2005's Poet

Angeline said:
by Laurel or (perhaps rightfully so) obtain a new category for nominations: "Most Contentious Forum of the Year," it's probably good to remember that the nominations thread is supposed to be for nominations only. This is the place for discussion.

Anna, your point about nominating Pat (or anyone else who is not considered "active" because they don't have poems currently submitted) is good information. As I told you privately, in the absence of that info from Laurel though, I'd hate for anyone to feel discouraged from nominating whomever they personally believe deserves the award.

I am honored to be nominated though I think others are more deserving. For me, the nomination means more than winning a prize. That's why I nominated Pat. I wanted to honor him. Perhaps others feel the same way.


Of course you are absolutely right, it is more important to honor someone than to get a prize. We do a lot of honoring of a lot of people around here, it is one of the nice things about this place. Patrick, and others know how I feel because I tell them, and that is enough for me.

It is a shame that Laurel did not make things clear again this year because people should know if their nominations will "count" towards not only the most important component of honoring those we feel deserve the honor of the nomination, but also for sending someone we feel is worthy of getting the award to the finals.

As always, I agree, everything that matters is about the writing not getting published, awarded, recognized, having threads started in their honor, etc. there are a lot of different ways of looking at things like this.

I would never suggest that anyone nominate or not nominate whoever they want to, and it was not my point about Pat or Flyguy or anyone. I don't even think I was the first to bring it up. As I wrote to you privately, many people were upset last year because Tara was excluded without warning. I did not write to discourage anyone, it is not my place to try to sway anyone's nomination.

People have their own influences, some respond to sweetness, to the peacemakers, some to tough love or those who stir things up, some feel influenced by the quality of writing, some to the quality of interpersonal relationships, etc. etc. etc.

So, as I said, there are two honors involved-- it is about honoring people for their contribution with the nomination, it is also about sending someone to the finals that you would be happy to see with that honor too. I feel fortunate that for me, it was the same person.


ps I think that it is a dumb rule that you have to have live poems at lit to qualify. I am not defending the rule, just reliving the past.
WickedEve said:
Did Pat have any poetry at all submitted in 2005--even if it's been taken down? If so, he should be okay for nominations. And so should fly. He had poems submitted at one time.

And monkey, thank you for the nomination. I'm old and icky now and no one else gave me a thought! (all you people are on my possum delivery list--don't ask.) So your nomination was a little like saying, "Eee! Eee! Ooo Eee! I'd wuv ya more if Eee Eee you were a banana daiquiri." Sigh... I feel the monkey love.

he did and he did, and they should qualify in my opinion. Tara did have poems up last year that were taken down, but she wasn't eligible. When I pulled my poems in disgust last year, I was also disqualified. And of course, I had to come back, because I am a sucker :) I was hoping that the terms were made clear, maybe they were but we had this same conversation last year over the same exact thing. :confused:
annaswirls said:
he did and he did, and they should qualify in my opinion. Tara did have poems up last year that were taken down, but she wasn't eligible. When I pulled my poems in disgust last year, I was also disqualified. And of course, I had to come back, because I am a sucker :) I was hoping that the terms were made clear, maybe they were but we had this same conversation last year over the same exact thing. :confused:
Well, if we stop mentioning Pat's and Fly's lack of poetry, then maybe no one will notice or question it. It's sneaky, but what the heck. ;)

Hey, Ange. He sent you the naked monkey? He said I was the only one!
annaswirls said:
Of course you are absolutely right, it is more important to honor someone than to get a prize. We do a lot of honoring of a lot of people around here, it is one of the nice things about this place. Patrick, and others know how I feel because I tell them, and that is enough for me.

It is a shame that Laurel did not make things clear again this year because people should know if their nominations will "count" towards not only the most important component of honoring those we feel deserve the honor of the nomination, but also for sending someone we feel is worthy of getting the award to the finals.

As always, I agree, everything that matters is about the writing not getting published, awarded, recognized, having threads started in their honor, etc. there are a lot of different ways of looking at things like this.

I would never suggest that anyone nominate or not nominate whoever they want to, and it was not my point about Pat or Flyguy or anyone. I don't even think I was the first to bring it up. As I wrote to you privately, many people were upset last year because Tara was excluded without warning. I did not write to discourage anyone, it is not my place to try to sway anyone's nomination.

People have their own influences, some respond to sweetness, to the peacemakers, some to tough love or those who stir things up, some feel influenced by the quality of writing, some to the quality of interpersonal relationships, etc. etc. etc.

So, as I said, there are two honors involved-- it is about honoring people for their contribution with the nomination, it is also about sending someone to the finals that you would be happy to see with that honor too. I feel fortunate that for me, it was the same person.


ps I think that it is a dumb rule that you have to have live poems at lit to qualify. I am not defending the rule, just reliving the past.

