I thought of you think for one second I am scared of anything regarding your retarded ass.
You are a fragile idiot, keep hollering and keep getting your ass kicked by children. Lol
Tourette's. A real sad case.

You should stop using big words like "thought" and "delusional."

So how do you deal with obstreperous children? Do you rape them first or kill them and then rape them?

Why should I care about you? I am bent on cleaning up this site. You are a weak little pansy in a schoolyard who posted something stupid.

Now you have to answer for it. I am famous, successful, and loved. You no friends, are Illiterate, and are a coward.

( O )( O )
Tourette's. A real sad case.

You should stop using big words like "thought" and "delusional."

So how do you deal with obstreperous children? Do you rape them first or kill them and then rape them?

Why should I care about you? I am bent on cleaning up this site. You are a weak little pansy in a schoolyard who posted something stupid.

Now you have to answer for it. I am famous, successful, and loved. You no friends, are Illiterate, and are a coward.

( O )( O )
lmao, you're a delusional gimpy tard with a walker. Nothing more.

So sad for you. :)
lmao, you're a delusional gimpy tard with a walker. Nothing more.

So sad for you. :)
I've been informed I should cease responding to your nonsense. The policy of the owners of this site in encouraging fantasies about violence against a child, insults based on stereotypes about transgenders and the disabled, and fraud by minors like you who lie about their age to participate here, shows extreme disregard for U.S. law.

I think it's quite possible I can interest Sen. John Kennedy (R-La) in a public investigation of the activity here.

Will I succeed in civilizing you? Perhaps not.
Nothing more. So sad.

( O )( O )
I couldn’t even bring myself to quote that bit, but it is good to let folks k own what it stands for.
Anybody today who doesn't know what this guff means is truly a victim of the worst aspects of 4chan culture.

Stop playing video games. Get out of your primitive bubble.

These scum were the storm troops at 1-6. They are enemies of any and all freedom. Educate yourselves about them and about how to combat them. Do not tolerate them or anybody like them.

( O )( O )
Thank you!

Just so the uninitiated know: "WWG1WGA" is short for "I'm a QAnon-er white supremacist who wishes extreme harm to anyone who doesn't think my way & laser beams control the weather". It's very convenient code when used here = instant Report. 😄
Let's be simpler about this. Intel about violent Nazis should be precise. Being clever about it isn't helpful.

QAnon represents a deliberate introduction into American political life of systematic hate fantasies that reproduce the classic tropes of genocidal anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, and the new star in the firmament of madness: transphobia. The source of this campaign is Russia.

Body anxiety is the key: Jews and Muslims in northern and eastern Europe have been massacred in campaigns that commence with propaganda against kashrut, halal butchering, homosexual relations, and gender autonomy.

Everywhere a society that has encouraged obesity, bad diet, family fascism, inferior schooling, and similar ills sees the advance of social lethargy and social panic.

There are many exemplars of these problems on this very site, a 4chan spinoff that legitimizes hate speech.

The historical timeline that results in QAnon begins in the 1930s. Conan the Barbarian was a Nazi reply to the Jewish Superman.

Heather Heyer and Ashli Babbitt are two recent victims of this collective disintegration.

Drive the Proud Boys and their ilk off the streets. Leave the basements to them for now. The moment will come when they will scurry to hide their activities. The FBI has replaced @ntifa as the main weapon against them. @ntifa must be prepared for a new mobilization.

Make America Antifascist Again!

( O )( O )
We (the "Left") did nothing to DJT. We only had one Michael Forest Reinohl, and DJT's mercenaries killed him.

Since 1-6 the liberals (which includes FBI and CIA) have done a lot, but not enough.

If Trump wins, we can dream: massive Teamster and UAW strikes, to begin. Full scale shutdown of major cities. Incite police to desert. Form civic street patrols to replace police. Impose control over food and fuel distribution.

General arming of the population, beginning with basic martial arts training.

Exemplary popular justice against hatemongers.

Pride should have marched with military-style bands.

Here's a handy tune:

( O )( O )
Can we report posts by people demanding to report posts on a free speech unmoderated forum?

