2011 Challenge: 52 Pick-Up

I used to write comments on my comment section, thinking that the person who commented would actually come back to my comments to see my reply comment

and maybe even reply to my reply comment. It happened sometimes. But I generally try to send replies when I can. Seems nice, but not expected.

I think I might have done it a few times just to flirt. I think flirting has died out. Links to pay sites seem to have replaced the winks and shuffles.

I flirt. I think most think I am belching and being otherwise socially inept. :D
How does that work? Do they want to know if your really meant what you posted? It's rare enough to get comments on stories and poems, I don't think I have ever received a comment from a comment I posted.

I make it a point to respond to every non-anonymous email comments, if only to say thank you. Emails tend to be a little more personal than public comments and merit more than a "thanks".

I have fallen behind with the comments to my latest poetry submissions. I will catch up.

I stopped it there didn't bother to be sarccy back mind you I had made a rude comment on his/her poem, one I didn't claim on my scoreboard!

We are so happy to have you back we broke out in song!


Oh look there's me the blondie with knobbly knees!

you know you are sweet as mama's banana puddin'

I have missed you soooooooo much (((( hugs))))
Too Late to join?

not in the slightest - and welcome :)

i'm sure Poet Guy can make you a scorecard if you're not able to sort it our for yourself - it's really easy, though, just c&p then fill in your own additions.
Too Late to join?
As chipbutty says, not at all. Goto this thread and quote post #2 to create yourself a scoreboard (remember to remove the QUOTE and /QUOTE tags themselves, of course). Poet Guy will link your scoreboard to the index in post 1.

You must create your own scoreboard to be able to update it.

Today we are 15 weeks into the 52 Pick-Up challenge. Things have, understandably, slowed down in terms of people's enthusiasm for the challenge, but if you are on schedule you should have 15 poems posted and 30 comments on others' poems posted at this point. Many of you have way overfilled the comment portion of the scoreboard, which is great, but the point was to continue the effort through the year, even if in a much less frantic fashion. The idea was to comment on others' poems, not fill out a list. (Well, perhaps it was to fill out a list and Poet Guy is simply being sore because his list is so lean.)

Poet Guy himself ruefully admits that he is only good through maybe week ten or so for either poems or comments at this point. Writing poems is hard, and writing commentary on others' poems even harder, at least in his estimation. Why this is a challenge.

Anyway, people, buck up. Write one, comment two.

Or something like that.
i forgot to fill in my card, sir :eek:

and i'm well behind on submitting my own writes... time permitting, i'll do what i can. it's still a grand idea. :cool:
I'm surprising myself. I hadn't written for ages before I agreed to do the 52 pick up. Slightly behind with comments :eek: but I'm blaming there being no new poems when I have the time. I want to comment on something when I feel I hae something to say, not just to get my numbers up.

But I'm still in there!
You can always do it the old-fashioned way with a pen/pencil on paper until you can!

well yes that's true and I have but it still has to be typed out on here to submit it (this one sentence has taken me ten minutes to get right one-handed!)
Impressive says its time to do another book, so I have to work on that for a while. I do need to read and comment more. Sleep is overrated, I know.