10,000 followers. Some advice to new writers.

Today I hit the benchmark of 10,000 followers. That’s #14 on the most followed list. I am totally baffled. I often ask myself, “why me?“ Seriously, there are other writers I like as much or better.

I thank all my followers.

I used to track my scores as a measurement of success. i wasn’t really aware of followers. Then a fan told me I was #28 in the most followed list. I’d never heard of it. I became obsessed with followers as a metric of success.

to new authors, you should know my first story was rejected 5 times till I learned the proper use of quotation marks. Don’t be discouraged.

My stories initially scored in the 3s. I figured as long as they were above 3, at least half the readers liked them. Don’t get discouraged. now when I score below 4, I find it’s often a style issue, not topic.

initially I got lots of hateful comments. I still do. I learned to ignore them. Even enjoy them. I tried to learn from the helpful ones. Don’t get discouraged.

I got accused of cheating. I have no idea how you cheat. Do not get discouraged

write what you want, write what you feel. If you love it, and enjoy it, you’ll be fine.
Where do you find the most followed list?
Where do you find the most followed list?

When on your main activity page, click on "Explore" above, and from the drop down menu select "Favorites". In the upper right column you will see the various favorites/followers lists.