Asking for...myself.
Doing this would make you a traitor.
No, just trying to prove a point to the "free speech is only free when I agree with it" so if they want to censor, they should also feel the effects of censorship.

Fact is, if this forum were moderated by the rules governing other forums, it would be many of the progressive posters who would be banned for personal attacks, wishing violence and ill on other people, and spewing hate speech and bigotry.
We (the "Left") did nothing to DJT. We only had one Michael Forest Reinohl, and DJT's mercenaries killed him.

Since 1-6 the liberals (which includes FBI and CIA) have done a lot, but not enough.

If Trump wins, we can dream: massive Teamster and UAW strikes, to begin. Full scale shutdown of major cities. Incite police to desert. Form civic street patrols to replace police. Impose control over food and fuel distribution.

General arming of the population, beginning with basic martial arts training.

Exemplary popular justice against hatemongers.

Pride should have marched with military-style bands.

Here's a handy tune:

( O )( O )
My daughters are both trained in two disciplines of martial arts, both own guns, and my youngest, due to the nature of her job has a concealed carry permit.

As a father of daughters, I fear how all men are raised, but like Malcolm X I have instilled in them the "fear the white liberal" mentality. The leftwing men are sneaky little white knights who claim to support women's rights then hold up Free Palestine signs, supporting a culture where rape is a right not a crime...just like they want it. they also support sick men hurting them in sports and walking into their locker rooms.

Meanwhile the right wants to control their body and put them back in the kitchen. "As it should be"

Women have no friends in either party, and more need to wake up to that fact.
I've been informed I should cease responding to your nonsense. The policy of the owners of this site in encouraging fantasies about violence against a child, insults based on stereotypes about transgenders and the disabled, and fraud by minors like you who lie about their age to participate here, shows extreme disregard for U.S. law.

I think it's quite possible I can interest Sen. John Kennedy (R-La) in a public investigation of the activity here.

Will I succeed in civilizing you? Perhaps not.
Nothing more. So sad.

( O )( O )
Hey, I informed you months ago that you should shut the fuck up because nobody cares about your fragile ego, but you didn't listen.

How dare you libel me based on my insults! I think it's quite possible I can interest former President Barack Hussein Obama II in a public investigation of your fragile ego and your Nazi nature. SO sad for you.
No, just trying to prove a point to the "free speech is only free when I agree with it" so if they want to censor, they should also feel the effects of censorship.

Fact is, if this forum were moderated by the rules governing other forums, it would be many of the progressive posters who would be banned for personal attacks, wishing violence and ill on other people, and spewing hate speech and bigotry.

This only works if those in charge aren't of the same political mindset as those who threaten violence and spew hate speech.
"This thread is triggering nicely" would be a gross understatement, so I won't even bother posting it. 🤣

What's with all the dumbfuck homicidal Q idjits calling for mass executions? Is this something that is okay now?

One of their various cult leaders must've called for it on 4chan recently or something.

Someone ought to pose as one, and demand they post kittens everywhere. These simps would comply in a second. 😸
One of their various cult leaders must've called for it on 4chan recently or something.

Someone ought to pose as one, and demand they post kittens everywhere. These simps would comply in a second. 😸

I'm just curious when it was sanctioned by the forum owners.

I get freedom of speech, argue, debate, discuss etc.

But you don't yell fire in a crowded theater and you don't openly call for the execution of government officials.

Should we just start asking everyone to take up that 2nd amendment solution for Trump?

This is insane.
I'm just curious when it was sanctioned by the forum owners.

I get freedom of speech, argue, debate, discuss etc.

But you don't yell fire in a crowded theater and you don't openly call for the execution of government officials.

Should we just start asking everyone to take up that 2nd amendment solution for Trump?

This is insane.

Seriously! It's one of the reasons I created my thread.

Does this mean it's now okay for me to follow these fucksticks who threaten people into a different forum, and warn people? Because I couldn't before. 🤔
Seriously! It's one of the reasons I created my thread.

Does this mean it's now okay for me to follow these fucksticks who threaten people into a different forum, and warn people? Because I couldn't before. 🤔

By the forum rules you would not be allowed to.

But apparently they are allowed to call for public mass executions. It's not like they aren't being specific either.