There's lots of stuff about the awards that is unclear. Laurel's post suggests it's all about the poems, but to me it's hard to separate the quality of someone's poems from their actions on this forum (feedback, etc.) in defining influence. In the absence of her explanation, we have to choose our own interpretation.

And I didn't mean to suggest that you want to influence anyone's nominations--only was trying to explain myself. I understand what you're saying about people going to the finals, but my experience has been that when finals come around the number of alts and good buddies a nominee has determines who wins. Cynical, yes, but's that's what I've seen. Maybe that's why I'm more focused on nominations.

Maybe you think I come off sounding too altruistic about my motivations--maybe, falsely so--but really this is the way I feel. There is no greater reward for me than writing something I feel is good, right. I appreciate the people here--you among them--whose poems inspire me to do that. I don't expect anyone to necessarily feel that way, too, nor do I intend to come off holier than thou. Just my opinion with no intention of being disagreeable. :)
WickedEve said:
Well, if we stop mentioning Pat's and Fly's lack of poetry, then maybe no one will notice or question it. It's sneaky, but what the heck. ;)

Hey, Ange. He sent you the naked monkey? He said I was the only one!

I heard he sent them to Tess too.
Angeline said:
Well you won't get them by googling "naked monkey." I found out...
ee isn't curious (and disturbed) about your naked monkey googling?
WickedEve said:
ee isn't curious (and disturbed) about your naked monkey googling?

ee? a rockslide over his head couldn't tear him away from the rose bowl. :cool:
No naked monkeys for me, but thanks for the offer... :p

Sorry Tath, just not bent that way. Now if you want to share some beers, or some whiskey.....
The_Fool said:
No naked monkeys for me, but thanks for the offer... :p

Sorry Tath, just not bent that way. Now if you want to share some beers, or some whiskey.....
you need some good whiskey and some bad women. or the other way around, but less fun.
WickedEve said:
Tess, you monkey's whore.

What can I say? It pays well, those hairy little buggers are rolling in dough and they're so easy to satisfy.
Thanks to 4degrees, Liar, OhMissScarlett, and Shaena for the nomination of Lit's 2005 most influential poet. Although, I think my work only influences 'back clicks', I'm truly honored and humbled. :rose:
TheRainMan said:
just so there are no misunderstandings, TheRainMan and PatCarrington are the same person....Me.
My Nose Knows
welcome to lit Rain man~....<grin

I didn't know that making a recommendation would be so hard, there are a lot of "influencial" poets here at lit.

The poetry tree
is filled with beautiful blossoms

I reach
to 'pick' but one
Thanks to Art for nominating me (OMG - this cannot be!) as an influential poet. But really, this is too much for this neophyte poet wannabe. :eek: All I do is comment when other poets inspire, offer a tactful critique here and there, and sometimes submit a light verse or two. That hardly qualifies as influential, but thanks anyway.

annaswirls said:
he did and he did, and they should qualify in my opinion. Tara did have poems up last year that were taken down, but she wasn't eligible. When I pulled my poems in disgust last year, I was also disqualified. And of course, I had to come back, because I am a sucker :) I was hoping that the terms were made clear, maybe they were but we had this same conversation last year over the same exact thing. :confused:

This should be resolved, I avoided the nominations last year because of the wording. First choice was YDD, no poems submitted, after that the choice was between Tara and annaswirls, and I couldn't make up my mind. Both where screwed, not in a good way. I remained solely as a reminder, a protest, that all was not right, and as matter of curiosity as to whether my name/number would disappear again - it did.

Some of the same looks like it is beginning to happen. Multiple names, new names making nominations, confusion as to who is eligible.

I have read with a great degree of amusement the nominations, and the posts. Regarding yours; if you wish to withdraw your nomination of 1201 and switch to Rainman/Pat Carrington, you have my blessing, I hope that there is no argument as to his eligibility. I hope there is no question with Flyguy also, and certainly not with you.

THIS IS AN OPEN INVITATION: if anyone wishes to change their nomination of 1201/twelveoone to someone else, (since I am sure the same will happen this year) do so with my blessing, just make sure you do the proper editting. I am touched, honoured, and amused (Ishtat) by what is written. I am most gratefull. I have my award.

I will try to revisit, and get a nomination in, most likely- you.
twelveoone said:
This should be resolved, I avoided the nominations last year because of the wording. First choice was YDD, no poems submitted, after that the choice was between Tara and annaswirls, and I couldn't make up my mind. Both where screwed, not in a good way. I remained solely as a reminder, a protest, that all was not right, and as matter of curiosity as to whether my name/number would disappear again - it did.
Yeah, you mentioned the screwing last year:
After a day (i.e.) twenty or so votes, anna and I are added. So big deal for me, I may have gotten three votes. I am sure it would have a difference for anna.
IMHO, Tarablackwood22 and annaswirls got screwed in a big way and not in a good way.

