2010 Survivor Literotica Contest: Rules & Registration

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Hi, Tempest and Violet, and welcome to Literotica. This is a nice place to hone your writing skills and have some fun bantering with your fellow authors. You might want to go to the Authors' Hangout and make your presences known, and find out how friendly the place is, as long as you avoid the political threads. :)
Hello there. Please accept my entry into the contest. I am hoping that Survivor 2010 will do what Survivor 2006 did for me...energized the muse. Small mini-goals eventually led to a plethora of stories that I wasn't even aware existed in my mind. Even if I don't get a slew of work in, at least I will have written more this year than last.

Thanks ~ Red
i would love to sign up. this gives me the chance to get very creative and see where my mind leads me
You must have private messaging enabled in order to enter the contest.

That seems to be an ongoing problem here, but I'll be damned if I can find out where I enable the private messaging. Worse yet, I have no idea how I signed up without being given the option of enabling PM. Would somebody care to explain how to rectify this little issue?
That seems to be an ongoing problem here, but I'll be damned if I can find out where I enable the private messaging. Worse yet, I have no idea how I signed up without being given the option of enabling PM. Would somebody care to explain how to rectify this little issue?

Go to your CP and click on "Edit Options." Scroll down and click on "Allow Public Messaging."

ETA: Welcome to Literotica and to the contest.
Go to your CP and click on "Edit Options." Scroll down and click on "Allow Public Messaging."

ETA: Welcome to Literotica and to the contest.

Oh, it was in the Forum section. I was looking in the Main Options and Main Profile pages. On the Main Options page my only choices are whether or not I will accept anonymous feedback (yes) and to turn off all feedback (no), so I began to wonder if it was a browser issue as I use Chrome and Firefox and I stay well away from MS Internet Exploder.

Thanks for happily leading me down the path of evil!
Never too late to embarass myself totally...
Please include me. I'm in.

Shit...that means I actually have to write something now!!!
Hi, Tango and Truant. Welcome to Lit. and to the Survivors' Contest. It can be a lot of fun. :)

It also means you have to turn on your PM option or Crimson Maidern will bawl you out in big red letters. :eek: For how to do this, see the post just above yours. :)
entering the contest

Hi there. I think I'd like to enter the contest. A little late I know, but I'm sure it'll be fun and keep me busy.
I would like to enter the contest

I am new to this site and have not posted yet but me and my husband would like to enter a few of our stories and poems and things. may not win but sounds like fun just trying.;)
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