2011 Challenge: 52 Pick-Up

What happens in the case when a comment is removed? I have no proof other than said poet (indicated on my score card) has removed her "public comments" option. I didn't think I was particularly harsh but she must have.

52 Pick-Up is not a competition. No advantage obtains to someone who "cheats," so Poet Guy does not expect "cheating" (e.g., claiming that one has posted a comment that one did not, in fact, post) to occur. If a participant does "cheat," Poet Guy does not care.

Poet Guy had thought of the possibility of someone deleting a comment, or a poem, or turning comments off (which effectively deletes all comments). Participants have no control over this and should not worry about it. Poet Guy believes all participants are striving for accuracy in their scorecards and consequently considers any discrepancies either unintentional errors or situations such as you describe above.
Welcome, SeattleRain. You have been added to the scoreboard and your scorecard linked in.
i think we can trust your word :D

Thank you, I had hope. :)

Save a screenshot and save it. We'll start a new sticky thread, titled "Coward's Hall" and post them there.

That's devious :D.....perhaps "Thin Skinned Salon" or "Uninterested in Improving Eporium"?

52 Pick-Up is not a competition. No advantage obtains to someone who "cheats," so Poet Guy does not expect "cheating" (e.g., claiming that one has posted a comment that one did not, in fact, post) to occur. If a participant does "cheat," Poet Guy does not care.

Poet Guy had thought of the possibility of someone deleting a comment, or a poem, or turning comments off (which effectively deletes all comments). Participants have no control over this and should not worry about it. Poet Guy believes all participants are striving for accuracy in their scorecards and consequently considers any discrepancies either unintentional errors or situations such as you describe above.

Thanks to you too for the tip PG - (I'll have to use your full name - PG is a brand of tea.) Apologies if T2 comes off as too competative, heavens forbid! :eek:

Welcome back and to the challenge, SeattleRain! :)

Ditto underlined.

Mah goodness, this is like a class reunion.

Who next?

I can think of half-a-dozen I'd like to see come home. *lights the lamp and waits*

Welcome, SeattleRain. You have been added to the scoreboard and your scorecard linked in.

You've poked so many of us to write! Thank you.

Whoo hooooo hoooooo dances all over the screen :nana::nana::nana::nana:

Joins hands and dances with UYS. So good to see you Seattle.
Thanks to you too for the tip PG - (I'll have to use your full name - PG is a brand of tea.)
Please, Tristesse2--PG may be incapable of speaking in first person, but this does not mean that he cannot visualize the ineffable joy of his hot liquid cascading over your open and welcoming lips. It is quite enough to turn him into a talking chimpanzee puppet, if he did not already resemble same.

Whew. And please leave out the buttered tea cakes, thank you very much.

Poet Guy has a challenge to run.
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You've poked so many of us to write! Thank you.
Poet Guy has not poked any of you, though he shamefacedly admits the thought has occurred to him about some of you. He has only set up a quite minimal structure that he hopes will ensure that writers will get read and commented upon.

Everything else is the community. He takes no credit for that, especially since the community well predates him.
I got sarcastic emails questioning my credibility and that's putting it mildly!

How does that work? Do they want to know if your really meant what you posted? It's rare enough to get comments on stories and poems, I don't think I have ever received a comment from a comment I posted.

I make it a point to respond to every non-anonymous email comments, if only to say thank you. Emails tend to be a little more personal than public comments and merit more than a "thanks".

I have fallen behind with the comments to my latest poetry submissions. I will catch up.
Poet Guy has not poked any of you, though he shamefacedly admits the thought has occurred to him about some of you. He has only set up a quite minimal structure that he hopes will ensure that writers will get read and commented upon.

Everything else is the community. He takes no credit for that, especially since the community well predates him.

Poet Chick thinks Poet Guy can take credit for having a very very good idea.
How does that work? Do they want to know if your really meant what you posted? It's rare enough to get comments on stories and poems, I don't think I have ever received a comment from a comment I posted.

I make it a point to respond to every non-anonymous email comments, if only to say thank you. Emails tend to be a little more personal than public comments and merit more than a "thanks".

I have fallen behind with the comments to my latest poetry submissions. I will catch up.

I haven't gotten a snotty email about my poems for years. I do notice, however, that my new submissions are already getting one-bombed though, which I consider the equivalent of someone anonymously saying "you suck" in a slam book. (Tell me you remember slam books, or maybe they were a Joisey phenomenon.)
Hey thanks for the welcome back. It took me 6 tries to get my password right (after I did a member search on myself I could not remember my own friggin name.) There is actually a SeattleReign but I was pretty sure that was not me.

Damn. Do I have to wrote a poem or something??? I am not sure I remember how.

Good to be back, you hoodlums, thanks for saving me a spot.

hmmm a member search on myself, sounds kinky
Hey thanks for the welcome back. It took me 6 tries to get my password right (after I did a member search on myself I could not remember my own friggin name.) There is actually a SeattleReign but I was pretty sure that was not me.

Damn. Do I have to wrote a poem or something??? I am not sure I remember how.

Good to be back, you hoodlums, thanks for saving me a spot.

hmmm a member search on myself, sounds kinky

We are so happy to have you back we broke out in song!

Poet Chick thinks Poet Guy can take credit for having a very very good idea.
Poet Guy thanks Poet Chick but still wishes to point out that the community thrived well before Poet Guy's appearance in the Poetry Feedback & Discussion forum, in large part due to the welcoming work of earlier participants like, well, Poet Chick.

He suspects these congratulations are verging on a feedback loop, and so suggests that future kudos be routed to /dev/null, where they actually belong.

He thanks PC anyway, and congratulates her on her "E." He cannot remember the last time New Poems saw such a thing.

He interprets this as goodness.

Hey thanks for the welcome back. It took me 6 tries to get my password right (after I did a member search on myself I could not remember my own friggin name.) There is actually a SeattleReign but I was pretty sure that was not me.

Damn. Do I have to wrote a poem or something??? I am not sure I remember how.

Good to be back, you hoodlums, thanks for saving me a spot.

hmmm a member search on myself, sounds kinky

I have a text file where I keep all but the most important username/password pairs, along with what they're for. Initially started from using university library online - wanted a 14 digit number typed in from back of student card.
That's hilarious if a little rude to my esteemed - (or is that e-steamed?) Queen.
Poet Guy wishes to point out that that clip was not produced by him, despite it being a production of PG Tips. Perhaps this one would be less offensive to Her Majesty's loyal subjects.
I have a text file where I keep all but the most important username/password pairs, along with what they're for. Initially started from using university library online - wanted a 14 digit number typed in from back of student card.

good idea. The text file in my brain is corroded.

I usually count on email back-ups, but I think I deleted Seattle's email account doing spring cleaning a couple of years back. That is the problem with living double, triple, quadruple lives... who the fuck knows where you keep all the keys?
I used to write comments on my comment section, thinking that the person who commented would actually come back to my comments to see my reply comment

and maybe even reply to my reply comment. It happened sometimes. But I generally try to send replies when I can. Seems nice, but not expected.

I think I might have done it a few times just to flirt. I think flirting has died out. Links to pay sites seem to have replaced the winks and shuffles.

How does that work? Do they want to know if your really meant what you posted? It's rare enough to get comments on stories and poems, I don't think I have ever received a comment from a comment I posted.

I make it a point to respond to every non-anonymous email comments, if only to say thank you. Emails tend to be a little more personal than public comments and merit more than a "thanks".

I have fallen behind with the comments to my latest poetry submissions. I will catch up.