I must not be paying attention, but was anna removed from last year's list because she took her 2004 poems down? If so, she wasn't really screwed. Or if she was, then so were others who had removed poems. Hopefully, it's finally cleared up for this year. I'm glad Pat was able to have his nominations moved to Rain Man. So, things do eventually work out.
And 12, you shouldn't want people changing their nominations for you. They nominated you for very good reasons, and it's almost ungrateful for you to ask them to remove/change them. These people have good reason to nominate you. You've done a lot for many poets, and you should feel good about it. The one who doesn't feel good about any of this is me. I read through the rant thread and realized that I only won because Tara and anna got "screwed." Such a fit was had over that situation, and rightly so I'm sure, that it did take away from my 2004 award--at least for me. I was just some leftover that a lot of you settled for. Well, I hope you all get what you want this year, and I'm glad I won't have to participate any further.
Eve-- First I was ommitted from the final voting along with 1201 although we had as many nominations. You wrote to Laurel, as did Tara, and Laurel said it was an oversight, she missed us oops and added our names.

However, After being added, I pulled all my poems because I thought it was just crazy. YOU deserved the award last year, to call yourself a left-over is absurd. Take a look at your votes! It was overwhelmingly unaminous! Everyone but you knows this, and I think you must know it too. You spend more time and energy around here than anyone I can figure and your input is incredibly valuable. I nominated you and voted for you last year and you would have had as many or if not more nominations this year if you had not just won it last year, in my opinion.

I am sorry that it took away from your award last year. That was not the intention. It was not about winning the contest last year for me, or for 1201-- I was thrilled to have gotten any nominations at all, and I know I would never have a chance against people like your here who are very talented, personable, and dedicated to the site and have been for 4-5 years. It was just interesting who was left out from the pack. Perhaps it was just an honest mistake, but as I said last year, it would have been very very surprising if you or Angeline or Lauren to ever be "oops" overlooked by an honest mistake, because, come on, y'all are icons around here. :)

I know ee, et al, you are right, it does not matter, in the grand scheme of things the awards are not what really matters, I understand and believe that, it is what lies under the process, to me, that gets me thinking, and I like to have things resolved, you know? Get things resolved, learn from mistakes, etc. I had not thought about any of this for a year now and am ready to stop thinking about it now. I have resigned from the thought of making my mark on literotica :)

blip blip shush

I am much happier now that I have no expectations or ambition here beyond writing and learning and having fun-- Just doing what feels right and good. I know I make mistakes, everyone does.


WickedEve said:
Yeah, you mentioned the screwing last year:
After a day (i.e.) twenty or so votes, anna and I are added. So big deal for me, I may have gotten three votes. I am sure it would have a difference for anna.
IMHO, Tarablackwood22 and annaswirls got screwed in a big way and not in a good way.

I must not be paying attention, but was anna removed from last year's list because she took her 2004 poems down? If so, she wasn't really screwed. Or if she was, then so were others who had removed poems. Hopefully, it's finally cleared up for this year. I'm glad Pat was able to have his nominations moved to Rain Man. So, things do eventually work out.
And 12, you shouldn't want people changing their nominations for you. They nominated you for very good reasons, and it's almost ungrateful for you to ask them to remove/change them. These people have good reason to nominate you. You've done a lot for many poets, and you should feel good about it. The one who doesn't feel good about any of this is me. I read through the rant thread and realized that I only won because Tara and anna got "screwed." Such a fit was had over that situation, and rightly so I'm sure, that it did take away from my 2004 award--at least for me. I was just some leftover that a lot of you settled for. Well, I hope you all get what you want this year, and I'm glad I won't have to participate any further.
Last edited:
Hey Bratface, I wanted to nominate you. As has been said, you can be confronational and well, maybe sometimes "mean," but only in the face of, well, you know. I like being treated like a grown up with a spine (even though I have been known to whimper) And as I have said before you do not give up, and I like that about you. You are one of a kind, and to see you win this award would be awesome. So shush up and take your accolades like the man that you are. You are like the Jack Bauer of poetry. hehehee. And Jack Bauer kicks ass just like you.


twelveoone said:
This should be resolved, I avoided the nominations last year because of the wording. First choice was YDD, no poems submitted, after that the choice was between Tara and annaswirls, and I couldn't make up my mind. Both where screwed, not in a good way. I remained solely as a reminder, a protest, that all was not right, and as matter of curiosity as to whether my name/number would disappear again - it did.

Some of the same looks like it is beginning to happen. Multiple names, new names making nominations, confusion as to who is eligible.

