2005's Poet

Randi Grail said:
I want to repeat what Anna said about 1201, except the bratface part. Don't be such a fuss, boy. I nominated you because you don't screw around, tell it like you see it and asks all the right questions. Plus, you write wonderful, intelligent and inspiring poems. So no, I'm not withdrawing anything. Quityerbitchin. :rose:

Even at the risk of losing my "outlaw" status ~

I shut up now :rose: :rose: :rose:
Randi Grail said:
If it is like last year, the names that gets the most nomimations goes to a final voting round, a new thread and poll set up by Laurel. Then everybody vote again.

I want to repeat what Anna said about 1201, except the bratface part. Don't be such a fuss, boy. I nominated you because you don't screw around, tell it like you see it and asks all the right questions. Plus, you write wonderful, intelligent and inspiring poems. So no, I'm not withdrawing anything. Quityerbitchin. :rose:

oh come on, you can't deny he is a bit of a bratface? In the most loving of ways? My mother used the word "brat" as an endearment, not as a spoiled brat, more of a cute naughty thang. I often forget that not everyone uses it that way. :cool:
twelveoone said:
I always come up with a list of twenty names as far as influence. For the record, you're on that list. As is the Rainman/Pat; I'm working it down.

Also for the record, I understand the rationale behind having work posted, but I don't agree with it. Too many good people ruled inegible last year because of that restriction, amoung them YDD (she must have been a top-notch poet), Tarablackwood22, and Pat Carrington. This year ~ good luck to the Rainman, you devil you, and the others.

In 2005,

WickedEve/PatCarringtonRainMan)/Tathagata/Liar/annaswirls/jthserra/LaurenHynde/Rybka/darkmaas/ 1201/Tristesse/eagleyez/Maria(whose number I always forget)/neonurotic/denishale/Perks/wildsweetone/The_Fool/etc/etc/etc

is who I'd nominate if I could, but the rules say pick one. :)

<and if I left your name out, it's only because I've been blah-blahing about poetry for hours now and I'm tired, ok?>
Let me know when it's all over so I can start posting poetry again..... :nana:
The_Fool said:
Let me know when it's all over so I can start posting poetry again..... :nana:

Oh shit. I forgot. There is no poetry.....

Oh well. I'll post crap then.
The_Fool said:
Let me know when it's all over so I can start posting poetry again..... :nana:

Hey Mister Fool, you can multi-task, I know you can. Look how you got that cigar and bourbon so carefully balanced... surely you can write something while the craziness flutters around you! I can and I am already asleep.

annaswirls said:
oh come on, you can't deny he is a bit of a bratface? In the most loving of ways? My mother used the word "brat" as an endearment, not as a spoiled brat, more of a cute naughty thang. I often forget that not everyone uses it that way. :cool:
When my family moved to Wisconsin I was but a wee fly. My parents soon received an invitation from friendly neighbors to a "Brat party." My folks thought it was awfully presumptious of new neighbors to jump to such conclusions about my behavior (or else a funny way of saying "bring your kids along"), until they learned that "brat" has a very different meaning (and pronunciation) here.

Pass the sauerkraut!

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The_Fool said:
Oh shit. I forgot. There is no poetry.....

Oh well. I'll post crap then.

There's no fool and now there's no poetry? For a nonwriting wraith you poet very well. :p

flyguy69 said:
When my family moved to Wisconsin I was but a wee fly. My parents soon received an invitation from friendly neighbors to a "Brat party." My folks thought it was awfully presumptious of new neighbors to jump to such conclusions about my behavior (or else a funny way of saying "bring your kids along"), until they learned that "brat" has a very different meaning (and pronunciation) here.

Pass the sauerkraut!



When I lived in Wisconsin (during my misbegotten grad school years), I'd go to Brewers games and order a "Brat." My Milwaukee friends would cringe. :D
Angeline said:

When I lived in Wisconsin (during my misbegotten grad school years), I'd go to Brewers games and order a "Brat." My Milwaukee friends would cringe. :D
I remember you. Section 128, Row 22, Seat 7. We all looked.
flyguy69 said:
I remember you. Section 128, Row 22, Seat 7. We all looked.

Yes. I was the one fleeing with hordes of angry Brewers fans chasing me after I a) ordered a "brat" and b) said maybe it wouldn't be so bad if the Yankees won.
Angeline said:
Yes. I was the one fleeing with hordes of angry Brewers fans chasing me after I a) ordered a "brat" and b) said maybe it wouldn't be so bad if the Yankees won.
We weren't chasing you. They had announced that fried cheese curds were freshly out of the hot oil.
flyguy69 said:
We weren't chasing you. They had announced that fried cheese curds were freshly out of the hot oil.

LOL! Those things make me want to retch!

And if one puts gravy on them, that is poutine? (Yes, darkmaas and Champers, I know it's a Canuckian delicacy, but I'll take the Tim Horton's bagel instead please.) :D
Angeline said:
LOL! Those things make me want to retch!

And if one puts gravy on them, that is poutine? (Yes, darkmaas and Champers, I know it's a Canuckian delicacy, but I'll take the Tim Horton's bagel instead please.) :D
I think you need potatoes to get poutine. But there isn't much that gravy doesn't make better.
flyguy69 said:
I think you need potatoes to get poutine. But there isn't much that gravy doesn't make better.

Except chicken soup. Very bad with gravy imo. :D
twelveoone said:
THIS IS AN OPEN INVITATION: if anyone wishes to change their nomination of 1201/twelveoone to someone else,

Again, I even urge it, I have no wish to pull away votes from those that have exerted an influence on me.

This has my complete disinterest now. I didn't care in the first place, nor want. I came to read some of the poetry, maybe I'll leave a few comments.

But remember, twelveoone will be at the top of the post
as it always was.
Dude I am really sorry but I don't think anyone is going to change their nomination.


twelveoone said:
Again, I even urge it, I have no wish to pull away votes from those that have exerted an influence on me.

This has my complete disinterest now. I didn't care in the first place, nor want. I came to read some of the poetry, maybe I'll leave a few comments.

But remember, twelveoone will be at the top of the post
as it always was.