I have read with a great degree of amusement the nominations, and the posts. Regarding yours; if you wish to withdraw your nomination of 1201 and switch to Rainman/Pat Carrington, you have my blessing, I hope that there is no argument as to his eligibility. I hope there is no question with Flyguy also, and certainly not with you.

THIS IS AN OPEN INVITATION: if anyone wishes to change their nomination of 1201/twelveoone to someone else, (since I am sure the same will happen this year) do so with my blessing, just make sure you do the proper editting. I am touched, honoured, and amused (Ishtat) by what is written. I am most gratefull. I have my award.

I will try to revisit, and get a nomination in, most likely- you.
WickedEve said:
Yeah, you mentioned the screwing last year:
After a day (i.e.) twenty or so votes, anna and I are added. So big deal for me, I may have gotten three votes. I am sure it would have a difference for anna.
IMHO, Tarablackwood22 and annaswirls got screwed in a big way and not in a good way.

I must not be paying attention, but was anna removed from last year's list because she took her 2004 poems down? If so, she wasn't really screwed. Or if she was, then so were others who had removed poems. Hopefully, it's finally cleared up for this year. I'm glad Pat was able to have his nominations moved to Rain Man. So, things do eventually work out.
And 12, you shouldn't want people changing their nominations for you. They nominated you for very good reasons, and it's almost ungrateful for you to ask them to remove/change them. These people have good reason to nominate you. You've done a lot for many poets, and you should feel good about it. The one who doesn't feel good about any of this is me. I read through the rant thread and realized that I only won because Tara and anna got "screwed." Such a fit was had over that situation, and rightly so I'm sure, that it did take away from my 2004 award--at least for me. I was just some leftover that a lot of you settled for. Well, I hope you all get what you want this year, and I'm glad I won't have to participate any further.

What is the matter with you woman? I voted for you. For good cause. Have I not said publicly and privately, I am a fan of yours and why. Quit being a drama queen, and don't misread me. I am just not up to competing. For good cause.MY AWARD has been the honest, thoughtful and insightful comments. You've left quite a few.

I've already won my award ~ I've not seen anything quite like some of comments left. Ishtat's comment, I loved, as when he choses to comment on my work.

Don't try to make me out as ungrateful, I'm not. I am very grateful. Others have devoted as much time to their craft and the art as much as I have. I am just not interested in winning; anything. So, why take away votes, from others that it may mean more to? Yeh, I'm funny that way. Last year I wanted validity. Most everything everything submitted is experimental, some based on theory I am still working out.
THINK, why do you think I chose a difficult thing to type, why am I so anti-advertising, my focus is on the work.

And frankly I also don't want to be bothered by anonymous jerk comments from either the authour's hangout or the general board on 3/31.

But this is good, clearing up as to who is eligible, wasn't done last year. And yeah, I was real pissed last year. Will get pissed again (if I'm still around) if some name gets dropped that had the nominations.

Other than that, it looks like a real good race shaping up, good people, yourself included.
annaswirls said:
Hey Bratface, I wanted to nominate you. As has been said, you can be confronational and well, maybe sometimes "mean," but only in the face of, well, you know. I like being treated like a grown up with a spine (even though I have been known to whimper) And as I have said before you do not give up, and I like that about you. You are one of a kind, and to see you win this award would be awesome. So shush up and take your accolades like the man that you are. You are like the Jack Bauer of poetry. hehehee. And Jack Bauer kicks ass just like you.

Yeh, I've heard that rap, the "mean" part. Not the "Jack Bauer" part, other Jacks perhaps. :rolleyes:

How amusing, 1201 as most influential poet. Wasn't until this year, when bogusbrig finally convinced me what I was writting was poetry
can somebody explain what happens after the nominating process, please? how is the 'winner' chosen?
If it is like last year, the names that gets the most nomimations goes to a final voting round, a new thread and poll set up by Laurel. Then everybody vote again.

I want to repeat what Anna said about 1201, except the bratface part. Don't be such a fuss, boy. I nominated you because you don't screw around, tell it like you see it and asks all the right questions. Plus, you write wonderful, intelligent and inspiring poems. So no, I'm not withdrawing anything. Quityerbitchin. :rose:
Angeline said:
There's lots of stuff about the awards that is unclear. Laurel's post suggests it's all about the poems, but to me it's hard to separate the quality of someone's poems from their actions on this forum (feedback, etc.) in defining influence. In the absence of her explanation, we have to choose our own interpretation.

I always come up with a list of twenty names as far as influence. For the record, you're on that list. As is the Rainman/Pat; I'm working it down.

Also for the record, I understand the rationale behind having work posted, but I don't agree with it. Too many good people ruled inegible last year because of that restriction, amoung them YDD (she must have been a top-notch poet), Tarablackwood22, and Pat Carrington. This year ~ good luck to the Rainman, you devil you, and the others.